Dear Diary: Ways I Manage My Digestion Malady

in #untalented7 years ago (edited)


I always had a very bad digestion and it does affect me because if your insides revolt every time you eat and it makes you feel like you have a diarrhea then it is a problem that requires some medication. But I do not take medicine for it as I feel that it is not an illness but rather a condition that is just reactive to my body's stimulus and I have no idea what causes it so this persisting problem just lingers in my life.

I cannot even remember when was the last time a had no issue with my digestion within a week because everytime I eat or even before and as always right after eating my stomach would revolt and it would prompt me into going to the toilet to relieve myself. I still cannot figure out what is the cause of my stomach problem but when I also eat high fiber foods my digestion would seem like it was on speed because my bowel movement turnout speeds up real good.

Sometimes it is not good for me to go on long trips or in long days of activities in other places because I myself just cannot use a toilet like that for the reason that I have my own rituals on toilet. I can maybe call it my own OCD but I just can't use any other toilet places where I could break or even not do my own habits as I had grown to use and do the same thing over and over in my own toilet surroundings.

So using any other toilet is just one of my rather small problems regarding my own bowel movement practice. This just means that if maybe my toilet would be renovated, I would just get the same design where things are in their right places.

I am eyeing some factors regarding why my stomach revolutionizes always. One possible cause was my ascorbic acid intake, but I am always and everyday I take Vitamin c and my stomach should have by now had adjusted to it already. I also looking at my coffee intake, it might be also stimulating my digestion because I always drink coffee more than I drink water when I eat.

Some say that it was stress that causes digestion problems but I just attribute it to anxiety where if you are always upset your stomach would also create hyperacidity and eventually a stomach ache. Now as of the moment, my stomach is (digestion) is just relieved by Gabapentin and it somewhat relaxes my insides and I feel comfort and that leaves me to think that maybe my problem was originating from my brain but still I am looking for possible causes but right now I will just what I could just to make my insides happy and contented.


Have you tried cutting all coffee out of your diet to see if that changes it? Coffee can cause diahhrea, especially in high quantities. Also, I noticed you said you had problems sleeping. Cutting out caffeine in coffee should help reduce insomnia.

Yes you are right @cody.maynard68 I should cut down on coffee. Maybe I should start on decaffeinated coffee then.

That should help with the insomnia. However, after reading the article at the link below, I would not recommend that you drink decaf. There are too many negative side affects and chemicals in it that adversly affect bone density and mineral absorption.

Well I should cut down on both then and just drink some other type of beverages.
Thank you.
There are really many restrictions in my diet.

Sounds like a tricky problem, I know what you mean about only using your preferred toilet I try my best to only need to use my preferred toilets as well.

actually you have a leaky gut. you should see a doctor to get advice what food to avoid. you should have a gluten free diet and avoid processed foods.
you should also take probiotics to balanced the flora of your gut. there are so many readings about leaky gut or IBS.

I probably needed a gluten-free diet but I already have a restricted diet that I am following @datznice

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