#Untalented Version 2.0: The Stay-At-Home Mom I was Before Steemit Vs The Stay-At-home Mom I am After Steemit

in #untalented7 years ago

Good Day to all Steemians! What’s up? How are you all doing today?

As for me, today I am partaking again for another chance to get engage to everyone as possible through @surpassinggoogle #untalented blog series contest.
Considering that I’ve already participated in the #untalented 1.0 for a quite awhile now, I think it’s time for me to load up all my brain cells together and parcel to you guys my #untalented 2.0 blog entry which is entitled

#Untalented Version 2.0: The Stay-at-Home Mom I was Before Steemit Vs The Stay-at-home Mom I am After Steemit

The Stay-At-Home Mom I was Before Steemit


When my college classmate boyfriend and I tied the knot in a civil wedding ceremony almost four years ago; and when the All Knowing-Absolute Being endow us the greatest blessing a hominid could ever have and that is our one and only bundle of joy; and with all the evolution of every milestone I timely expedient since I changed my patronymic identity in every legal signed-paper I jurisdically hold was also the time I wholly took the spree for another colossal chapter in my life.
From square one of martyr-doming my Hyperemesis Gravidarum pregnancy for almost five months; obtaining the low transverse incision scar due to cesarean birth,

immolating bigger thoughts and strengths just to take part for the bigger and mature obligation for the subsistence of such devoir duty.


And yes! I really did plunge my whole self in such a behemothic mature channel. And in defiance of all the turned pages, I never thought that I will be able to handgrip the whole box of wax very well! Even today I can’t imagine how I remained alive with all the sleepless nights I’ve been through when my baby got sick due to teething concerns, the interrupted sleep because I need to mix her bottle of milk formula, nonstop dishes to wash and most of all the back aching picking up of scattered toys. Still and all, I am not complaining! What I am saying above may reflect to you as my nonsense grumble, thus and so,

they are my tokens, the tokens that I will forever brag to anyone here because I am the proud mother who has been to such battle in changing messy diaper that contains extraordinary poop, the proud mother who evidently took the walk in the city cloth full of baby milk-spits and the proud mother who cede over her personal needs just to buy the toy her baby been crying over.

I maybe did mention from my first #untalented 1.0 entry that I was working in a hospital 30 minutes away from our house before I got married and gave birth to my first born; and I naturally thought that by the time I am settled enough from balancing life as a mother and a wife, I will eventually go back working, needless I knew I didn’t got the luck of finding the right nanny for my baby or should I also say that I didn’t got the strength to leave my baby to another woman whom I barely know for just a couple of months or so. And with only a few months after I gave birth, my husband needs to go back to abroad for work, thus and so, I totally did temporarily relinquish my job as a nurse and signed up for the contract of being the ‘stay-at-home’ mom.


Way before blogging days, I have my own online shop wherein I pour some of my blasé mood sentiments and did some hopeful courage and efforts to gain much more profits; however, it was just a temporary run-through thought of mine. Granting all the efforts I did for my online shop, still, I stopped receiving orders from my customers, on the grounds that I can’t do much more meet-ups and going for a search for where I can buy the cheapest product from a trusted supplier are getting tougher for me. And considering the all by cause reasons I have, the very main to it was that I need to make more time and give much attention to my baby, owing to that she was learning to walk and talk heretofore. Remarkably, my baby just started her journey as a toddler little one and in this stage, a mother is where must be present by all means.

And not so long when I stopped my online shop, I got spiritlessly turned off with all my daily routine. And again! I started seeking another income activity to venture, but this time, it must be less hassle so I may able to take good care of my little tot. So for almost three months I was hired as a virtual data entry specialist to a certain company through Onlinejob.ph, but it didn’t take long enough, my contract ended and I started another online job which was about article writing and product review; the job was quite easy but the employer only pays according to his preference if either he’ll like my output or not, so the job was kinda ‘trial and error’ one. And after article writing my sister-in-law introduce me to her old online employer who was a book writer, so she hired me as her virtual assistant for one month, and my contract with her is still ongoing but she give me some respite for the meantime because she needs to travel to places in order to continue writing her new book. So I am back again in track curiously seeking for another online income.

The Start of Blogging Days


It is such a good feeling and a wonderful opportunity having a good soul sister every now and then. And to that very matter, this good sister of mine is no other than @kneelyrac !! She did introduce me to a blogging platform one month ago which is the Bitlanders. And in Bitlanders we started the keyboard rolling for an extra income through blogging. And not too long that we both ring in on to a catch where we saw the idea of joining Steemit and I think it was through unwittingly gossiping over @junebride @long88 @g10 ‘s page status conversation in Bitlanders (we are so sorry about that! We just wanted to buzz your posts but we mistakenly-wonderfully chismis some of your chikas lol).


From then on, we ( @kneelyrac) vaguely took some research about Steemit, registered ourselves and maneuver to survive ourselves from all the alienated words we’ve been encountering since our account was verified.


The Stay-At-Home Mom I am After Steemit

Having a vast of fortuity working at home and doing my stuff as a mom is one of the biggest divine sanction I’ve ever had since the day I profess the call of being the stay-at-home. And the very day I extend some of my psyche senses and soundness through blogging was also the day my account in Steemit got verified. Well, actually I waited for my account to get verified for almost two weeks, on the run of waiting, I thought back then that maybe they will not accept my account because I was not that qualified enough. Still and all, the admin of Steemit did give me the fluke to sophisticatedly overwork that #untalented flair of mine into some kinda promising aptitude.

And sonorously speaking, my routine right now is somehow included with fabulous expos and added with some special intermissions. I do the fabulous expos whenever I sat down on my chair and open my laptop in order to start typing my new blog entry in Steemit and special intermissions are delivered whenever I need to pause my splashing senses and notions while typing because my baby girl needs to go to the bathroom for her morning 0900 and 1100 pee sesh or maybe when my hangry tot is pulling my hair rudely and impelling to close the laptop just for me to give her what she wants. And that is how she showcases here love to me LOL! Nevertheless, along with all the tantrums she relentlessly parades, she’s still the baby that brought out the motherhood in me.

By the time I seldomly go out and do some chit chat with few acquaintances in our town, people tend to ask what keeps me busy these days, and in a fair and square answer, I introduce them to Steemit. And in a discommodious manner, they can’t help their selves not to judge a stay-at-home mom doing some online blogging job, and instead, they love to conclude that I may be working a spammy job or some nonsense typing captcha. I may not able to erase the typical thoughts they yearning, still and all, I am happy with what I am doing right now and I am doing my stuff in a legit course.

And for the road for my reconstructed comeback as a stay-at-home mom blogging on Steemit, I would like to vouchsafe the goodies I just consummated here in Steemit.


  • Steemit Taught Me How to Manage my Time
    Through Steemit I am slowly becoming the productive person I need to be as a mother of one, for the reason that I am aiming to submit one or two blogs per day here on Steemit, it gives me the keen to manage my other household chores directly without doing some pre-hassle and nonsense stuff like scrolling Facebook and Instagram applications. And in no time I know I will be able to adjust perfectly my routine between being a toddler mom and a blogging mom simultaneously.
  • Steeming and Balancing
    By the time I learned how to plan things ahead of time was then the time I learn to balance my schedule well because planning and balancing are just the essential things needed for the blogging lieu. As a consequence of that idea, balancing will do the trick harmoniously especially when you are a mom.
  • Steemit with Ethic
    When we talk about ethics, we are talking about fairness and integrity; and in Steemit you can witness that they give importance and value to your hard work as long as you blog with integrity and originality.
  • Steemitization and Prioritization
    As what I have mentioned above about lessening my time in other social media accounts who don't pay me, is also same as prioritizing which is much important to me as an individual. And as for me, being a mom of a toddler, I prioritized my duty as a mom of my little one as well as I also prioritized the ideas I need to impart in my blogs.
  • Steeming, Dreaming and Achieving
    Setting your goals aids you and pursues you to work hard towards achieving the goal you wanted to grip on someday. By now, that I am a mom, I have so many dreams for my family and some of it are so hard to reach, nevertheless, I love thinking that I am dreaming and aiming for the better and I am setting some of my goals through Steemit. It feels so wonderfully amazing if you dream of so many things and much more magnificent ideas if your dreams are slowly becoming reality as the day goes by.
  • Steeming and Halting
    When you blog and earned something from Steemit, it is same as winning back the hardship you do as you blog, nevertheless, Steemit still gives you the time to repose and recline once in a while. Because in Steemit you have the time you want whenever you wanted to submit an entry or whatever you wanted to submit. Oh yes! Steemit is such a stress-free zone to take the breathing slowly and exhaling you deeper thoughts whenever you are ready, and that is through blogging.

So! That is all for now, I need to stop here because my toddler is now inserting her best special intermision of all time! ( gotta go and get her throne 'potty chair')

And along with all the details I impart to you guys in my #Untalented 2.0 entry, I would like to make a special tribute to @surpassinggoogle, for supporting and aiding us neophytes here in Steemit as well as in linking us to others through his everyday pointers. And for those #newcomers like me, I encourage you to plug into the network and get connected and try the

#untalented 2nd Contest: A Snapshot Of Your Blockchain Before You Joined Steemit Vs A Snapshot Of Your Blockchain As A Steemian. No losers!!!

For more info about the contest here is the LINK! of @surpassinggoogle 's post

Have a nice day and keep on Steeming everyone!

🌺 deeday31 🌺



Steemit really change the lives of alot of housewives and gave hope to the jobless as well

with no ifs and buts, you are so right about that! Steemit enhanced everyone's well-being financially and mentally :)

This is encouraging and for someone like me that seems to be struggling with Steemit, it helps me to carry on and not give up. Afterall, I don't have a toddler to deal with, or much of anything else.

beyond any doubt lurking in every corner, I want to ignite some spark in everyone's heart that no small or big excuses can hinder one's forte! keep steeming my friend!

wow welcome in Steemit friend. It's so hard to be a mom and omg, you were ceasarian?

I am also writing in bitlanders with an unkown username. hehe

thanks, friend! yes I am CS :) before the surgery and during the post operative days ( which about 2 weeks after the day I had surgery) was the most unexplainable pain I ever felt, and now I can merely describe it to anyone and everyone how intense it was lol! I guess we human beings are made on the basis of God's strength.
I am still on bitlanders :) i hope i can see your blogs there too! :)

Hello. I am also a stay at home and you inspires me. Goodluck to your journey.

Hello there classmate of being a stay-at-home! I am much pleased with your sweet words! <3 Hope you'll showcase yours too and influence others with your hidden greatness! KEep steeming!

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @deeday31 to be original material and upvoted(1.5%) it!


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I badly need a dictionary while reading this. :)

thanks for sharing.

HAHAHAHHA, thank you so much for dropping by! I don't know where I got those words I uttered, maybe it is due to all the stress i am having right now. And steemit is aiding me in expressing those :)

Good blog, keep posting , dear friend

I am so delighted with your candy words and gracias for stopping by :)

Bongga Mam! Talo ang medsurg na book sa haba. Hehe. I enjoyed reading it. Guess, I need to prep myself for blood transfusion. Naubos ata yung dugo ko. Hahaha. I can tell na you're a happy person. And natawa ko sa convo ng sister mo. Nakakainggit. Haha. I wish I have a sister too. Hahaha. Excited to read your next posts. 😊

Oh my!!! I can PALPATE the same rush of blood running through your veins just like mine!!! and i can clearly AUSCULTATE your breath sounds --- wheezing for the same grief when I also almost died surviving NURSING! !!! YOU ARE A NURSE if im not mistaken? :)

Thank you for digging and speaking

@surpassinggoogle thank you very much for the votes for @sherylneil and @mrneil. I am also going to try the #untalented. more power to you sir

You are welcome. It is quite small but the tokens will have more valuable value some day near. Overall, everything you did in this post in terms of exertion, love, selflessness and growing in your substance in the process is wealth and this wealth will be obviouser than the road. Plus, kids and generations will read this and knew we were here and for them

Back in the days that when I was still in my teenage years, I really never thought how deep the love of a parent to their child, or maybe I really know that my parents love me so much because they raised me well and give me the things that I need and even the things that I want. With those days, I may assume that I was maybe immature enough to see transparently their unconditional to me or maybe I was in a camouflage battalion of reckless and tenderfoot youth with heads full of imprudence and irrational schemes. But now that I become a mother, I, in many guts, undeniably want to venture my sensitivity to the world that I don't give nuisance to the day that my cherub will accord me with expensive trophy, the only piece of phenomenon I want to partake is that I am in big hope for the day that I will witness the crop I saw through daylights, I want to experience buttoning up my baby girl's uniform in which known by many as a good human being who knows how to respect and knows how to share and give love to others with no in-mask repugnance. Because wealth is just wealth and integrity is much more than wealth!
Thank you so much for noticing my entry! In many ways, may God shower more more grace as you offer yours to others with no doubts. God bless! @surpassinggoogle!

Great article upvote. It will surely encourages other people especially those who are home based-mom. Keep it up.

Gracias sir!! As much as I am encouraging and developing my own persona to become more better, I am so happy knowing that I inspire others too! God Bless!

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