Meet Jasmine Arch

in #update7 years ago (edited)

Jasmine Who?

Jasmine Arch. She's me, really, and I'm her.

You see, if I want to work towards publishing my novel and things like that, I need to remember that my real name sounds very Dutch, and English speakers will have trouble pronouncing it correctly. Which is why I decided to invent a pseudonym. Jasmine Arch. It's a play on my mother's maiden name, which sounds a lot like Arch.

In Other News

As much as I love my Steem blog, it gets a bit chaotic. Thoughts tumble from my mind in a constantly varying stream, comprised of stories, rants, poems, and images.

But Steem doesn’t really allow me to organise any of it--to make my older posts accessible and easy to find.

That’s why I started an off-Steem blog, too. It will have links to material I’ve posted on the blockchain, and which I think is a shame to bury under my newer posts.

It also allows me to play with layout and background and formatting. I’ve already had a bit of fun with it, and I hope you’ll all come and visit me there regularly.

In Other, Other News

I’ve decided that--if I ever want to get published--I’ll need to get off my ass and write. I’ll need to put myself and my work out there. Be seen.

So from now on, if I write a story that is suitable as an off-Steem literary competition entry, I will not be posting it on Steem right away. I’ll compete first. Afterwards, there will be plenty of posting time left. This does mean you’ll need a bit more patience before you all get to read my stories. The TinyTeaches series will continue, though, and I’m sure I’ll have plenty of other things to talk about. Talking is sort of my specialty.

Or so I hear.

How About Some More News?

I’ve turned one of my stories into an audiostory. It was a lot of fun to do, and I think it adds an alternative for people who don’t always have time to read.

I Think I Ran Out of News For Now.

I’m not even joking. I’m working really hard at another short story, written in the style of a haibun. Haibun is a Japanese form that combines prose and haiku. I learned about them from @dbooster, who is a fountain of knowledge on Japanese forms.

The piece is kicking my ass, but I’m determined to finish. You will all just have to be patient until I do.

As always, dear readers, I thank you kindly for the patience you all show me in putting up with my writings and ramblings and strangeness. I love you all dearly.




is your audio story on dsound? :)

No, it's on Soundcloud. But I posted the link on my blog. ;-)

you should link it here too

Well, as soon as I'm done organising everything on my other page, everything should be easy to find. I'll humour you this time though. ;-)

Some great ideas here. I have had similar thoughts of late, but you are way out in front of me in terms of action. Great to see. Keeping stories off Steemit to give them a chance at some form of publishing is a strategy I am incorporating, at least for longer, more complex ones. I have a few of those in the works, but I will still have others exclusively for Steemit.

And your audiobook idea is spot on. I have been tinkering with this idea of late. What recording software do you use?

Anyway, going to take a listen and see (hear?) for myself.

Well done on detailing a coherent strategy, and I wish you all the best.

Uhm... I used the voice recorder on my phone...
Digitally and technologically challenged person here

Well it worked :)

Listening now.

You Go Girl. Spread your wings, you have the talent reach for the stars! I will be looking for your stories.

Thank you, Gail. You're too kind.

I loooove your real name (I've been meaning to tell you how pretty it is), but Jasmine Arch is awesome and will certainly work well for a pseudonym.

I really like the idea of making an off-steem blog to organize your Steem posts. I never thought of that and may do the same one day.

It's more fun than I thought. But take my advice. Don't wait two more months before doing this. The amount of material you'll need to organise will only become larger and larger.


Yeah I was just thinking that, haha. Will probably use wordpress, though. I've used both in the past and liked that one better.

I'm also thinking of a pseudonym... I don't know though, something Rose-ish. I'll have to ponder it for a while :)

Oh, this is all great news! I'm so excited for you. :)

Not much has happened yet. All just plans. But I don't want to sit on my ass and wait for the universe to find me anymore.

Plans are the seeds that grow into deeds. You got this! Excited to see this part of the journey. HUGS

You know, I've had similar thoughts on 'what would be my pseudonym?' because my last name is often mispronounced... and probably not the most attractive for a book cover. I might go with just using my first and middle name, it has a good punch to it. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I always thought that bridge was long into my future, assuming I wouldn't seriously pursue writing a novel for publication until retirement. Well, the Writer's Block has made me rethink that. I could attempt crossing this bridge sooner than later.

You can definitely cross that bridge sooner, AK. You're an amazing writer and a great editor and coach. ;-)

Hey. I remember being promised a paranormal western sequel one time... And a first person action thingie and a...

Well. Shouldn't you be getting started already? :-D

Thanks for the kind words Tiny! So many things in the hopper... I'll get around to those. Patience dear, patience. Also, didn't realize someone was actually still waiting to see another story of Dutch Rhodes. I've got a premise for that tucked into my brain, and I suppose I can pull it out sooner than later.

What's all this "if" stuff? I know you are going to get published. You write so well and you have the ability to make me feel something real. As for actually doing it - just do it. I may have stole that from a shoe ad, but it isn't wrong. I always try to think about myself in the future and how happy I'd be if I was editing a finished piece and I make it happen. Well, that's the idea anyhow.

The "if" accounts for the the fact that I actually need to find the time to write. ;-)

But I'm trying. If I fail, it will not be for a lack of commitment.

And thank. Thank you so much. To say that I have the ability to make you feel, is about the most beautiful compliment someone has ever made me. Your opinion really means a lot to me.


Very nice. I respect your decision, but Dutch is a beautiful language, and Dutch names are wonderful. You wouldn't need to change a thing for me.

Thank you, @jeffstoner. Really. But my last name is Plate. It's German. Name one English speaker who wouldn't read that and think of a dinner plate. ;-)

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