Minecolonies | Chinese Simplified Translation to 100%

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Contribution to Minecolonies Project

It has been a lot of fun translating the Minecolonites Project created by @reggaemuffin. I am happy to say that the Chinese Simplified Translation is 100% finished.

This is really fantastic because the Chinese people using the simplified version, mainly in China and Singapore will have the opportunity to play this game also.

Activity of Translation

I spread out the days to finish the Simplified Chinese translation.

Yestereday, I posted Part 1 where I finished 50% of the translation. You can read it here:

Part 1 of the Simplified Chinese Version.

Today, from the Activity Graph, you can see that the process of the translation:


Proof of Translation reaching 100% Finished.

Here is the proof of the Simplified form reaching 100%. Yay!!!


Interaction Between Translator and Project Owner

For this translation, I really liked the interaction with the Project owner. Take a look at the following screen shot.


Since this is a game, sometimes we are not so familiar with some of the terms, and we need clarification from the project owner. We want to have our translation as correct as possible so with this feature of Commenting and asking for clarification in Crowdin, it helps the translator to do better translation because of communication between the translator and project owner.

I will give you an example of the great help given to me by the project owner.

I came across this word: Ancient Tome

I thought the word 'tome' was misseplt and it should be tomb.

Take a look at the following screen shot:


The project owner explained t me that it is not misspelt. This is very important. Because it means exactly a different thing.

He said that it is:

@rosatravels No a tomb is a grave, a tome is an old and magical book.

Yes, it is. I just never thought of it in that way. Because a lot of time when we translate, we spot a few mis-spelt words. And right away, we will think of a more common word like tomb that we use in our common day language. We don't use 'tome' too much at all.

So this is an example of good communication with the project owner here.

Some samples of my translated work to Simplified Chinese:

剑 General Strings 05:04 AM
锄头 General Strings 05:04 AM
斧 General Strings 05:04 AM
铲子 General Strings 05:04 AM
斧头 General Strings 05:03 AM
未知的 General Strings 05:02 AM
和 General Strings 05:02 AM
最大级别: General Strings 05:02 AM
最低级别: General Strings 05:02 AM
类工具: General Strings 05:02 AM
燃料 General Strings 05:02 AM
汽油 General Strings 05:02 AM
食物 General Strings 05:01 AM
交货: General Strings 05:01 AM
权限权杖 General Strings 05:01 AM
矿业 General Strings 05:01 AM
空闲 General Strings 05:01 AM
获取 General Strings 05:01 AM
服务 General Strings 05:01 AM
烹饪 General Strings 05:00 AM
餐厅 General Strings 05:00 AM
我在仓库里找不到任何食物。 General Strings 05:00 AM
建立一个仓库或把我的食物送达我的客户! General Strings 05:00 AM
请建个餐馆或者给我买点吃的! General Strings 04:59 AM
餐厅 General Strings 04:59 AM
烹饪 General Strings 04:59 AM
烹饪 General Strings 04:59 AM
升级存储 General Strings 04:59 AM
请先升级兵营. General Strings 04:59 AM
没有可用的升级. General Strings 04:58 AM
火焰 General Strings 04:58 AM
传送至殖民地 General Strings 04:57 AM
兵营 General Strings 04:57 AM
兵营 General Strings 04:57 AM
兵营塔 General Strings 04:57 AM
路径点占位方块 General Strings 04:57 AM
卡在叶子里了! General Strings 04:57 AM
砍伐中 General Strings 04:56 AM
搜寻树木中 General Strings 04:56 AM
狩猎中 General Strings 04:56 AM
跟随中 General Strings 04:56 AM
保卫中 General Strings 04:56 AM
巡逻中 General Strings 04:56 AM
钓鱼中 General Strings 04:56 AM
搜寻水源中 General Strings 04:56 AM
去池塘 General Strings 04:55 AM
收获中 General Strings 04:55 AM
栽种中 General Strings 04:55 AM
锄地中 General Strings 04:55 AM
倾卸中 General Strings 04:55 AM
弓 General Strings 04:55 AM
接收消息 General Strings 04:55 AM
管理小屋 General Strings 04:54 AM
编辑权限 General Strings 04:54 AM
破坏小屋 General Strings 04:54 AM
安置小屋 General Strings 04:54 AM
战斗守卫 General Strings 04:54 AM
访问界面 GUIs General Strings 04:53 AM
无限制交互 General Strings 04:53 AM
你没有权限在这个殖民地做这件事! General Strings 04:52 AM
你的农夫收成了1000个小麦. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了500个小麦. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了100个小麦. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了25个小麦. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了1个小麦. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了1000个马铃薯. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了500个马铃薯. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了100个马铃薯. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了25个胡萝卜. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了500个胡萝卜. General Strings 04:51 AM
你的农夫收成了1000个胡萝卜. General Strings 04:50 AM
你的农夫收成了25个胡萝卜. General Strings 04:50 AM
你的农民收获了一个马铃薯。 General Strings 04:50 AM
你的农民收获了1000胡萝卜。 General Strings 04:50 AM
你的农民收获了500胡萝卜。 General Strings 04:50 AM
你的农民收获了100胡萝卜。 General Strings 04:50 AM
你的农民收获了25胡萝卜。 General Strings 04:50 AM
你的农民收获了一根胡萝卜。 General Strings 04:49 AM
你的伐木种了1000棵树苗。 General Strings 04:49 AM
你的伐木种了500棵树苗。 General Strings 04:49 AM
你的伐木种了100棵树苗。 General Strings 04:49 AM
你的伐木种了25棵树苗。 General Strings 04:49 AM
你的伐木种了一棵树苗。 General Strings 04:49 AM
你的伐木砍倒了1000棵树 General Strings 04:49 AM
你的伐木砍倒了500棵树 General Strings 04:49 AM
你的伐木砍倒了100棵树 General Strings 04:49 AM
你的伐木砍倒了25棵树 General Strings 04:48 AM
你的伐木砍倒了一棵树。 General Strings 04:48 AM
你的矿工开采了1000颗钻石 General Strings 04:48 AM
你的矿工开采了500颗钻石 General Strings 04:48 AM
你的矿工开采了100颗钻石 General Strings 04:48 AM
你的矿工开采了25颗钻石 General Strings 04:48 AM
你的矿工开采了一颗钻石 General Strings 04:48 AM
你的矿工开采了1000矿石 General Strings 04:47 AM
你的矿工开采了500矿石 General Strings 04:47 AM
你的矿工开采了100矿石 General Strings 04:47 AM
你的矿工开采了25矿石 General Strings 04:47 AM
你的矿工开采了一矿石 General Strings 04:47 AM
你的守卫杀了1000暴徒 General Strings 04:47 AM
你的守卫杀了500暴徒 General Strings 04:47 AM
你的守卫杀了100暴徒 General Strings 04:47 AM
你的守卫杀了25暴徒 General Strings 04:47 AM
你的守卫杀了一个暴徒 General Strings 04:47 AM
重命名失败: 不允许您重命名您的公民。 General Strings 04:46 AM
重命名失败: 两个公民不允许有相同的名字! General Strings 04:46 AM
你试图欺骗我,拿起再次供应船? General Strings 04:45 AM
你必须把它放在一个合适的水池里。 General Strings 04:44 AM
交货优先权: General Strings 04:44 AM
纸墙 General Strings 04:43 AM
仓库 General Strings 04:43 AM
%s 需要%s 在%s。 General Strings 04:43 AM
清理人员 General Strings 04:43 AM
凶手 General Strings 04:43 AM
注册到殖民地%d。 General Strings 04:43 AM
请移 - 右键单击​​殖民地注册您的剪贴板。 General Strings 04:43 AM
剪贴板 General Strings 04:42 AM
完成 General Strings 04:42 AM
取消 General Strings 04:42 AM
请求 General Strings 04:42 AM
打开请求: General Strings 04:42 AM
剑与盾 General Strings 04:41 AM
剪刀 General Strings 04:41 AM
钓鱼竿 General Strings 04:41 AM
递送中 General Strings 04:41 AM
等待请求中 General Strings 04:41 AM
生成实体中 General Strings 04:41 AM
采集中 General Strings 04:40 AM
装饰中 General Strings 04:40 AM
建筑中 General Strings 04:40 AM
清理中 General Strings 04:40 AM
避免暴民 General Strings 04:40 AM
工作中 General Strings 04:39 AM
停雨 General Strings 04:39 AM
等待中: General Strings 04:37 AM
让我睡觉 General Strings 04:37 AM
搜索工作 General Strings 04:37 AM
架子 General Strings 04:37 AM
普通木结构 General Strings 04:37 AM
删除公民 General Strings 04:37 AM
分配%d 公民 General Strings 04:36 AM
住房分配模式: General Strings 04:36 AM
任务列表 General Strings 04:36 AM
面包师 General Strings 04:36 AM
我的建筑内没有任何烤炉, 请修好它. General Strings 04:36 AM
面包师 General Strings 04:35 AM
仓库的数量被限制为每个殖民地1个. General Strings 04:35 AM
移除了位置 '%d %d %d' General Strings 04:35 AM
已删除块 "%s" General Strings 04:35 AM
添加的位置 "%d %d %d" General Strings 04:34 AM
加入了方块类型 '%s' General Strings 04:34 AM
您无权使用此工具编辑区块。 General Strings 04:34 AM
模式设置为 '%s' General Strings 04:33 AM
我很饱, 但我还得再吃一会儿 General Strings 04:33 AM
我饿了,我没那么高效了 General Strings 04:33 AM
我相当饥饿, 我感觉非常非生产性 General Strings 04:33 AM
我快饿死了, 我没法继续工作 General Strings 04:33 AM
距离卫兵塔太远了, 请升级你的卫兵塔. General Strings 04:33 AM
总体幸福: General Strings 04:32 AM
要求至少16 * 17的平坦地面。 General Strings 04:32 AM
访问无限制方块 General Strings 04:32 AM
攻击实体 General Strings 04:32 AM
攻击公民 General Strings 04:32 AM
射箭 General Strings 04:31 AM
投掷药剂 General Strings 04:31 AM
右键实体 General Strings 04:31 AM
右键方块 General Strings 04:31 AM
打开容器 General Strings 04:31 AM
填充桶 General Strings 04:31 AM
拾取项目 General Strings 04:31 AM
丢置物品 General Strings 04:31 AM
破坏方块 General Strings 04:30 AM
放置方块 General Strings 04:30 AM
使用扫描工具 General Strings 04:30 AM
成就 General Strings 04:30 AM
你被你的一个警卫杀死了. General Strings 04:30 AM
你的警卫被一名恩德曼杀死. General Strings 04:29 AM
你的渔夫被一名监护人杀害。 General Strings 04:29 AM
你的伐木工被一棵树杀死了 General Strings 04:28 AM
你的矿工死掉了 General Strings 04:28 AM
你的矿工死于熔岩 General Strings 04:28 AM
友军火力! General Strings 04:28 AM
别拽着超人的斗篷! General Strings 04:28 AM
恐怖的深渊。 General Strings 04:27 AM
我是格! General Strings 04:27 AM
这是最后的止损。 General Strings 04:27 AM
挖得太深了 General Strings 04:27 AM
成就 General Strings 04:27 AM
是否要删除%s? General Strings 04:27 AM
删除结构 General Strings 04:27 AM
删除结构 General Strings 04:27 AM
重命名结构 General Strings 04:26 AM
编辑结构 General Strings 04:26 AM
我的示意图 General Strings 04:26 AM
装饰 General Strings 04:26 AM
示意图尺寸过大, 不能大于%s 字节 General Strings 04:26 AM
等级 %s General Strings 04:26 AM
取消修复 General Strings 04:25 AM
取消升级 General Strings 04:25 AM
取消建造 General Strings 04:25 AM
送货员 General Strings 04:24 AM
送货 General Strings 04:22 AM
仓库 General Strings 04:22 AM
仓库 General Strings 04:20 AM
因为一个完整的%s 的胸部不能交付。 General Strings 04:19 AM
因为一个完整的工作箱不能送。 General Strings 04:18 AM
请升级或建立一个仓库, 让我工作。 General Strings 04:18 AM
仓库已满, 请升级或制造空间。 General Strings 04:18 AM
我需要一个 %s. (最高附魔等级: %d) General Strings 04:17 AM
我需要一个 %s. (最低等级: %s) General Strings 04:17 AM
我需要一%s 级的%s。 General Strings 04:17 AM
我需要 %s. General Strings 04:17 AM
我需要一个小屋级别的%d 来处理更强的镐。 General Strings 04:16 AM
我需要一%s 镐 General Strings 04:16 AM
我需要一把镐. (最低等级 %s, 最高等级 %s) General Strings 04:16 AM
我需要一%s 最高等级的%s。 General Strings 04:16 AM
固体-占位方块 General Strings 04:15 AM
召回失败-请在位置周围增加空间。 General Strings 04:15 AM
已完成添加新的巡逻目标。 General Strings 04:15 AM
设置位置%s 为 guard%s 的新的守护目标。 General Strings 04:14 AM
增加位置%s 作为新的 guard%s 巡逻目标。 General Strings 04:14 AM
由于玩家不在视线之内,转而注意防守。 General Strings 04:14 AM
右键单击一个块将其设置为保护点。 General Strings 04:14 AM
右键单击一个块将其添加为巡视目标。双击关闭该工具。 General Strings 04:08 AM
你的渔民钓到了1000条鱼 General Strings 03:59 AM
你的渔民钓到了500条鱼 General Strings 03:59 AM
你的渔民钓到了100条鱼 General Strings 03:59 AM
你的渔民钓到了25条鱼 General Strings 03:59 AM
你的渔民钓到一条鱼。 General Strings 03:59 AM
你的建筑工建造了1000个小屋. General Strings 03:58 AM
你的建筑工建造了500个小屋. General Strings 03:57 AM
你的建筑工建造了100个小屋. General Strings 03:57 AM
你的建筑工建造了25个小屋. General Strings 03:57 AM
你的建筑工建造了1个小屋. General Strings 03:57 AM
面包篮子. General Strings 03:57 AM
全麦花?不, 谢谢! General Strings 03:57 AM
天天抽小麦! General Strings 03:56 AM
让我们做些面包. General Strings 03:48 AM
小麦? General Strings 03:48 AM
薯片工厂. General Strings 03:47 AM
马铃薯头先生 General Strings 03:46 AM
马铃薯沙拉 General Strings 03:46 AM
一个马铃薯! General Strings 03:46 AM
呃, 怎么了? General Strings 03:46 AM
很抱歉对不起,很长的文章, 这里有一个马铃薯。 General Strings 03:44 AM
他们说, 胡萝卜对你的眼睛好... General Strings 03:43 AM
兔八哥. General Strings 03:42 AM
一个胡萝卜! General Strings 03:42 AM
树学校 General Strings 03:42 AM
一个森林人 General Strings 03:41 AM
这么多树! General Strings 03:41 AM
我可以靠这个谋生吗? General Strings 03:40 AM
我第一株树苗! General Strings 03:40 AM
森林. General Strings 03:40 AM
链锯大师. General Strings 03:40 AM
足够建一个屋子. General Strings 03:39 AM
木头. General Strings 03:39 AM
木柴. General Strings 03:39 AM
我富有了! General Strings 03:39 AM
像钻石一样闪耀! General Strings 03:38 AM
钻石是女孩们最好的朋友. General Strings 03:38 AM
足够做一套装甲! General Strings 03:38 AM
如此闪亮! General Strings 03:38 AM
该死的! 又是青金石... General Strings 03:38 AM
它是导电? General Strings 03:37 AM
金河 General Strings 03:36 AM

Proof of Public Link from Crowdin

Here is the public link for review:

Github code link for this project:


Thank you for your attention and also @reggaemuffin for the opportunity to work with you. It has been a very pleasant experience indeed.


Hope you have enjoyed reading this post.

谢谢你的阅读!希望你喜欢。如果你喜欢我的分享, 请跟随我。

You can contact me at Utopian here: https://utopian.io/@rosatravels
You can contact me at Steemit here: https://steemit.com/@rosatravels
You can contact me at my Website here: http://LearnPianoWithRosa.com/

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Thank you for the quick approval. Wishing you success.

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Hey @rosatravels I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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This translation is original work. Thank you @originalwork

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by rosatravels from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews/crimsonclad, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

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This post has received a 0.45 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

This is original translation by the author. @originalworks

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