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RE: Self-votes and Self-Service vs. Spreading the Love - Analyzing Vote Diversity in Steem

If I do see the number of people that upvote their own comments, I'm actually not surprised about this number.
Also the ones who are rather fresh on the blockchain and trying to get their posting value above the dust threshold could maybe explain a part of the self votes.
Great analysis!


Thank you, @fullcoverbetting! I agree that at least by the number of self-votes, new accounts certainly make a big share. I doubt they contribute much in terms of total self-vote rshares and I'm not sure the dust vote threshold as a possible reason for self-votes is among the first things to learn when joining :) There are so many aspects on Steem. I at least was far off the steemit-granted SP and reputation 25 until I learned about this.

That's sad. I think we should lower the earnings threshold to .01 and let new people know how the earnings system works. I feel bad for all the newbies who self vote and then get frustrated and leave when they get 0 earnings.

There is a lot of truth in your reply. I didn’t know about the threshold untill 3 days ago. So that’s after more then 125 days!

It's still surprising to me and seems somewhat fraudulent because I think most everyone on here thinks their vote counts. Not always! I would upvote your reply but my vote wouldn't count. :(

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