Utopian Statistics January 2018

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)



A follow up to my Steemit Statistics series where I explore the traffic and other interesting stats related to the website. This series is meant to provide an in depth look and analysis of the Utopian website and the people visiting the site.

disclaimer: the data gathered and screenshots are from https://www.similarweb.com/




How many people visit Utopian.io?


This statistic shows the number of visits to the Utopian.io site


In January there were a total of 311,433 visits, which is 72% more than the month before. The most interesting numbers as always are the unique visitors which totals 68,788 in January. We can see that Utopian is growing rapidly but still has some way to go.

It is interesting to see that the Average visit duration is twice that of Steemit.com (10 minutes vs 5 minutes on Steemit). Visitors on the Utopian site stay longer and also visit more pages.

This includes visits from different devices like laptops/PC and smartphones).


This statistic shows the number of visits to the Utopian.io site for the last 3 months


If we look at the growth from November to January we can see that visits have tripled. In November there were just under 100,000 visits but now we are well over 300,000. This is an amazing increase in visits. The growth is more gradual than with Steemit.com which saw a very large growth of visitors in December (almost certainly fueled by the cryptocurrency craze at that moment).


Where do they come from?


This statistic shows which countries the visits originated from.


Utopian.io is most popular in Turkey, more than 39% from the visits originate from the European country. Utopian is also popular in other European countries, If we add up the visits from the European countries we can see that more than 53% of the visitors come from Europe.
It is interesting to see that the U.S. visitors (who dominate Steemit.com) are less inclined to go to the Utopian website, only 4.47% of the visits originate from the United States.

It shows that Utopian.io attracts a different kind of audience. The geographical makeup is very different from that of Steemit.com.


How did they find Utopian.io?


This statistic shows from which destination the visitors originated


Utopian.io has very little traffic generated by social media and search engines. Most people visiting the site do this directly or by referral. This is something that might change as the website will become more well-known. There is no doubt that a large part of the referrals come from Steemit.com.


Who is generating the Traffic?


This statistic shows where the referrals are coming from.


As suspected the biggest source for traffic for Utopian.io is Steemit.com. Github is also not a surprise because of the Open Source nature of Utopian.

The top referring category for Utopian is News and Media which is a big difference with Steemit which thrives on Investment and financial categories.

There are little to no referrals from social media and other websites other than Steemit. One conclusion one could draw from this is that Utopian might need a promotion campaign to give the site some more notoriety.


What are they searching for?


These are the keywords people used in search engines which lead them to the Utopian website.


Apart from the occasional misspelling of Utopian there is nothing interesting to see here. All of the top search terms were from people searching for Utopian.io.
Depending on how you look at it, this can be a good thing because of the fact that people heard about the site and wanted to see what it's all about but on the other hand you also want to draw a crowd with the interesting projects being worked on.


Social media interest


This is the traffic originating from the social media sites.


We saw before that there was not much traffic from Social Media sources but of that small amount of traffic generated by Social Media Platforms the lion's share comes from Facebook and Youtube. Twitter (Steemit's biggest Social Media traffic generator) is in third place.

The total of visits originating from Social media is 6,000 which is a mere 2.78% of all the desktop traffic.



Where do they go to?


These are the sites that the visitors go to after they visit the Utopian website.


As suspected favorite destinations are Github and Steemit. Crowdin and Google finish off the top list. These are the obvious sites where the people busy on Utopian go to work on their open source projects (or their part in the project). Google might need some explanation though, this site has a spot in the top destination list because of Google drive. It seems like a lot of Utopians go there to store their hard work.



Utopian.io tends to attract a very different crowd compared to Steemit. The interests and originating countries differ very much from the Social media site where blogs are the main focus.
This might explain why Utopian is getting far less referrals than Steemit.com.

But the Utopian site is growing at a relatively fast pace. 68,000 unique visitors in one month is not bad for a website that just started out and we will see if they can keep up this growth in the coming months.

Not many surprises apart from the different geographical makeup of the Utopian visitors compared to Steemit.com. Utopian caters to a different crowd and the numbers reflect that.

My opinion is that the different makeup of visitors only adds to the value of Steem in general. If you haven't done it already go and check out Utopian.io, you can use your Steem credentials to login. Be sure to read the rules before you start!






Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Analyses are meant to be in the analysis category, not among blogs.

Thank you @espoem for pointing that out. I changed the tag for this post and will use the correct tags for the upcoming statistics posts.
Again, thanks for noticing my mistake...
Edit: @espoem I changed the category.

Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.

Dear @xervantes, the stats you show are very interesting, but your contribution lacks some "own work" to be approved as utopian analysis. The analysis and visualization results are from the benchmarking and analytics provider that you linked above.

You can contact us on Discord.

@crokkon, thank you for your reply. Although I am a bit disappointed I do understand your reasoning. I will only post these on Steemit as part of my Statistics series. When I have a better contribution to Utopian I will submit it and hope for a more positive outcome. Keep up the good work at Utopian!

Thanks for your understanding!

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