Is Making Arrangements for UpVotes a Service or a Dis-Service...or is it Always Both?

in #upvote7 years ago

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I received a comment and a link to a post entitled: "Paying for Votes is Bad, M'Kay!

The following comment was left on my post, "1 SBD or 1 STEEM for a 3.00 Upvote - World Class Service"

But this is cheating and draining the rewards pool. Instead of the money going to good authors, they go to ones that pay you.
Don't be greedy.
I know you are going to say you are helping, but mostly your wallet.

Comment, Courtesy of @rossenpavlov

This opens up some questions:

* Cheating?
* Good Authors?
* Draining the rewards pool?
* Greedy?
* Judgements?
* "I know what you are going to say"?
* Helping...But not really helping?

Questions of Reflection for the Steemit Community?

Does anyone who's made arrangements with @worldclassplayer "feel" Cheated?

Why would someone feel Cheated? Breaking the rules. Tricked. Deceptions.

Good Authors? Fascinating point of regard here. This is Subjective. How any-one person votes is a personal decision. What arrangements any individual makes with regards to their voting is a personal decision. Generalizing "good authors" is a "slippery slope". Does this mean you should only support someone who is regarded as "successful"...because "successful" can be regarded as good. Does this mean "good authors" are simply those who write in a certain manner and style that is 'defined' as "good". Point I am making here is "good Authors" is very Subjective.

@worldclassplayer exercises the Response-Ability to Decline UpVotes on Posts that can be generally defined as Abusive. Funds will be returned to sender with a message informing of non-support for abusive posts.

By participating on Steemit and Voting, We are "Draining the reward pool". Everyone who participates in Voting is contributing to the "draining" of the rewards pool.

Perhaps "draining" the rewards pool is not the most accurate presentation of what is happening. Perhaps, "Directing" the rewards pool - is a more accurate presentation of what is happening. Influencing the assignment of Post Valuation.


By only supporting authors you define as good...Are You really supporting any authors to become "Good"? Or is that how support works? Only support people with attention and Votes...Once they 'make a success story of themselves'. "The TIP of the Iceberg".

Obviously there are lots of ways to support individuals here. My thinking about Steemit is as a "world Economy". Social networking is the "tip" of the Iceberg. My thinking is to create arrangements with individuals that support growth, development and maturity. My attitude and approach is that Everyone needs good supportive relationships. It is my thinking, that Creative Collaboration is paramount in making and substantiating that which is Awesome. It is my thinking that those with more - should give more for less.

The feedback and support thus far has been quite positive. The post and comment above is the first criticism of @worldclassplayer. I am grateful for the criticism. This has supported me to question myself and my outlook of support for myself and others here. I really do believe that in being 'challenged...and questioned', we are faced with the opportunity to reflect and substantiate our inner-standing of the points in Question.

Questions are the Quests that define our Living Expressions

Is it Greedy to Give more than you get? Is it Greedy to think you "know" someone and what they will say before you actually get to know the person?

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Is it Greedy to make judgments about others in any capacity?

Is it Greed, When all who participate is Agreed? Is Greed only ever a point of disagreement on terms of Agreement? Can greed be prevented with WIN/WIN mutual benefit Agreements?

Could it be that Greed is a point of view as a form of opinion that deliberately separates from considering all things...and is thus a point of view as a limited perspective? Is Greed only part of the coin....when the real ways of life is to consider both sides of the same coin? To see the Ying and Yang of our thoughts, words and deeds.

Most Recent Reply to @worldclassplayer Comes from @dojoexle

As a minion it was so hard for me to survive here. No strategy worked for me. Not any contest worked for me. Whales are just making selfish strategy to earn themself . And there is you that let my hope alive . In all over steemit i found only you that i really think is helping us. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart @worldclassplayer


It takes quite a lot to stoke my ire these days, but when someone insinuates the service you're providing is "cheating", well that certainly stoked the embers. What this really demonstrates to me is a true lack of fundamental understanding of what Steemit is and what it's comprised of.

I just touched on this the other day, so I'll share some of those thoughts here.

Steemit is a social media website. I think we can all agree on that, but it is backed by Steem, which is a cryptocurrency, so that makes it a financial asset. Steemit also has a financial product called Steem Power, which is an investment and savings asset. Yet there's more, Steemit also has SBDs (Steem Backed Dollars) which is a medium of exchange on the block chain pegged to the US dollar which can make financial transactions very quickly and easily. SBDs are really a debt instrument if you want to be frank about it.

So, now we have what comprises Steemit out in the open. From knowing what we know, would you say Steemit is a social media site or financial instrument? If you're honest with yourself you will pick the latter, that's why you are here. So when I see posts trying to tell people what to do with "their" money and influence they've either earned/paid for it worries me deeply and frankly pisses me off.

Steemit at it's core represents freedom from censorship, corruption and control. It's represents "freedom". So when someone, with no doubt good intentions, looks to impose "rules" to inhibit "freedom" or start labeling members it really worries me. Again, I have no doubt these individuals make these comments with "good intentions", but some of the worst atrocities throughout history have started with "good intentions". Why are people flocking to block chain in the first place? To get away from the all the corruption and rigged systems filled with bogus rules we deal with every day.

Just do what you do and let others do the same. Free markets have a way of working things out, IF given time to do so. Our world is in this great big mess b/c people have to put rules on everything. Steemit can solve a lot of problems for millions of people, if it's allowed to do so. The only answer is "Free Will", anything else is just an illusion of freedom.

I shouldn't write this next thing, but i'm going too, lol. My grandfather would always tell me "free speech is the greatest freedom in the world, but also the most dangerous, for 9 out of 10 people don't put enough thought into their words before they speak, and they end up doing more harm than good." This lesson really has been at the forefront of my mind recently with all the chatter going about with members trying to tell other members how to use their money/influence. Another quote comes to mind, the author of the quote escapes me though, "It's best to be thought an idiot, than open your mouth and remove all doubt."

I don't like to put negative energy in the air, but the air needed cleansing of this foolish talk. Everyone should be able to make their own decisions with their money. I've vented, now back to my book. :)

Appreciate the words of support and the quality steemit education here Brother!

By the way....i've been meaning to ask you: How did you come up with @orionschariot

Such a Great Account Name - Would love to hear your meaning! ...perhaps a post in and of itself!?!

No problem brother! As for the meaning of my account name, it's a personal story, but I'll share it. My grandfather taught me the constellations when I was young and told me all the creation stories for each one from antiquity. Orion was his favorite. Orion has many meaning depending on which civilization you choose, but the one he liked the best came from ancient Sumeria. Orion meant "Light of Heaven" in Sumerian. The chariot part came many years later, and that is a rather long story, but Orion's Chariot means "The Seeker of Light".

I think what you are doing is great. I haven't used it yet, but here is why you are awesome:

  1. You are NOT using bot. You are doing it manually. That is actual curation. Even if you change this in the future, still would be great stuff.

  2. You are promoting "win - win" idea, which most don't get around here. You could have easily be spamming comments everywhere and be upvoting yourself. That would be more profitable for you and probably drain pool even more. But you are choosing to help little guys along the way.

  3. People would use it most of the time when their hard worked post don't get views. Support of your service eases the pain.

  4. Deception, cheating??? wtf??? It is all clear, plain and simple. There is no randomness like randowhale. There no gambling. Its all win - win.

  5. Your idea is cool I think. Keep doing what you are doing and spreading "win - win" concept. Those who accuse you of anything playing "sero sum game". They are just making fools of themselves.

@deserttree thank you for the Support - Appreciation and Respect.

The Dream is STEEM ON!

I can see how paying for upvotes can be seen to be cheating and preventing the best authors from rising to the top. However, steemit allows you to upvote yourself. It also allows projects such as minnow support that helps out smaller users with several upvotes. This is not rewarding better authors.
additionally, bots are allowed. Bots do not distinguish between good and bad content! I have had comments of mine that have received 10+ upvotes 1 sec after posting and whilst Iam not complaining, this is clearly a bit and not rewarding based on quality.
Further more, the top authors have 200+ upvotes and hundreds of dollars a few secs after posting lengthy articles. Again this is bots which have not reviewed the quality of the post.
I am not criticising these practices just pointing them out. If you have an issue with one I think you should have an issue with all. If you were to ban paid upvotes because they do t reward quality content, you should also ban all bots as these do not distinguish between good and bad content either!
At the end of the day, how is a paid upvote different from paid for promotion?

thanks @grizgal, great points.

I take it you disd't like my comment. lol.

au contraire @deserttree au contraire

Gratitude be the Attitude.

Respect and Appreciation to the max!

I get many comments on posts without votes. You can take the time to comment on what I said and even thank me at times, but no vote? I see porn pics getting more than my helpful articles.....Steemit isn't perfect and I'm pretty sure people love @randowhale too. I endorse @worldclassplayer

I agree.

My experience with @worldclassplayer has been awesome so far. No bot, win-win philosophy (all good transactions are win-win), completely transparent. I would recommend in a heart-beat. @ironshield

@worldclassplayer I many time seen on steemit people said follow me I upvote to you as well as upvote to post also it's shows how much they are greedy!! Well if they want to follow me than do that type of things to I follow on it.

this is similar to randowhale but 3:1 got it. Do I sent any amount SBD and done in memo the post I want upvoted? Just making sure as I went back to some of your previous posts and didn't see it. I skimmed so I could have missed it.

At the moment doing just 1 sbd or 1 steem for a 3.00 upvote. posts submitted shoud be 2 days old or will be manually upvoted and go in the queue.

In the future - may provide different voting options. experiment is still new at this point.

plan is to provide more options in the future. Cheers and best regards

Hello @worldclassplayer Appreciate your service and the successful upvotes.

However, there are three votes outstanding, two of which are older than 2 and 3 days, 1 only a day.

Did Votes Make It Into The Blockchain?

With the occasional Nullification of Votes occurring as described HERE, could it be that your votes did not make it into the Blockchain?

Much appreciate the attention.

Thanks for reading. 😎

ch @globocop

[Upvote] [Comment] [Resteem] [Follow]

upVotes have not been given yet. Should be given in the next 1 - 2 days. If some I am unable to upvote in time - SBD will be returned.

Thanks. Would be a shame...
Great work tho...

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