WHO KILLED BOB MARLEY?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #vaccination7 years ago (edited)

This is all a theory, and like all theories it could be complete bollocks. But it does sound very likely to me, although I am a paranoid conspiracy theorist…

Bob Marley would probably have preferred people to just smoke some ganja and listen to his music rather than freak out about him being murdered.

Ironically, it may have been his deep wisdom that got him killed.

He died back in 1981, but part of the reason this theory is potentially so important today, is the method of how he was killed.

Bob Marley didn't really just randomly die from cancer aged 36. Like several other high profile figures whose messages were a threat to the New World Order agenda, I strongly suspect he was murdered by CIA Operation 40.


CIA Operation 40, was originally set up in 1960 by Vice President Richard M. Nixon, and George Bush Senior, and became a deadly CIA assassination squad that was used by elites to carry out destabilizing assassinations and false flag operations worldwide, including the assassinations of JFK, Robert F. Kennedy, and John Lennon, along with roles in Watergate and 9/11.

To that list I would add the assassination of Bob Marley.

This photograph of the members of Operation 40 was taken in a nightclub in Mexico City on 22nd January, 1963


The especially interesting thing about Bob Marley's murder is that the murder weapon was cancer.

Like many people on Steemit, I want to expose the real depth of evil behind the insane process known as “vaccination”


And this is all just a theory too, but I believe that vaccinations are intended to create a full range of diseases, from influenza right through to cancer. And that is because sickness is profitable, and depopulation is part of the agenda.

Bob Marley appears to have been injected with a cancer causing substance, and despite being a very fit and healthy man in his early 30’s, he was rapidly dragged to his death at 36 by a psychopathic doctor. The media portrayed all this as perfectly normal, and most people soon forgot about it.

Some well mind programmed people even said “he died of cancer because he smoked so much pot” One of the known and well researched effects of cannabis is that it heals cancer. That is one of the reasons it is “illegal” And Bob Marley didn’t get lung cancer, he started out with cancer of the toe, right where he was originally injected with a substance.


Here is the story behind Bob Marley’s cancer:

Surviving an attempt on his life by a well-armed death squad at his Hope Road home in Jamaica, Bob was later given a 'gift' of a new pair of boots by Carl Colby, son of the late CIA director William Colby. When the unsuspecting Marley put them on, something pricked his foot. He then reached into one of the boots and pulled out a piece of copper wire. Many of his closest friends suspected that the wire contained some carcinogenic substance, since Marley contracted cancer shortly thereafter.

So one week after nearly being assassinated in a hail of bullets, during a full-blown CIA orchestrated destabilization campaign against Jamaica that Marley recognized and opposed with his music, the son of the CIA director managed to talk his way past armed guards, and give Marley a pair of boots that stabbed his toe with an embedded copper wire.

Coincidentally, that same toe later became the source of malignant cancer that spread throughout his body, killing him.

When Marley was diagnosed with cancer, he returned to Jamaica where he was advised to seek treatment from a Dr. Josef Issels in Bavaria.

Joseph Issels was previously an officer in the SS, a colleague of Joseph Mengele and had served a jail term for manslaughter.

Dr. Issels proceeded to torture Bob Marley, subjecting him to blood transfusions, hyperthermia and illegal injections of THX. He was put on a restricted diet until he weighed only five stones, and the “treatment” rapidly broke down Bob's physical structure.

When Bob was too ill to continue treatment and Issels sent him home to die, he said bitterly, "Dr. Issels is a madman”

Anything suspicious about all that?


My favourite Bob Marley song has always been "Could You Be Loved"

Now then, what exactly were his threatening lyrics?

Could you be loved and be loved?
Don't let them fool ya
Or even try to school ya
Oh, no
We've got a mind of our own
So go to hell if what you're thinking is not right
Love would never leave us alone
A-yin the darkness there must come out to light

Yeah I guess that might piss off the new world order!


432hz healing music, Bob is a music master.

Wow - down the rabbit hole - I want to look into this next!

Interesting, I am curious!

Interesting story.. not heard of this one before.. it would make sense, as he was a prophet in manys eyes. cause of things he sang in his tracks.

i did not know about this, it would not surprise me if he was in fact targeted

I love bob marley! he's the best!

I love Bob so Much , Almost 30 years after his death, Bob Marley remains one of the most emblematic figures of Jamaican culture, contributing in particular to the promotion of Rasta culture throughout the world, and this better than anyone else. . Bob died at the age of 36, from a cancer. However, three decades later, Donisha, his daughter and documentary filmmaker, revived the controversy by delivering a different version of the cause of death: Bob Marley would have died poisoned.

Interesting. I had never heard this theory before, although I was aware of the suspicious circumstances surrounding the deaths of Peter Tosh, and John Lennon.

[John Lennon] was a countercultural revolutionary, and the government takes that kind of sh-t really seriously historically. He was dangerous to the government. If he had said, “Bomb the White House tomorrow,” there would have been ten thousand people who would have done it. These pacifist revolutionaries are historically killed by the government, and anybody who thinks that Mark Chapman was just some crazy guy who killed my dad for his personal interests is insane, I think, or very naïve, or hasn’t thought about it clearly. It was in the best interests of the United States to have my dad killed, definitely. And, you know, that worked against them, to be honest, because once he died his powers grew. So, I mean, f-ck them. They didn’t get what they wanted.

  • Sean Lennon, quoted in The New Yorker, April 20, 1998

He was the messenger, he lives on in his music... One Love

Interesting. I enjoyed reading this, Bob Marley was a very interesting man. I had never paid any attention to him until a trip to Jamaica, I came home loaded with his music and did some research on his life and death.

I hadn't heard about the wire, boots and his toe before. The sad part of these conspiracies and we will probably never know.

I share your suspicions. I think they contaminated one of his shoes with some carcinogenic material . Something that causes cancer within months and death 2 months later.

They recently killed a producer, James Allen, who was making a doco about black project super advanced technology based on Mark McCandlish story. He died before he could finish the docu. They analysed his blood after he died and found 12 heavy metals and radioisotopes that could have caused this.

I'm also very suspicious of the death of Lloyd Pye, he had pioneering insights into human genetics. Was diagnosed with cancer and died a couple of months later. They didn't test for any toxic chemicals.

Zero Point: The story of Mark McCandlish - The Fluxliner

Thanks for this info - I'll check it all out - like killary klintons "suicides" there are so many suspicious deaths even coincidence theorists are going to start wondering...

One theory is that the wire in his boots was tipped with plutonium

Sounds like young Bob had a lot to do with his own demise, listening to Dr. Issels. Dr. Mengeles' buddy. Thou I do believe you can't put anything passed the cia.

I wondered that too - Issels was actually more known for running a cancer clinic rather than being a nazi lunatic, so I guess Bob was very ill and was deliberately given very bad advice...

The exact same thing is still going on - it's called chemotherapy, and it's still a system for torturing people to death.

I stay away from doctors the most I can. Take care of my body the best I can through diet and rest. I know exercise is important to. Chemo works great, kills the cancer and the rest of you. This must be a picture of the good Doc. I see he washed the blood off his hands.

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