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RE: BE BRAVE! Tell Your Vaccine Injury Story

in #vaccines7 years ago

So sorry this post is so late in coming.

As I mentioned in my introduction I used to work in healthcare as a NP. Before I quit my job flu shots were mandatory or you were fired. After my last flu shot the arm I received the injection in swelled and I developed blisters from the injection site to my wrist. Within days I developed a food sensitivity to every food in the brassica family. Because of this sensitivity I either have episodes of severe angioedema or critically high blood pressure. As long as I can avoid vegetables in this group I am okay. Cross contamination is a problem when eating out.

Unfortunately I am not able to get proper assistance from my physician in dealing with what I believe is a histamine intolerance. I shared the research I have found on food allergies after vaccinations and histamine intolerance to no avail.
I was told the rash was poison ivy. I might have believed that if I did not practice medicine for 20 years and if I was not a Certified Master Gardener. I was told my blood pressure problems are due to labile hypertension.

So to make a horrible long story short I can no longer eat the foods I love that are really good for me. All my physician wants to do is put me on high blood pressure medication for the possibility that my blood pressure may go up even though it is perfect all the rest of the time. To put the icing on the cake I was prescribed an Epi Pen and you do not even want to get me started on that because of the cost and the legal thievery Mylan Pharmaceutical practices.

New born babies are given the HepB vaccine at birth in spite that the mother is tested negative in the third trimester. I do not think little babies will be practicing unprotected sex any time soon. There is a long list of greedy, money making vaccines that are perpetrated on the public. The moral of the story is just say NO. Flu vaccines don't work. I wish I had quit my job just three months earlier instead of giving into a vaccine I did not want or need.


Thank-you Mary.
That is terrible! It's shocking how so many people, especially doctors, do not draw the connection between the vaccine and the adverse event. All the evidence is abundant that these reactions are part-and-parcel with vaccinations, yet they choose to ignore them when a patient describes what happened. It is malpractice.
Thanks for sharing your vaccine injury story.!

The sad thing is I believe they do connect the dots but their decisions are driven by their paychecks. They would be fired for truthfully documenting patients' vaccine injuries.

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