User's Chain #8- Social Media Can Indeed Create Real Human Bonds

in #userschain7 years ago (edited)

Previously on USER'S CHAIN...

My very sweet and genuine new friend @tincho created an initiative with the purpose of showing appreciation for those that inspire us on the wonderful site that is Steemit, choosing @danilamarilu as the first link in the chain. She then appropriately chose the man I think of as steemit personified- @papa-pepper-as the next link. He in turn passed the stick off to the multi-talented @verbal-d. @jedau said it best when he called him the "astonishing alchemist of prose and poetry" who then pronounced Jed as the fourth in the line.

Then this incredible young man who has equal parts passion and compassion, who writes so beautifully you have to wonder if his muse is an Angel, chose me, @dreemit, as the fifth link to this chain. And I in turn chose a man who has become family to me, who considers himself a recluse, though I think of him as an enlightened spiritual teacher who does not waste words, @therealpaul. As the sixth link to the chain, instead of choosing someone new, he chose to expand upon @jedau's contribution, passing the honor back to me.

I am deeply humbled to have been chosen to represent two links of this incredible chain. Because it was passed to me by the very one to whom I have already given tribute I will simply say thank you Paul, your words to me were incredibly beautiful, as is our friendship. Both of which I will treasure for all the years of my life.

And without further ado, I present to you number Eight...drum roll please...

Who among you does not know @son-of-satire? I'm certain a large majority at least know his name, I certainly did before I had the pleasure of getting to know the man who runs one of the most eclectic blogs on all of steemit.

He was first brought to my attention when he began a project called the Fifty Word Fiction Frenzy. A grand idea, though he didn't take into account that including all of steemit meant the prospect of it maintaining a cohesive theme was...a little dim. His concern for the direction of it is what first prompted me to contact him in chat. I said some words, he recognized them as wise ;), and thus began a new friendship for me, with a Scot named Scott, whose greatest trial is having so many different talents he can't bring himself to focus on just one.

Do you enjoy reading fiction? He is currently writing a novel, which is the first in what promises to be an epic series, (think Lord of the Rings or the Game of Thrones) that is so full of passion and emotion as well as being incredibly well written, it had me in tears by the end of the prologue.

Blood Oaths and Offerings

He is also telling a chilling tale of a very different nature, with a dystopian theme that has the potential to disturb your sleep.

If you prefer non-fiction of the variety that makes you think about the deeper meanings of life, he has plenty of material for you, such as:

And if you appreciate a bit of sardonic humor mixed in, then you'll enjoy this:

Do you like articles about nature with beautiful photos to accompany it?

How about the everyday things such as caring for a pet?

Or does your interest lie in getting the word out for steemit, ensuring that this platform succeeds, and fulfilling the projections of our vast and creative imaginations?

I wrote the above the evening before last, so yesterday I went to his page to see if there was anything I'd missed before I moved on to talking about the guy responsible for such variety. And what I found there was Huge.

We have a new design for our welcome page Steemians!

Guess who made it?

So, on top of being a satirical writer, a novelist, a philosopher, an everyday man, a dog lover, and a marketer, he is also an artist with a penchant for design. Hm, perhaps I should also mention he's twenty-nine and single? Ladies?

Here's his article speaking about the Welcome page design.

But if you don't feel like opening it, I'll provide a couple of quotes.

His thoughts about the platform when he first joined:

"I really felt at the time, that for the most part, the community consisted of the wiser, more attuned to reality, and more generous of the human population. It was inspiring."

His thoughts about the platform now:

"...for every one person I can find on here who seems to be in it entirely for themself, I can find twenty others who feel passionately about Steemit and want to see the whole community thrive, and who are actively working to resolve our problems."

As you can see, I was not exaggerating about the diversity of this man and his blog. Filled with so much passion and energy you can't help but feel inspired to do more with your own creative endeavors.
If you don't currently follow him, you are missing out on a great adventure!

On a personal note, Scott you are an extraordinary guy. The more I learn about you, the more I'm convinced that I've found yet another piece of my spirit here in steemit. Another lifelong friend for the journey on this earth, you enrich my experience on this mortal plane immeasurably. Thank you for being.

I have been grateful for becoming a part of the steemit community since nearly the moment I got here, and the longer I stay, the more this place feels as real to me as my own hometown, and in some ways it is far better. Because it is a place filled with creators of every facet, from all corners of the globe, all seeking the truth and freedom that I hold sacred. The lovely @surfermarly stated that social media can indeed create true human bonds, and I can strongly attest to this having made a number of true friends here. I'm afraid if I begin talking about them, rather than a post this will be a novella. But you all know who you are.

Okay Scott, you're up, go find the next link!

@son-of-satire lives by the motto that rules are meant to be broken, I've no doubt his post will be something you won't want to miss, so stay tuned!

Links in the user chain so far:

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Beautiful @dreemit,

I've got a serious amount of work ahead to create a link back into the social chain you've so eloquently summerized in your warm post. Man, I've missed you guys so much. Hope everything is going great for you. I've got a lot of catching up to do with the awesome reads yourself and the awesome @jedau have been posting while I was away. But I'm coming back soon and hopefully you guys can find it in your hearts to forgive my untimely departure. I'm truly sorry for that but unforseen personal circumstances stood in my way at the time.

But, onwards and upwards I say. You gotta dig deep, start over and strive to be a better version of your previous self if you can.

All my love and respect from the bottom of my heart for you, @dreemit. See you back here very soon... :)

@ezzy! So great to hear from you! Don't be silly, there's nothing to forgive. When you return, you will fit right back in seamlessly, it will be as if no time passed! We of course have missed you, but you already put in all of the work you ever needed to be a cherished friend always.
That said, I definitely look so forward to you being here again! I actually just wrote you a chat a couple of days ago, that says it all:) So much love right back at you sweetheart!

Dreemit that pleasure will feel @son-of-satire when he read these words. Best way to tell him that you appreciate someone, doesn't exist! Well done my friend. You are the soul of this chain, forgive me the others. But it is the truth. We will have to find the other parts that represent each one but you are certainly the soul of this one. You have made it so your own that it became as your emblem.

@son-of-satire after the words of dreemit it will be a pleasure to start to know you. Forgive my ignorance, but I am beginning to meet great people here.

Are you flirting with me @tincho? ;)

See what you have done with your little matchmaking comment, @dreemit? Lol.

Hahaha no my friend I don't do it! I hope you have not misunderstood! If behind of @son-of-satire is Megan Fox, maybe I am flirting, if not, sorry but I'm not flirting with you. Hahaha

Ow, I have laughed too much in one day, my stomach is killing me, I think I pulled a muscle this time, LOL.

This wouldn't exist without you @tincho! I am so grateful that you came to steemit, you are an incredible addition. Thank you so much for your sweet words, every time I read your comments I feel a glow. You are a bright light my friend!

No my friend, I just started it. You made her shine. Everyone made it shine, but you covered it with light.
I hope no one gets angry with this, I'm just being honest!

A Scot named Scott..?

Are all Scots named Scott? Is this a thing?


I know! It's still hilarious to me. I like telling people I know two Scots named Scott. And you're the only Scots I know, hee.

When you put it like that it is quite hilarious!!

She still believes my name is Scott. -.- Lol

Hahaha!!! Oh splendid!!

Now that, I don't find funny. If you lied about your name you and I will have words....(ominous pause with a stern face)

You're going to be so mindblown.

I am @meesterboom ! haha

Oh no don't tell her we are one and the same!!!! It was such fun having two accounts!!

Stop talking to yourself you fucking weirdo!

Wait... If i am you, then who am I? Oh noes!!!!

Excellent post dear friend, I really liked what you wrote, what I like about this chain, is that we know a little more of those involved in this beautiful platform, I knew something of @ son of satire but not in the Depth that you know it, now I have a much broader picture of it, congratulations to @tincho for this great idea and initiative.
You are very profecional, but above all a very good person, I congratulate you dear friend @dreemit

Thank you lovely @jlufer! @tincho tells me that you are his new friend here, that you live in the same country. I'm happy for both of you, making such great new bonds!

Great choice for the next link, the Chain continues!

I honestly can't wait to see what he does with it, lol :)

Thanks for the lovely mention, @dreemit. I will go on vacation with some steemians in a couple of weeks. If that isn´t a social bond, I really don´t know...;)
Steemit is family!

That's awesome! I can't wait to read all about it on your blog :)

I missed Steemfest, but I'm glad I got an invitation to the cheesefest. Reading through these comments, I have come to the realisation that you lot are a bunch of soppy fuckers. It's difficult not to love you.

As for the post, I am humbled by your words. Though, there are two statements that I must address;

Hm, perhaps I should also mention he's twenty-nine and single? Ladies?

Don't be attempting to pimp me out, woman. You will break some poor fucker's heart leading them to believe they have a chance.. Lol. The conversation in which you learned that I am unattached surely also revealed my desire to remain that way. I haven't the time for the distraction of a beautiful woman. Besides, Vito already has my heart.. Lol.

@son-of-satire lives by the motto that rules are meant to be broken, I've no doubt his post will be something you won't want to miss, so stay tuned!

Whilst I believe you know me well, this is one part of my character you have misinterpreted. I have no desire to break rules. It is merely that I have no intention and feel no obligation to follow any rules, laws, or policies that I do not personally agree with. If I find them to be immoral, unproductive or simply nonsensical, then I shall ignore them, as I always have. But, I am not opposed to useful rules. I have ascribed a fair few of them to myself, which I follow as though they were a religious doctrine, written by myself.

With that said, I thank you very much for the kind words. They mean a lot, and it is a genuine honour to be a part of this community chain.

I added the line about you being single after the conversation, because I'm hilarious...and I wrote the part about breaking rules to entice people to your post, duh. LOL. I expected you to address both, and was not disappointed!

Edit: I know you'll love the 'duh'. Also, I did actually first try to write something that didn't claim you like to break the rules, but it was too long, that sounded better ;)

Lol. It's cool. I just felt the need to clarify. You know I don't like leaving things ambiguous. That's why I'm so direct when I speak to someone.

And so the chain continues.

It does...did you see @therealpaul's? He called you the mayor of steemit, lol, I thought that was appropriate ;)

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