Steem 'Smack-down' analysis - Do you have a Flag?

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

A look at the data behind the seemingly increasing number of flags/down-votes that are been distributed on the Steem Blockchain over the past 6 months.

Are the number of flags rising?

Who are the top 'distributors'?

Who is on the receiving end?


A brief introduction to Flagging

Flags, or down-votes are a method to reduce the rewards on a post and or make the post less visible on the Steemit user interface.

This can be for a number of reasons including a disagreement on the rewards payout, which may be due to plagiarism or spam. Additional flags may be given due to general disagreement on what is being said, or a general dislike to the user making the comments.

With up-votes, we have down-votes. Voting power is used either way, and the user flagging is entitled to do as they wish.

By the way, did you know that if you 'change' a vote, for example, you have voted on a post with 10% but you really like the post and want to give a 100% up-vote, you will receive 0 curation rewards for this new vote, and these rewards will be split between the other curators? If not, you do now :)

Flagging - A six month high level data review

Data in this section has been captured from the 1st June 2017 through to the present day (30th November 2017).


We can see that prior to the end of July, flagging activity was relatively low and steady day-to-day. This could be due to the increasing user count and the introduction of more accounts used to combat spam and reward pool abuse.

The above chart in numbers:




The average number of down-votes each day rose from June into July, and was almost 5 fold June's average in August. Since then, the daily average has dropped each consecutive month.



As you would expect from the average totals, the 'busiest' month was August which totaled 50,000 more flags than June and July combined! Since then, the monthly totals have again fallen month by month.

Who's flagging?

I feel it important to say here that Flags do serve a purpose, and that it is the free-will of the use to both the 'up' and 'down' vote for content they agree/like and disagree/dislike.

Top 20 Flagging accounts over the last 6 months

In the left-hand table below, all users.

Excluded In the right-hand table, a short list of known (to me) 'services' in place to combat spam and reward pool abuse. ( @blacklist-a, @cheetah, @steemcleaners, @sadkitten, @steemservices, @smackdown.kitty, @mack-bot, @spaminator, @adm) * This list is certainly open to interpretation!


Firstly, it's good to see such accounts like @blacklist-a, @cheetah, @steemcleaners, @sadkitten on the left side list above - this is what I hoped to see.

The list on the right shows up some accounts we may know of, including a couple 'old' accounts with a good 'reputation'.

Is this list how you expected it to look?

Who's being flagged?

No-one likes a down-vote, but you if you blog and comment multiple time a day and like to share your mind, then it is likely, in time, you may be on the receiving end. His is a list of the top 20 most flagged accounts.


I am surprised to see @zappl at the top of the list, but am not sure if this is the official account or not.

There are also many accounts I recognize on the list above - perhaps they are being flagged in retaliation by accounts that have received a 'valid' down-vote.

Running a check to see if any particular accounts were taking a dislike to @zappl, I found that the account had received down-votes from over 1050 different accounts, with over 1000 of these voting to the negative over 10 times each.

This is interesting to me, and what's also interesting is that @zappl still has a reputation of 65. Clearly these accounts are no match to the power of the up-votes the account is receiving.


Despite recent press, down-vote numbers in November are no match to months of July and August.

Since the beginning of June, there have been over half a million down-votes issued. This should make most users feel quite pleased with occasional flag they have received!

Tools used to gather this data and compile report

The data is sourced from SteemSQL - A publicly available SQL database with all the blockchain data held within (Data is normally 1/2 hours delayed from live)

The SQL queries to extra to the data have been produced in both SQL Server Personal Edition and LINQPAD 5.

The charts used to present the data were produced using MS Excel.

A selection of SQL Scripts used


This data was compiled on the 30th November at 10:00 am CET

I am part of a Steemit Business Intelligence community. We all post under the tag #bisteemit. If you have analysis you would like to be carried out on utopian-io/Steem data, please do contact me or any of the #bisteemit team and we will do our best to help you.

I'd like to end this piece of analysis with something a bit lighter relating to 'Flagging'. 3 minutes of Eddie Izzard.

No flag no Country, you cant have one!

I hope you found this analysis interesting.


Asher @abh12345

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


I am proud to be finally in a Top 10 here on #Steemit - does that make me a Flag Celeb? Especially proud to be ahead of @ats-david and @sneak. Sad enough @noganoo got less flags than me - think from my 6106 flags only 6099 are from this idiot -all over one weekend.

Good report btw.

Sorry to see all your flags @uwelang. That must have been a busy weekend for you!

Not really - they had no massive impact by this guy that hopefully never comes back (haven't checked him recently) - was a reaction because I gave him 2 flags - he was so nice to return the favour by a bigger quantity - and he inspired me for this post (I even thought i got much more flags by him as the 6,000) - was 4 months ago if you want to check this old post.

This offers great insight into the side of Steemit that we would all prefer to stay away from @abh12345!

Just out of interest, on those busy days, was it just a handful of downvoters who were busy, or did something happen that hacked everyone off at the same time?

Thanks for your interest @livinguktaiwan 😊

I will take a closer look at the busiest flagging day of the year and see what I can find!

Interesting that @sneak the CTO made it to the list !

Indeed! Was that you @dannyshine?! :)

Certainly was!

Great analysis man! I am also very glad that the top services cheetah and steemcleaners are on the top.

I am surprised to see @zappl at the top of the list, but am not sure if this is the official account or not.

I think from what we can see in your data is that flags stay subjective. I see some abusers in the list, but also steamcleaners and cheetah. Very interesting!

I hope you post another one of this over a few months and we can maybe see if there is a change in flagging habbits!

Btw I think you mean "left-handed" table when you talk about the steam services ;)

Thanks very much for spotting the error, hopefully my correction has made things clearer.

Yes I will do something similar in time, I'm glad you found the data of interest.


I am also suprised to see zappl at nr 1.

Also uwelang...

I remember he wrote about being flagged by some guy who ran a bot network so I guess that could be one reason why he is so far up there.

Yes that's strange to see for sure, along with @uwelang... not sure of the reasoning there.

Thanks for the interest :)

Haha . yes that was when noganoo flagged my over the weekend with several thousand of flags (that not really an impact) - finally I am in a top list lol!!

Thank you for a beautiful analysis. It has been approved!

You can contact us on Discord.

Thank you kindly!

That table of 20 most flagged accounts is a real surprise! I never would have guessed zappl would be at the top.

The user list looks very 'generic' too.

Think i'll keep quiet with my thoughts here!

See, getting $100 worth of downvotes wasn't so bad. You didnt even make the list!!! 8-/

I KNOW! I thought bernie really cared! And there he goes, downvoting other people. I know he can't resist flagging me, but I feel cheated on because I am not on this list. :(


It's ok. You'll find another flagger man. XD

I'm glad I follow your posts. You may think I have learned a lot (That is the case indeed), but there is so much more to learn, so thank you for your informative posts.

Thank you @clio

I think i'm in danger of alienating some of my original followers :( I will try to keep the 'analytics' posts as interesting as possible!

I'm sure you will keep them as interesting as possible. I also know that when I don't understand something, I can ask you please do you want to clarify that. I know you will!

The Zappl one got me for sure perhaps most steemians don't like the short tweet link posts and instead prefer the higher value posts?

Yes I would hope that is the case. I may delve into that a little more soon.

Thanks for your comment:)

Some people are flaging just for fun, I saw one guy with a high reputation asking people for proposing idea and saying that is we don't like them we will flag them, that was a contest.

Some people think that they are gods here and they can flag anyone they like, they don't understand that some people are working very hard to grow and not just investing to have a lot of steem power or buying upvotes.

Yes indeed. I did wonder if this post would receive a flag, purely for the basis it is about flags and listing usernames. So far so good though!

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