
I'm sure that Nagalase causes cancer and it seems that some vaccines are contaminated with it (probably not on purpose.) And what I didn't talk about in this article yet, is that common vaccine ingredients themselves are known to cause cancer, like formaldehyde.
... HOWEVER, what stands out to me about this study and discovery that I posted in this article,
is that "Green The Vaccines" is impossible. Even if they took all of the cancer-causing ingredients out of vaccines, we are exposed to them in our food, air, and personal products. Our body always has to fight off cancer. But the Vaccinated person will be less able to properly fight off cancer as the vaccine has tricked their body into suppressing TGF-beta, whose job it is to detect tumors developing in the body so that an attack on the cancer can be mounted.

Then how do we explain the suspicious death of the holistic doctors in Florida? Also suspicious that the GcMAF factory was shut down during the same time frame. It is a theory but a very interesting one with evidence and doctor testimony..

I thought that the holistic doctors were being murdered because they were successfully treating Autism and/or Cancer. I know that at least one of the doctors discovered the Nagalese connection and used that info to help his patients. The Pharmaceutical Industry doesn't want people turning to alternative medicine. I'm not sure what your question is Jamesc. I guess that I haven't investigated the murders as deeply as you have.

Great, that sounds consistent with what I saw. I just want to mention this so people will know it is something else to consider.

I think it's only more evidence that viruses cause most of the cancers we see today.

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