Tales of the Urban Explorer: Griffe Mill

in #urbex5 years ago (edited)

On my never-ending quest to photograph the most dilapidated buildings in the North-West of England, I came across this article about a mill that was closed down in 1928.

Now that’s 90 years ago, and still within the time period when Mills were the backbone of the working class workplace, so why the closure?


The author explains that due to its remote location it may not have been feasible to keep it running.

Stanbury is a very rural village close to the more famous town of Howarth where the Bronte sisters wrote their novels such as Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, but I would question why build a Mill in this location when there is no accessibility for your goods?

@bingbabe was attending a 1940’s street party that weekend in Haworth and so I bookmarked ‘Griffe Mill’ for a solo visit.


Surely the place was unguarded and ruinous? The research I gathered suggested so and I didn’t anticipate burly security guards or any such problems.

This mill is alleged to be haunted by a young girl named Susannah Arabella Shackleton. The young girl perished near the mill either in the late 1890s or early 1900s.

This old photograph was taken from the other side of the mill, with the chimney stack on the other side. The hill on the far side with the trees was the direction that I approached from.

The FOUR long buildings on the nearside are now completely gone. This could have been housing for the unfortunate workers of that time.


In retrospect, the easiest way to gain access to Griffe Mill is from The Old Silent Inn in Stanbury. There is a public footpath sign that ‘appears’ to head toward the ruin. Did I go this way? Of course not!


I parked close to the School in Stanbury and could not find a way to my target, though I could see it quite clearly in the valley below.

Not to be thwarted I vaulted over a gate and strode purposefully through a farmers field down the hill only to face a row of barbed wire at the bottom.

Now you get kind of get used to obstacles after doing many explores, and this was not going to stop me. Anyone watching may have thought me quite mad and the local farmer luckily did not spot me traipsing through his fields.



Bypassing the wire, some sloppy sodden ground and a horde of particularly ferocious sheep brought me to the Mill’s chimney or what was left of it.



Griffe Mill reminded me of some lost architecture in the deepest Amazon. It was so overgrown with foliage I was having a hard time spotting anything.




There was not a soul about and I didn’t get any bad vibes. Is this an indication of my increasing tolerance to fear of exploring old places?



Graffiti was in short supply though I did notice a small amount. The Mill looked to have had THREE floors at one point but age and decay had taken any opportunities away to explore the upper floors.


They simply did not exist and were gone, probably long ago.



I did see some evidence of machinery from days gone by. A couple of pieces were lying around in the inner grounds.






This wooden door was still attached, after 90 years!


To photograph this long pipe I had to get myself in a position which was a little awkward. There were many stinging nettles waiting for one false move.



After walking around the outer circumference of Griffe Mill, I noticed a public footpath on the eastern edges. Likely this could lead to The Old Silent Inn at a guess.



To call Griffe Mill, Urbex would probably be stretching it all little.

Yes, there are some remnants of the past hanging from the inner walls and strewn about the inner courtyard but I was struggling to find any character and the place was rather devoid of atmosphere despite the alleged spirit that haunts it.


However, I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to visit a place that looks lost in time yet is quite close to a village and visible from the roadside.

Having parked my vehicle close to the school, I didn’t really want to take the long route back via the Inn and so semi-retracted my steps back up the farmer’s field, this time avoiding the barbed wire.


Like before, I was not challenged by any angry farmers but this time the route was a steep ascent resulting in a rather sweaty and hot @slobberchops who emerged on to the roadside.



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I've seen 16th century castles in a better state than this :P Great pictures, I do like the fact that it's completely overgrown.

I've seen 16th century castles in a better state than this

LOL, they probably have a maintenance contract unlike this place. I'm still on the hunt for more of these and that website I mentioned is very useful for reference..

Well I was already a stark raving mad lunatic but I also have a soft spot for abandoned spaces.

It's neat to get some historical context to boot..Good stuff mate!

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to hook up with a fellow lunatic! I try and post one of these a week but am starting to run out of venues to visit. There's only so many around even in the grim north.

It's been gutted! Maybe bombed during the Second World War? It reminds me of an adventure I had while in Yorkshire last week, which I'll write about soon!

Those are some pretty awesome pictures. You are right, it does look a lot like ancient ruins. It is a good thing the barbed wire wasn't electrified. Those fences are no fun!

I never know if these posts are gonna be popular or not.. this one seemed to hit the buttons and I thought it was a little dull.

Fasciating place accopanied by great photoes! Thanks a lot for sharing :)

Awesome, this is my kind of adventure!

Glad you liked it, I do Urbex when I can,, but they are getting harder to find.

Fascinating place like these old dilapidated @slobberchops
You should have watched a horror movie before venturing to that place :P

It was peaceful and I felt nothing despite its reputation. The lunatic asylums are a lot creepier.

When I saw the first photo, before reading the post I told myself that it looked like the perfect setting for a horror movie. Only to find out a few paragraphs later about the place being haunted. You are right, the way nature took over the buildings, it does make one feel of the mayans. Having those walls still standing after more than 100 years means they were building properly back then. Nowadays the go short on materials trying to save a buck. Great post!

These places are so old that more often than not I can dig up something on them. It can be suicides, haunting's or other things.

It does add a little spice if you can add some titbits like this :) I found this info by just checking the place out on forums.

Out of curiosity, do you believe in ghosts? I have read two of these, and couldn't quite decide if you were mentioning ghosts in a skeptical or interested way. I live in a historic (tourist) area that loves to pump up its ghost-lore. According to all that, 3AM is the witching hour. At that hour -ghost or no ghost - sloppy ground, barbed wire, and ferocious sheep would be much more terrifying :)

Nature reclaiming stone structures is always fascinating.

I think there is something out there but I'm not very receptive to them. Considering the places I visit it's just as well!

That is what I believe as well, and I am very glad that I don't see things that would scare the senses out of me.

It may not be that urban, but it's definitely more aesthetically pleasing than some of the usual graffitied articles!

All in all it looks like you had quite a tranquil time of it!

Nice explore.

I'm trying to find some exciting places but many are off the radar. This was an impromptu visit, just because we were visiting Haworth. The route I took was all wrong, I even saw a 'Public Footpath' sign next to the Inn after I was done.

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