Using the Heart Beat Healing Modality to accelerate healingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ungrip6 years ago

I've been learning a powerful healing modality over the last few years.  A number of beautiful spiritual beings, lead by Lorene and Raylene, have taught me how to facilitate a healing transformation that takes days where my experiences through the colonial methodologies took me years.  I've literally witnessed miracles unfold before my eyes and there are plenty of witnesses that can testify to these miracles as well.  A few days ago I shared two posts that contained testimonies from numerous people who have experienced the work that our tribe is doing.  You can read those testimonials here and here

My super power is to experience life and be able to write about those experiences in ways that others can comprehend.  Now that I've got several years of retreats and facilitation experiences under my belt, I am confident that I can express this modality so that others can explore these ideas more deeply.

Note:  I really do recommend that if you are interested in using this healing modality, that you attend a few retreats so that you can fully experience and submerse yourself in the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of this modality.

The Goddesses that channeled and intuited this healing modality don't actually have a name for it.  But Spirit told me that it matches the inverted heart beat cycle, so I'll call this the 'Heart Beat Healing Modality' or HBHM for short.  The fact that this process follows the inverted HBHM tells me just how up-side down this world really is. 

When we view a heart beat on an ECG, the image we see looks similar to this one.  I'm going to invert that image now so that I can explain the HBHM.

To some people it may still look like a heart beat and for the purposes of this discussion we could say that it is.  After all, how it looks is dependent on ones point of view.  

The dots on each end represent the flat line of the heart beat.  In life this represents neutrality.  We have seen neutral being represented in many cultures, such as the Yin and Yang symbol from the Chinese.  The goal is to heal all aspects of ourselves so that we can remain neutral.  That does not mean we don't have feelings or reactions, but instead we allow those to be expressed so that we can return to neutral.  We end up getting sick when we swing to the extremes and stay there.  By finding ways to return back to neutral, we give ourselves the opportunity to ebb and flow with the cycles of nature and life.  Being flexible to go with that flow allows us to move through all the experiences we will face in our lives without taking on trauma or energy that puts us off balance or prevents us from returning to neutral.  

The ups and downs within the heartbeat represents our ability to move away from neutral in order to experience the light and darkness within our lives.  I'm not an advocate of avoiding the darkness and only focusing on the light.  Instead, we use the light to jump in with both feet into the darkness in order to learn the most about ourselves.  The goal is to balance them, be comfortable experiencing both light and darkness and be able to return to neutral so that we can fully experience life and stand as an objective witness to life as well.

This graph does not represent mood, so please don't associate depression or manic moods with this chart.  This chart represents the two sides of our psyche, the light and the darkness.  That which is seen and known, put into contrast with all that which is hidden or unknown.  Most people will go through life at point 'A', where they are in their small familiarity zone.  They are not necessarily comfortable, but they remain in that familiarity zone because it feels safe.  In our retreats, we are interested in expanding that familiarity zone so that it is as big as possible.  While this process is very uncomfortable, we do it in a safe way so that people can take risks in order to expand beyond the normal social programming that we all received as children.

Phase One - Establishing the Safe Container (B)

In the first few hours of a HBHM retreat, we start the weekend establishing a safe container.  This is where all participants agree to play 'all in', keep the discussions of the retreat confidential so that others feel safe taking risks, and we all work on establishing the ground rules for the retreat.  This is a critical component as people will not step outside of their familiarity zone unless they feel safe to do so.  Some will as they are risk takers, but the majority of people feel some aversion to risk, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.  When we are in a heart retreat, it is critical that we establish a safe zone sand box for people to play in throughout the weekend.  

It is also important that everyone knows that they need to act in integrity and will be held accountable to that standard of behaviour during the process.  It is socially acceptable for people to lie, bypass or avoid confronting themselves, but if we really want to heal and move on with our lives, a tremendous amount of honesty, integrity and courage is required.  By establishing the safe container, the stage is set for the next step.

Phase Two - Break Open (C)

This is when the healing gets real.  The whole point of this process is to jump into the deep end with both feet.  By exploring the dark corners of our lives, it provides us all with opportunities for acknowledging the trauma, healing, forgiveness and love as we challenge the lies that we tell ourselves.  Most people carry guilt, shame, pain, trauma and all sorts of baggage and that manifests in illness, disease or even depression, addictions and other manifestations of the extreme.  Being vulnerable to share this dark stuff for the first time is absolutely intimidating, but also could be blocked or hidden within the sub conscious or unconscious. Unlike the colonial system that depends on the individuals sharing these issues, the HBHM takes a completely different approach.

The facilitators themselves step up and lead by example.  They are the first to stand up and testify to their own journey, heart ache, pain, shame, guilt and trauma.  The facilitators are the first ones to be completely vulnerable in front of everyone as they open their heart and pour out their life journey in front of everyone else.   They have the experience to share their dark secrets and lead the process by setting the example for the others.  

What this does is help the participants realize that they are not alone in their journey.  We all struggle with similar issues and by witnessing the facilitators taking risks and being completely vulnerable with their story, it will hopefully help the participants do the same.  The facilitators have worked for a month or two to allow spirit to suggest activities to help the participants explore the darkness within so that they can bring it out, explore it and come to terms with what they found.  

Most times this requires multiple retreats, but if the individual is indeed committed to playing all in, they will find themselves in a free fall into their heart space and experiencing feelings and emotions that they stuffed, avoided or lied about for their entire life.  This leap of faith allows us all to get mucky as we start to confront ourselves and explore what we find inside the sacred spaces of our heart.

Phase Three - The Rebound (D)

There is a hidden consequence when you get a group of people together to do this type of work.  If everyone plays all in and manages to find the integrity to break themselves open in order to share intimate truths about themselves, an amazing thing manifests as a result.

Emotional Intimacy!!!

By being vulnerable with the other participants, everyone suddenly feels a deep, emotional and even spiritual connection with all the other participants.  This brings a deep level of trust, love and appreciation for everyone in the group and the energy within the group can take a drastic bounce as if we were all bungee jumping the night before and we are now being catapulted back up and into the opposite direction.  The second day is spent working on these connections and using the energy to help one another come to terms with what they found about themselves the night before.

The level of trust is growing within the group as everyone had opportunities to share their own darkness within.  If people want to learn how to reconcile relationships, this is the exact same process that my wife and I used years ago.  It took us months, but by being vulnerable and sharing our hearts openly, we found the emotional intimacy that we needed in our relationship.  This works within groups as well and it is very powerful and challenging.  The facilitators use this phase to design activities to help anchor these feelings and further explore the truths that each participate discovered through the breaking open phase.  

As the day comes to a close, the energy with the bodies of the participants needs to be shifted or everyone could end up getting physically ill.  The emotional energy that was just shifted through the extreme shift from darkness to light can induce energy flows within the body, much like how magnets induce currents in a copper wire.  If we don't give that energy somewhere to go, problems may manifest.  This is where the masculine and feminine energies are allowed to play, move, dance, drum or do what is required to get that energy flowing through the body.  

The extreme polar shifts from point B to point C must be addressed as most people are not used to making shifts of this magnitude.  What this shift does prove though is that we are very dynamic, versatile, strong and vibrant spiritual beings.  We are capable of doing amazing work, experiencing and expressing ourselves in ways that we never thought possible.  To fully embrace the darkest of ourselves and the light in the same weekend proves how diverse we are.  

But more importantly, it will also show people, potentially for the first time in their life, what it takes to forge deep, meaningful, long lasting, emotionally intimate relationships with other people. This changes people and is where the miracles unfold.

By experiencing this transition, people made connections with others that replaced addictions and helped heal traumas.  They found the support they were looking for in their lives so that the courage to make changes can be found.  Love, compassion, intimacy and vulnerability really can heal and it is profound at the results and speed at which that happens.  

Phase Four - Preparing to enter the real world (E)

The reality of life is that relationships in the real world can be unhealthy, violent, abusive, closed off, distant and dangerious.  To have our hearts opened for the first time can set in motion a desire to engage with other people in the same way.  However, without the support, vulnerability and safety of being in a sacred circle, re-entering into the real world can be challenging.  

The other issue that participants have encountered over the years is that when they go home, their friends and family notice and comment that they have changed.  Well, of course they changed!  That was the whole point of the retreat.  So part of the closing day is to provide strategies on how people can go home, maintain their heart space and intimate relationships while still interacting with those who have no idea how to have or hold the space of a healthy relationship with other people. 

There could be some ups and downs along that journey as the participant processes their experiences throughout the weekend over the coming weeks and months.  There then comes a point where the participant has processed and is suddenly ready for the next retreat.  The challenge for participants is that when one experiences emotional intimacy, honesty, integrity and safety like this, it triggers the Spirit to want to finish the process and do more work.

This is where lives change for ever as we find ways to open the flood gates for healing, change, growth and experiencing relationships at levels few on this planet have every done before.  As the echoes of the bungee jump reverberate through the following weeks, the participant may experience some ebbs and flows in their life as a result.  They have the skills to work through that, but more importantly, they now have a tribe that they can draw upon for support afterwards.  The bonds that formed during the retreat follow the participants as they now have a network of support to help one another.  

Phase Five - Repeat

Just like a normal heartbeat, one single beat is a miracle and absolutely amazing.  Getting a regular rhythm going is the most beautiful experience ever and is what keeps life going!  When we  start putting the HBHM together into regular, rhythmic experiences, our relationships become so enriched that we are engulfed with love, compassion, peace, safety, patience, amazement, awe and inspiration.  Spirit's gifts and abilities gets switched on and suddenly we are capable of doing astounding work in our lives.  Some people step up to use their own trauma and experiences to inspire others.  They use their own stories to show vulnerability as they facilitate the HBHM in their own circles, communities and tribes.  

Facilitators find that their own trauma, darkness, pain and suffering ends up being the super powers for their own healing journey and the inspiration for others to do the same.  In the end, we all struggle with similar shit and we are not alone in this journey.  When we find the courage to share our stories, we end up being the beacon for others to do the same.  We don't need to use force or coercion to do this work.  We lead by example and through the courage of sharing our stories, we inspire others to heal and grow.  

That is how we heal ourselves, our relationships with our spouse, family, friends and co-workers.  The HBHM can literally change our world for the better and it is done with Christ level consciousness.  

Again, I urge you all;  if you are interested in learning how the Heart Beat Healing Modality (HBHM), then please contact me or participate in the retreats that are coming up.  We are located on the land commonly called 'Alberta' and we have a men's and women's retreats scheduled for March 1-3.  The men's retreat is held off grid in our earthship.  We will work on connecting to the divine masculine heart, power and authority granted to us all by Creator.  

The reality of life is that relationships in the real world can be unhealthy, violent, abusive, closed off, distant and dangerous.  To have our hearts opened for the first time can set in motion a desire to engage with other people in the same way.  However, without the support, vulnerability and safety of being in a sacred circle, re-entering into the real world can be challenging.  

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