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RE: Particle physics @ utopian-io - Objects isolation, histogramming and a first task request

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

Hi @lemouth, I have a few questions regarding the exercise:

With regards to step 4 in the exercise, the paper states:

Events are rejected if the minimum opening angle between pTmiss and any of the four highest transverse momenta jets, ∆φ(pTmiss,pTjet), is less than 0.5.

Are we to ignore this criteria since you wrote:

This is similar to anything we have done so far, as we only focus on transverse momentum and pseudorapidity constraints here.

In table 3 of the photon identification paper, the criteria looks like:

0.7 GeV + 0.005 pTgamma
1 GeV + 0.005 pTgamma

Am I right to think that the pTgamma value is to be retrieved from:
photon.momentum().Gamma() ?

Do we need to care about the hadronic fractionfh?



Concerning the opening angle stuff, we will ignore it entirely, as the full selection strategy in fact. This requires a post on its own as special methods are in order to extract cutflows and things like that. For the moment, we solely focus on object definitions.

Am I right to think that the pTgamma value is to be retrieved from:
photon.momentum().Gamma() ?

This is just an abbrevation for the pt of the photon. The symbol of the photon is the Greek letter gamma. Therefore, one needs to use myphoton->pt()

Do we need to care about the hadronic fractionfh?

No. We can't do that with our simulation setup (that approximates the real experimental apparatus).

Ok thanks for the clarification.

You are welcome. By the way, have you noticed the tag requirements? :)

I was kind of wondering about that.
You wrote:

Note that posts tagged with utopian-io tags as the first two tags (and steemstem as a third) will be reviewed independently by steemstem and utopian-io.

I wasn't too sure about what you meant by a second tag to use for utopian-io, so I went with:

utopian-io utopian steemstem

Is this correct?

Nope, the second tag must consists in one of the utopian-specific subtags. Here, please use "blog".

OK, I wasn't aware of that.
Thanks for the clarification.

OK, I wasn't
Aware of that. Thanks for the

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