in #vaccination6 years ago (edited)


"Do you have any doubts about vaccination? Ask a doctor!" - I heard this "fantastic" advice 100s of times in the beginning of my investigation of this topic.

It was strange to me but I couldn't understand what exactly was wrong with this advice. Later when I really asked many doctors about it I got why it would never work.

1. A doctor isn't a universal profession!

Medicine is a science consisiting of numerous branches, and every doctor is a specialist in his own sphere: a cardiologist treats the heart, a neurologist has studied nervous system, a gynecologist is a female doctor, and we can never mix them!

It's stupid and strange if a woman is pregnant, and she goes to a cardiologist - he is a doctor too in any case! And it's the same stupidity to call a gynecologist when somebody has a heart attack.

Moreover, we don't call for a doctor, when we have gas leak or problems with our cars - we call to gas specialists and car mechanics. Right?

So WHY people think that a question of vaccination should be a sphere of knowledge for ALL doctors?

Vaccination is a very complicated process, requiring deep knowledge and great experience in virology and immunology!

So ONLY virologists and immunologists can understand the essence of things there (if they studied well and didn't buy their diplomas).

But people are so naive that they can ask a pediatritian's piece of advice, or simply ask ANY doctor they can find for a talk. He is a doctor! It's enough!

I know some doctors, moreover I have a dcotor in my family, and I have checked my theory - they really know NOTHING about vaccination. They can be good specialists in their own spheres of medicines, but that's it, they aren't "universal soldiers"!


2. Doctors are people of the System

Early when I had many disputes and debates with people about vaccination, I often heard a "deadly" argument -* "I am a doctor, and I know better".*

Are you sure?

Doctors studied in the universities, got education and protected diplomas. Fine! It's great, for sure! But we all know what and how all students are taught, and what traditional system of education does with students' way of thinking.

Only a few students after school, and universities are able to save their ability to think critically and see the essence of things, all the rest are just small screws of the System what has taught them to think in a "proper" way.


I don't say they all are bad or stupid - no! It has just become their way of thinking, really, they "absorb" the proper opinion and consider it to be the only right, and moreover soon they think it's* their own*opinion. That's how education works. To narrow the horizon and freedom of thought to a "proper" way of perception the world.

That's why many doctors are so militantly to untraditional way of treatment, critics of vaccination or to people who are able to live without doctors and pharma. It goes OUT of their frames, OUT of their picture of this "right" world.
Heretics! Burn them! Or at least call them crazy and make fun of all what they say - a common practice for mass-media and official medicine.

3. Vaccination is a doctor's way of earning money

It's a well-known fact, and I don't understand why so many people ignore it.
There is a calendar of vaccionation, and there is a plan that all pediatritians need to cover: a definite number of kids for any vaccine in a definite period of time.

All parents who are against it should be convinced in any way, and doctors use different methods for it:

lectures (telling of fictitious nightmares about deaths among unvaccinated kids), ultimatums (agree or we won't sign documents for kindergartens that you need), or just intimidation (informing CPS).


They do all the best but not because they care of your kids, they have financial bonuses both from the state (bonuses to a slalary) and from pharmacological companies that "praise" doctors for promotion of their vaccines.

So they earn money for their own kids on your kids, that's it.

Am I too categorical and critical?
I would say the same thing if I did not check it all out by myself.

Doctors aren't Gods, they are just people with their own vices, fallacies and profit-hunting,


Doctor's are slaves to their masters. For the most part, they only learn treatments with drugs. Do your due diligence about all things related to your own health. In fact, you should avoid doctors if at all possible. I haven't been to one in over 25 years since I retired from the service. I don't take any medications nor have I ever. The vaccine racquet is a money grab. Stand up to these bullies every chance you get.

I'm so happy to see cothinkers here!
absolutely agree with you!
I try to stay far from pharma and medicine too
vaccination was my last disappointment in them

Almost nothing good comes from government. They are for sale to the highest bidder. Everything comes down to money and power.

I have not used medicines for a long time, but in my childhood them just fed me ... My opinion is medicine - business. Most drugs eliminate the symptom, not the cause of the disease. But if the condition is critical and you need to remove an organ for example - you can not do without a surgeon

absolutely agree!
and just the same with me..
I was given too many medicines in the childhood, because I was sick often, but it's vice versa, maybe I was sick often because I was given so many medicines?!

аа, украина? привет!
а то я и смотрю, что перевод как с нашего)
веган, сыроедение твои интересы, судя по подписи?
я очень рада!)

привет) да, Украина)
что бы я делала без гугл переводчика)
как говорится рыбак рыбака видит издалека) очень приятно) я думаю поболтаем уже на нашей территории :)

When you need emergency procedures done, that is what they should be doing, and they do that well, for the most part. They should not be the first option on day to day issues. They should be a last resort. Unfortunately, people have been programmed, by TV ads, media, etc to ASK YOUR DOCTOR. Wrong way to do it if you want control of your health. People need to remove the shackles and take control of their own lives. You are right they just treat symptoms. That is what drugs do. Plus drugs cause other issues which, coincidentally, they have a drug for. Imagine that.

but people begin to quietly "wake up from a dream" and begin to understand a little.

I believe that this is only the beginning :)

there is a wonderful film "La belle verte" :)

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