Unlocking the Power of Chrome: Day 9

in #untalented6 years ago

As part of a project for #dolphinschool I started covering one new Google Chrome extension every other day. This is the continuation of that series.

If you are just joining me, make sure you go back and take a look at some of the past extensions I have covered. I will link some of them at the end of this article.

Save to Drive

The extension that I am going to be covering this time is called "Save to Drive". You can find it on the Chrome Web Store here.

There is also a Google Blog page about the extension you can access here.

Hopefully, you are already a user of Google Drive, if not I encourage you to become one. I will be covering some more features of Google Drive in a future post.

Once you have the extension added to Chrome you can start using it. There is no setup that needs to be done besides being logged in to your Google Drive account.

Save to Drive allows you to save any web page you are on to your Google Drive as a .PNG file. You are then able to go back to the file later. It also gives you the ability to save the source code of any page.

Additionally, once you have the extension installed it allows you to right-click on pictures inside of web pages and choose to save them to Drive.

These are great features if you want to gather a large number of resources in one place to access later. The .PNG files are very clear and easy to read.

This could be a great tool for you if you are trying to compile sources for an article or post.

Give it a spin sometime when you get a chance. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Your Extensions

As a way to keep this series fresh and useful, I have been adding extensions that are recommended by other users on Steemit. Let me know what your favorite extension(s) is/are.

If I use your extension in one of my posts I will give you a shout-out as well as a follow and an upvote on one of your recent posts.

It is all of us working together that makes this a great platform and will continue to make this series awesome.

You can view the last three extensions I have covered here:

Unlock the Power of Chrome: YouPitchMe

Unlock the Power of Chrome: Screencastify

Unlock the Power of Chrome: Session Buddy


O.O Well that's something I had no idea existed. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll go check your other Chrome posts. What extensions can you recommend for a writer?

Thanks for the reply. Grammarly for sure is a good one to check out. I haven't covered any other ones yet specifically for writing but that doesn't mean I won't in the future!

Great. I use chrome with Steemit. Working well. Do you know anything about IPFS?

I use Chrome for Steemit as well. Mostly on a computer but sometimes on my Chromebook. The only thing I know about IPFS is just what I have read online. It looks like there is some sort of Chrome extension for it, but I don't know the ins and outs of it.

I have to admit, I don't take advantage of many browser extensions. I'm glad to see you're detailing some for Chrome - I'll take a look through your past posts and hopefully learn something!

Awesome! Thanks for the comment. Lots of good stuff there and plenty more to come!

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