The Truth About Power -- Seeing Past The Illusion

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Last night, in preparation of this post, I challenged the community to present a deep, symbolic interpretation of the shape below. The thought experiment was a success.

I was curious to see if any in the community would find the same meaning within this symbol as I do. I also offered a small bounty to the first one to match my own line of thinking. The 25 STEEM reward has been sent to @ausbitbank for his last minute entry which was very similar to my own interpretation. Congratulations, @ausbitbank.

Whilst I only offered a 25 STEEM bounty to one person, there were a number of very insightful comments which were thought-provoking, and a genuine pleasure to read.

As a demonstration of my gratitude for putting my mind to work, I have also sent 15 STEEM to @nobodyishome and 10 STEEM to @shenanigator for their innovative interpretations.

Thanks a lot to everyone that participated and to the top three comments which I rewarded.

My personal interpretation of the inverted pyramid

My mind introduced me to this shape whilst thinking about a potential symbol that could be used in my novel, Blood: Oaths and Offerings. I needed a sign that would serve as a call to arms for members of an oppressed society, provoking them to rise up against the tyrannical forces responsible for their hardship. It did not take much time at all before the inverted pyramid, or even simply a downward facing triangle presented itself to me as a potential symbol to use.


We are all familiar with the pyramid. It is often used to represent power.

We find the pyramid n many representations of Capitalism, and even in individual corporate structures, where the higher up the ladder you climb, the less people there are on your level. Most notably, we find it on the back of the US currency, which is a tool used to gain power over of us all.

To merely look at a pyramid can subconsciously reinforce the false ideology that the few are more powerful than the many. Writing this now, I am beginning to wonder if that is the whole point.

When I look at a pyramid, I do not see power. I see the greatest illusion that man has ever fallen prey to.

The truth

It's somewhat ironic that the illusion can be exposed by simply viewing the pyramid from a mathematical perspective. What would happen if you turned the pyramid upside down, so that it is standing on its point? The tip would break under the weight of the much larger portion of the pyramid above.

We can see this demonstrated through the example of corporate structure. We are all told, and reassured through rampant subjection to pyramids, that those at the very top of the business are the ones with all the power. Are they really though? What happens when the worker bees at the bottom realise they are truly the ones who hold it? Their newly empowered sense of self manifests itself in the form of worker strikes.

The so-called bosses, whom were under the impression they had all of the power and all of the control, are forced to bend to the will of the workers or they will have no business to reign over.

Now take this philosophy and apply it to the elites of this world. I do not refer to your Barack Obama's or your Donald Trump's. No, I refer to those who choose which candidates will have the opportunity to become presidents or prime ministers. Those are the ones who invented the pyramid, and if I'm correct in my assertion, decided to incorporate the symbol into so many parts of society to fool us into thinking the many are more powerful than the few.

The predominant sentiment among mankind is that things are shit, but there is nothing we can do about it. They're too powerful. It's unsurprising. If we take the pyramids of Giza into account, we can see that man has been conditioned with the false paradigm perpetuated by the pyramid for thousands of years.

That is generations upon generations of mankind being subjected to a symbol that represents rulers, monarchies and power belonging to the few. Whilst our conscious minds may think nothing of it, our subconscious takes great meaning from symbols. They can be a source of ideas, of beliefs and of associative ideologies.

Imagine, if you will, the significance of the inverted pyramid when taking all of this into account. It could be a tool that it used to remind each and every one of us that the power has never resided with the few. It has always been, and will always be with the many. The inverted pyramid could be the key that unlocks the door to this illusion we are born into, and exposes the vulnerability of the few when threatened by the weight of the many.

How long do you think it would be before we saw change--real change--once the people learned the truth about power?

This is what I see when I look at that shape. I might just be crazy. I might just have an active imagination. Either way, thank you for letting me share it with you.

Image sources: One Two Three


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Great post and very kind of you, I like your interpretation is about time the little people rose up to the elite

Thank you. I think it's about time too. I don't know how bad things need to get before people decide they've had enough.

I think its way past it, I don't understand why people are up in arms now

I'm glad to hear your interpretation of that geometric figure, I wondered what it might be!

I hope it wasn't too out there-

It's somewhat ironic that the illusion can be exposed by simply viewing the pyramid from a mathematical perspective. What would happen if you turned the pyramid upside down, so that it is standing on its point? The tip would break under the weight of the much larger portion of the pyramid above.

the city of tempe disagrees with you (tempe city hall below)

I'm not sure if you are missing the point or if this is a joke, but it's clearly not what my comment was representing. This is not a pyramid standing on its point, pressured by the weight from above. This is construction with foundation below the Earth that offer it support.

Actually, it doesn't go very far underground (no farther than a typical building.) The supports are on the side (you can see one in the pic i posted)

Initially it was just a tounge in cheek way of saying that yes, there are inverted pyramid shaped buildings. AFter reading the response though, im realizing you might not get the physics involved.

The problem with an inverted pyramid is balance, not pressure. The pressure would actually be less on the pyramid base than it would be if the same mass was distributed straight up in a rectangle shape with the same area base. because gravity just tries to move everything straight down, not down and to the center. That is to say, a 100KG 3-dimensional rectangle with a 10 ft^2 base will have more pressure on its base than a 100KG inverted pyramid with a 10 ft^2 base.

Having pressure on the base (which is supported by the ground) is a good thing. Because if the pressure is anywhere else, it causes the structure to break in the middle and fall over. For example, it the leaning tower of pisa was straightened out, there would be more pressure on the base, not less.

Either way, shear (the tendency to break in the middle and have the top fall over in a rectangle or have the overhanging higher floors fall off in an inverted pyramid) is the primary limiting constraint on the base area vs mass of a structure (which is a problem the non-inverted pyramid and also later domes/vaults/arches were created to solve)

Edit to add:
Actually, though, your analogy kind of holds. The Giza Pyramids weren't built in that shape because it was considered desirable, but because it was the only way the ancient egyptians could build something that high without it falling over on top of them.

I love this post! well done!

Piramido de antikva tempo longe formiĝas en niaj..
........kapoj ! Turnu ĝin ! ........
..................Nun !....................

we can put solar panels and green energy's on to of the piramid and feed our energy from direct natural sources instead of feeding most of our to others on top

so the ones on the middle don't fight for oil! and nonsense slavery on the ones on the bottom!
so we all can join the party!
and the ones left now have internet to get the audio books from spiritual sacred texts and discus it with the ones from science wile they celebrate their latest scientific achievement
to help creating better tools besides shelves...

and they all also learn allot about everything and reach deep understanding!!

you know those diodes ! ? |<

the solar is strong with this one

Interesting to just put the pyramid up side down ....power in question! I never thought the ones on the top are the most powerful .....

Yes, I don't think everyone has fallen for the illusion. But, unfortunately, not enough of us are aware of it to make the changes we need. Not yet.

I have big hopes even though it's very frustrating to see how slow it moves forwards to embrace valuable changes so much needed.

I agree, but for the first time in quite some time, it does feel like we are moving forward. That's something at least.

If you keep doing what you always been doing, you get what you always got.
If we don't change, all we'll be left with is change in our pockets.

Uh - The symbol with the triangle in it is representative and it is not a tool of power. It is the all seeing eye of God which is supposed to show that God rules and is watching so justice will prevail equally on all below. The whole symbol is masonic and is a flat topped pyramid. Hence, in 'God We Trust' all others pay cash.

Nah. It's not. It's the Eye of Horus, and the triangle is merely a simplified, 2D representation of the pyramid in that example. Or at least that's what thousands of hours of looking into this shit over the past decade has led me to believe.

It's the All Seeing Eye of God watching over the country - I could tell you how and why I know and you would never believe it but that is what it is.

You misunderstand. I am not saying that I do not know the official narrative. I am merely stating that I have come to believe that, much like so many other things in today's world, the official story is bullshit.

Thanks for the comment nonetheless.

Well, Roman Catholic Chapels have that on the altars of many churches. The Holy Trinity is symbolized by the Triangle. The eye...

So how does one explain the Egyptian pyramid with the capstone missing which lied directly underneath the eye? When seeing the connection to Egypt, it certainly alludes to it being the Eye of Horus.

Also, the Catholic church is a merging of Pagan and Christian religions, brought about by Constantine the great in an effort to appease a divided populous. Hence why Sunday is now the Sabbath when it is not in fact the Christian Sabbath.

I think it worth considering the possibility that the eye you speak of, and the Eye of Horus, are one in the same.

It's the eye of Horus !

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