BE BRAVE! Tell Your Vaccine Injury StorysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #vaccines7 years ago

Why do people still believe that vaccine injuries are rare?
Supposedly one-in-a-million ...

It’s because families of the injured, and the injured themselves, have been bullied into silence!


Don't let them silence us anymore!

When you take the time (and are brave enough) to talk to the people in your life and new people that you meet about their views on vaccines, you will probably find as I have that there are many, many people around you that have had TERRIBLE experiences with vaccination.

But most of those who have suffered
will stay silent unless you ask
and unless they feel safe enough
to tell you their sad experiences.

People with vaccine injuries have been scorned and
told that they are lying
or that they are anti-science
or that they are one-in-a-million
and should be ashamed
of causing others to question "life-saving" vaccines.

Please watch Del Bigtree’s magnificent speech called “BE BRAVE” given at the 2nd Annual Health Freedom Rally. I felt like yelling and jumping up and down with the crowd.

I am so thankful that we have a hero now like Del Bigtree to help bring people out of their slumber and to wake up the world to what has really been happening

… and to STOP THE BULLYING now!

Be Brave People!

Click HERE To View "BE BRAVE" on Youtube

Del Bigtree's Speech at 2nd Annual Health Freedom Rally

Del Bigtree is the Director of the most censored documentary in the world right now:
“VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”.
(It can be streamed for $3.99 in USA, Canada, UK, Australia and Ireland.)


I will share with you a recent example of how I know that vaccine injury is everywhere.

I was at a ladies retreat and was having what I thought was a private conversation with a friend who has the same views of vaccines that I do.

Another lady that I didn't really know, overheard us and walked up and said, "THEY CAN'T TELL YOU THAT THE VACCINES DIDN'T CAUSE YOUR CHILD'S AUTISM WHEN YOU SAW IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES!" Then she proceeded to tell us how she is bothered that this issue has become so polarized and people are so mean when you share what really happened to you and that you do not want to further vaccinate your children.

Encounters like this happen to me frequently. People are everywhere with their Vaccine Injury stories. We can't pretend it doesn't happen and that we should keep sacrificing the few for the many.

No parent wants to sacrifice their own child for the supposed "Greater Good." I'm not going to light my child on fire to keep your's warm.

This post above is a remake of my very first Steemit blog post made 7 months ago. It only got a few views at that time, so I decided to redo it.

Read Two Follow-Up Articles that I wrote about the VaxXed Movie:

#1 MMR Vaccine Causes 700% Increase in Autism: Whistleblower Exposes CDC Study Fraud
#2 Dr. Rachael Ross & Dr. Jim Sears FEATURED in VaxXed Movie. Both Convinced of CDC Autism FRAUD.

For more articles like this one, go to my Blog @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

So sorry this post is so late in coming.

As I mentioned in my introduction I used to work in healthcare as a NP. Before I quit my job flu shots were mandatory or you were fired. After my last flu shot the arm I received the injection in swelled and I developed blisters from the injection site to my wrist. Within days I developed a food sensitivity to every food in the brassica family. Because of this sensitivity I either have episodes of severe angioedema or critically high blood pressure. As long as I can avoid vegetables in this group I am okay. Cross contamination is a problem when eating out.

Unfortunately I am not able to get proper assistance from my physician in dealing with what I believe is a histamine intolerance. I shared the research I have found on food allergies after vaccinations and histamine intolerance to no avail.
I was told the rash was poison ivy. I might have believed that if I did not practice medicine for 20 years and if I was not a Certified Master Gardener. I was told my blood pressure problems are due to labile hypertension.

So to make a horrible long story short I can no longer eat the foods I love that are really good for me. All my physician wants to do is put me on high blood pressure medication for the possibility that my blood pressure may go up even though it is perfect all the rest of the time. To put the icing on the cake I was prescribed an Epi Pen and you do not even want to get me started on that because of the cost and the legal thievery Mylan Pharmaceutical practices.

New born babies are given the HepB vaccine at birth in spite that the mother is tested negative in the third trimester. I do not think little babies will be practicing unprotected sex any time soon. There is a long list of greedy, money making vaccines that are perpetrated on the public. The moral of the story is just say NO. Flu vaccines don't work. I wish I had quit my job just three months earlier instead of giving into a vaccine I did not want or need.

Thank-you Mary.
That is terrible! It's shocking how so many people, especially doctors, do not draw the connection between the vaccine and the adverse event. All the evidence is abundant that these reactions are part-and-parcel with vaccinations, yet they choose to ignore them when a patient describes what happened. It is malpractice.
Thanks for sharing your vaccine injury story.!

The sad thing is I believe they do connect the dots but their decisions are driven by their paychecks. They would be fired for truthfully documenting patients' vaccine injuries.

I had a reaction to the MMR in 7th grade. I was lucky. It only caused me to black out and screwed up my ability to socialize for 10 years. I think it may have played a part in my developing cancer years later, but I have no proof.

Thank-you for sharing your injury story and being brave!
The MMR is more likely to cause cancer than other vaccines,
since it is a live virus vaccine that contains aborted fetal cells.

sits back waiting to pounce on the first emotional reactionary remark about polio and legbraces a la @coldmonkey and also to @abit who called me a troll: the numerous nonsensical "interesting post" remarks coming from @coldmonkey, so glad you're almost all but absent from the platform @coldmonkey, and @abit, tell me again how that account isn't a troll or even worse paid shill!

If you bully then get ready to meet my scorn, I call myself the trollminator, and I'll laugh at your remarks about polio in legbraces and the hilarity is 100% sincere! I'm not interested in changing you to a better person, because there will be others ready to take your place, I am only interested in delivering my scorn onto your emotionally charged bullshit because you invite it by doing onto others what you would have others do onto you!


Hang on while I swallow up another troll/shill/bully, who's next!

The ones with those old black and white photos of iron lungs are either paid shills or they believe wikipedia is the ultimate source of truth.

One of the first people that took up the chalenge of providing proof that vaccines are efficacious posted a wikipidia article to the smallpox inoculation through cowpox by the fraud known as Edward Jenner (follow the topic to conclusion for the win by truth and love for it) 2. Many people believe that wikipidia is truth, that anything that is on wikipidia is truth and at least unbiased information when NOTHING could be further from the truth. In the article on smallpox they have a citation which in the revised version of the book which I provided a link to the challenger to investigate there was no mention of the statistic, its the 4th citation in the article but what the book has is a TINY section on the smallpox virus.. and here is a snip of it to expose how ludicrous the medical science cough religion is:

Viruses having never been isolated, are detected by the flawed and fraudulent (as antigens have never been proven to work by releasing specific antibodies, and antigens and antibodies haven't been isolated for decades before the theory of antibodies was postulated and adopted as law) antigenetical detection, yet in that exert, or better put in the section, because that is all they have about smallpox in the book doctors and scientist alike use to learn but in reality just memorize/chant/rhetoric-minus-logic about microbiology, which offers ZERO CITATIONS, ZERO VERIFIABLE SOURCES FOR ANY INFORMATION, in that single paragraph dedicated to smallpox they exemplify the medical fraud of vaccinations two times:
First they admit they have no method or way to detect the different strains, one being mortal and the other being more/less benign, and the mortal strain is purported by an equally ludicrous statistic, which again is not sourced like EVERYTHING IN THAT 900+page book, 3-40%! Such descreptancy cannot be called anything but fraud!

It's worthy of reiterating again!
First they make the claim that there are two viruses and admit that there's no way to distinguish the two(viruses are distinguished by the antibodies released, antigenetical differences), while in the blue text on the side of the page they stretch the truth by saying it's difficult to distinguish, not impossible(antigenetically indistinguishable), then they pull a figure out of their ass which in science such discrepancy is in the realm of luck, 3-40%!

Wikipidia citation was from an earlier edition of that book, 2006 vs 2008(if I recall correctly) and there is no reason to believe that it was even in that earlier edition!
Wikipidia is a joke, they have clear bias against everything alternative, it's understandable when there are armies of trolls an shills paid by the vaccine industry, probably more than any other industry including pharmaceutics in general and the GMO conglomerates, and the reason being is that if you follow the reason to it's villainous conclusion you will realize that it's all about eugenics and the globalist agenda of bringing the population of the world to it's knees.

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