Pharmaceuticals Work By Telling Your Body LIES: "Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies"

in #health8 years ago

Pharmaceutical Drugs are telling your body LIES.

They are designed to send FALSE INFORMATION to certain cells to TRICK your body in order to get rid of symptoms.

But symptoms are just MESSENGERS which our bodies intelligently send to get our attention that there is a PROBLEM to fix!

If you mask the first messenger with a drug, then your body will eventually produce another symptom ... and another ... and another ... and you keep avoiding finding and fixing the ROOT PROBLEM.

Example 1: Antihistamines block your histamine receptors so that you won't sneeze and cough and your nose won't run. The antihistamine LIES to the receptors.

Example 2: Heartburn drugs bind or inhibit an enzyme known as the proton pump, which normally causes the cells in the stomach to produce acid.

Pharmaceuticals TRICK your BODY. They NEVER HEAL your body.

The LIES cause further problems.

If you are prescribed more than one pharmaceutical drug, you have lies contradicting with other lies. It is mass confusion! You might get away with one lie for a while, but 2 or 3 or 4 lies will cause a chaos of new symptoms and health problems will magnify.

If you accept LIES and ignore your body's MESSENGERS, pretty soon you could look like this, with multiple prescriptions.

Consider the root of the word Allopathic:

Allos other + pathos suffering.

Allopathy is the “other suffering.” You tell the doctor about one suffering, and you are sent to the drugstore with a prescription for an "other" suffering.

ALLOPATHY: Conventional medical treatment of disease symptoms that uses substances or techniques to oppose or suppress the symptoms

If Allopathic Medicine doesn't know how to bring healing, then we must seek alternatives. We must seek for TRUTH. Our bodies need to be supplied with foods and supplements and activities that bring TRUTH to the cells of our bodies. When TRUTH is available, our bodies can finally heal.

Vaccines are also pharmaceuticals, that create the wrong type of immune response and work against our bodies attempts to keep us healthy and living vibrant lives. I will write more about that another day. Stay tuned ...

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I wouldn't put it so strongly but you make some great points. We need to use medicines only when absolutely necessary. Just look at the problems that overuse causes e.g. antibiotic resistance and iatrogenic illness. I personally believe the conservative approach makes sense. Also we differ on our view of vaccines but great post nonetheless.

There are times when a "lie" or deception may be necessary, when you need immediate life-saving measures until the real problem can be figured out and addressed. As long as one realizes that it is a "lie" and only uses it as a temporary measure.
Thank-you for your comment.

Western medicine treats the symptom never the cause

So true. Doctors don't usually get training in prevention or finding the root cause so that they can heal.

Not always.

But yeah, mostly.

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