Utopian.io: Landingpage Translation (Task Request)

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


The Utopian project is picking up more and more pace everyday and I am really grateful that I've been given the opportunity to contribute the landingpage for the project, which is a really important part to provide an overview for newcomers and investors. I can proudly say that I am really very happy with it now. A lucky coincidence (discovering gsap) and the awesome design from @auliausu and the great copywriting from @imwatsi made it rather easy for me to achieve a satisfying result.

There's at least one final task for now that has still to be done. I really believe that it would be a great benefit to have the landingpage translated into as many languages as possible or at least the most common ones. Although the utopian.io platform itself probably won't be multilingual anytime soon, I decided that I want to go through this struggle for the landingpage... and there's quite some text to translate.


I know that translations, if done properly, are very time consuming and first and foremost very difficult to validate. Unfortunately not everyone is honorable and trustworthy enough to just accept a translation without double checking everything. The translation category has been abused many times (copy-pasted machine translations or just poor quality) and there's an ongoing discussion on discord on how to deal with it. I think you can expect some rule changes for that category and maybe other updates soon.


On one hand, as mentioned, I want as many languages as possible but on the other hand the work that comes with each language might, in many cases, exceed the benefits. So I would like to focus on the most important ones.

1. Chinese, simplifiedzh@daijia
2. Hindihi?
3. Spanishes@simnrodrguez
4. Arabicar@mcfarhat, @sweever
5. Russianru@erikaflynn
6. Portuguesept@th1nkfast
7. Frenchfr@roxane
8. Japaneseja?
9. Germanaf@mkt

This list does not claim to be complete but I think a great portion of our worlds population would be covered. I made it roughly based on Wikipedia's List of languages by total number of speakers. If you miss your language and you think it's worth to be added, feel free to make suggestions in the comments.

Update: I now also added Turkish and Norwegian because there were translations on crowdin already and I don't want to waste this work. But from now on everything happens on GitHub. The crowdin project is now closed.

Attention !!!

Incoming translations won't be accepted unless I am convinced that it's a genuine translation effort of appropriate quality. I simply love this project too much to be negligent. (This doesn't apply to any contribution reports you write. That's the moderators business. :P)

I mentioned it before. The translation category is subject to abuse. Keep in mind that I will do my best to check your translation. Machine translations will be identified and I will try to find and consult a second native speaker for every language, to validate submitted translations. You can of course use the common online tools to help you with the translations but unreviewed unreviewed copy and paste is a no-go!

I also recommend to talk to me first, before you start translating to avoid multiple translations for one language.

Keep in touch!

The landingpage and all of its content might (and most likely will) change over time. It's important to have good translators at hand, so that changes can be quickly applied to all languages. There won't be a task request like this one for every little change. Every submitted translation will also be seen as a long term commitment too. This maybe won't work for everyone and it's not strictly required but please just keep that in mind that I'm not only looking for one-shot translators but long-term localization partners for utopian as a whole.

In general Utopian needs more good and committed people with different native languages to check all the contributions in the translation category and others. So, if you're confident and fluent in English and one or more other languages, you can be of great help to the moderators team. Meet them on Discord!

Translate on Crowdin


@testz informed me that Crowdin is free for open source projects and can be synced with GitHub! Everything is set up and you can now use Crowdin to translate! He also manages the eSteem translation project so I guess now we can get a load of competent translators onboard for translating and reviewing translations.


I think that's it! Oh just one last thing... you will be able to follow the progress at:
You can already see the language switcher and some german translation.

Once the first few translations are 100% complete and checked and validated and so on, I think we can then update the live page at join.utopian.io, language by language.

Happy translating! :D

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


You can now use Crowdin again!


Thank you @testz!

He brightened me about the GitHub integration and I configured everything to be synced with the correct GitHub repository. Even more important, he told me that Open Source projects are free of charge on Crowdin. Maybe I should have read the Q&A. :D So there's no need anymore to prefer one over the other. And I think most will then use Crowdin, as it's a little bit more friendly for none-developers. ;)

Happy translating!

Are you kidding, guys?
Just yesterday I was working on a translation on Crowdin, 52% had already been done, 3 days had been spent. And today all my work is fucked up and I'm not even a project participant?

@erikaflynn Oh dear.... :( I'm so sorry! But I'm also a bit confused too. I merged all existing translations into the GitHub repository because I wasn't going to use Crowdin, like I explained in the task request. That was on Sunday. So you were working on the Russian translation after last Sunday I guess? I made the project on Crowdin private so that noone would use it anymore.... and ultimately deleted it. But Russian was still at 14 percent at that time, like it's now. I don't know how this could have happened.

Anyway... I really musst point out that there was quite a rush on the translation project on crowdin without me or anyone asking for it. People just found it by searching crowdin I guess and started translating. But that was not intended to happen by me. I created the project only to test crowdin.
In my last post about the landing page I even stated:

... their will be a separate post on this, calling for translators. I just need to finish some preparations.

One of this preparations was to checkout crowdin for example and to decdide if we'll use it or not.

Also, in this post I wrote:

First of all... I won't use crowdin!

I must admit that this was the wrong decision in the first place and now we are using it again because I just wasn't well enough informed, which might have led to some confusion and I'm sorry for that. I'm even more sorry for your lost work. :'( I could totally understand if you don't want to work on it further/again.

Hey @mkt I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you at 15% Power!


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I would be happy to do the portuguese translation! I'm familiar with github, I will try to start this week as soon as I finish my last exam.

Cool! Thank you! I will add you to the list.

Thank you, it will be a pleasure!

I would like to help with the international language Esperanto:

I can start translating it in Bulgarian. It's always good to have another Slavic language on board ;) .

Tank you for offering you work! I just don't think that enough people are speaking Bulgarian to justify the work needed to translate and maintain the translation. Maybe I'm completely wrong but the more I learn how intensive this can be, the less I want to overcomplicate things by adding to many languages. Hope you understand. If you disagree let me know and explain to me. :)

Yup , you are absolutely right! If you have the idea to translate the whole platform and not just the landing page it would be a lot of unnecessary work. As for Bulgarian , I think around 10m people speak it :) . Anyways keep up the good work!

It's amazing!
Suggestion on Chinese language, there are 2 main Chinese which are little different from each other: Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional. But I find only one zh.json, rather than zh-cn for Chinese Simplified and zh-tw for Chinese Traditional. My idea is to separate these into two or rename zh.json to zh-cn.json.

We can totally do this if you think it makes sense.

Why not Crowdin? translating there is a LOT faster and comfortable than directly in the code on Github. Translating the code directly can complicate things, also, you could change the code (on purpose or by mistake) and make "weird" things happens.

For me personally the main reason is that crowdin is not free. Not that I'm not willing to pay for good software and tools but to be honest I just cannot afford this at the moment and in addition to that I don't see a great benefit in using crowdin.
Please have a look at this file and tell me if you have any problems. I'm sure I can help!

If you have problems with submitting a pull request on GitHub, I also will be there to help you. And I think it is not the worst thing to lean how to use GitHub. Utopian is about Open Source Software (for now) and GitHub is THE open source platform. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to exclude anyone. I just want to go the most direct way and that is GitHub.

Also crowdin would not stop me from changing the code anyway... but why should I do that? I am looking for good translations that I can not do myself... obviously. So I'm in need of the help of others. There's no reason for me to to make "weird things happen" although I would totally be capable of doing that, sure, but I'm also capable of making sure that nothing too weird happens. I can assure that there will be nothing happening unintended. :)

What's your native language? Maybe you can help with validating translations.

For me personally the main reason is that crowdin is not free.
Utopian is about Open Source Software (for now) and GitHub is THE open source platform.

Time for making an open source clone of Crowdin?

What's your native language?


BTW, at the moment I see Utopian half english half spanish, and I don't see any way to change it.

Time for making an open source clone of Crowdin?

This would be very cool... But I can't do it right now. :D


Cool. Would you like to be added to the list and review the Spanish translation of @simnrodrguez?

BTW, at the moment I see Utopian half english half spanish, and I don't see any way to change it.

The Spanish translation is not yet 100% complete but more than 50% I would say. Only the projects and contributions are not translatable, since they are pulled from the utopian api.

There are some updates regarding crowdin... Thanks to @testz! :D You can read the comment at the top.

Excellent. I have Steemit, Steemconnect, and Steem Whitepaper spanish projects with proofreader permissions (thanks to @testz), so I could take Utopian too, but I see @simnrodrguez got spanish first and I want to respect that, I think he already translated everything? but I see only 75% on Crowdin.

Crowdin is free for open source projects

I totally forgot about that.

Yes it's not finished and you can review it.

Hi @mkt, any chance that you can write a post about how to translate and submit translation in GitHub? As you are aware, Utopian-io has changed their rule to only accept translation in GitHub. There are a lot people like me have no idea how to get this done. Would really be beneficiary to everyone if you could help us out. thanks and best, Susan

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

Nice! I would like to colaborate on reviewing or translating to spanish. Let me know!

The spanish translation is already almost complete but you're invited to help finish and review it! :)


Ok, I will check it and let you know! ;)

I have to start working on to learn afrikaans. Best wishes!

Thanks! :)
So you're currently learning afrikaans? Who's your teacher? :D

I just talked to @imwatsi and he told me it would not make that much sense to add afrikaans, because most people in Africa speak English or French or Portuguese so I removed it.

Yeah thats for sure, others are perfectly fit!

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