Spiritual protocol for harvesting plants or animals

in #ungrip7 years ago

When we start to accept the idea that we are spiritual beings in command of physical vessels, all our relationships suddenly change.  I spoke about this shift in consciousness in my book 'Graduating Life with Honours' when I suggested that spiritually we are to be stewards of the land.  

The implications of this mandate from Creator means we have a choice: be a tyrannical or a benevolent leader.  We are currently stewarding this planet using a model of tyranny as we rape and pillage all the resources we can find.  As a benevolent leader, a different approach is required.  To make this leap requires a paradigm shift in how we view all life, including the planet herself.  

I view myself as a spiritual being in command of this sacred gift we call a body.  This body is my temple to allow spirit to express itself here in this physical realm as we all struggle to practice the Pacem Arts (Art of Peace).  But we are caught in a paradox as our vessel would perish without sustenance, shelter, clothing and all the other necessities of life.  Our modus operandi (mode of operating) is to find what we need and take it.  If we cannot find what we need, then we hire other people to go out and find it for us and we pay them for those services.  

As a spiritual being I must now confront myself with the idea of taking the life of another for my own vessel as being a violent act.  I now recognize that all life, whether it is an animal, plant, rock or water (all building blocks of Mother Earths vessel) has a similar make up as I do.  They are all spiritual beings in command of their own physical realm vessels.  For me to just take what I need would violate the spirit of those that I am taking their vessels to provide for my own needs.  

Mother Earth is a spiritual being just as I AM or any other plant or animal.  So how to I provide for my needs without engaging in violence?  I ask for permission and wait for the spirit of the organism to give of their own free will!  Then it is no longer me taking, but the spirit giving instead.

There is a great book by Derek Jensen called 'A Language Older than Words' which explores this whole idea of learning how to listen to the animals, talk to them, let them know what we need and wait for them to prepare to sacrifice themselves for us and approach us when they are ready.  I will suggest that we go one step further and do so with the plants, water, rocks and all the other matter that we find on Mother Earth as it is her vessel that we are a part of and require for our own survival and prosperity.

The goal for us is to find a way to bring prosperity for ALL live on this planet, not just me or a few select individuals.  That is one of the terms of us being here.  So what does that mean?

During our journey to UNGRIP and explore our relationship with Mother Earth, I had the privilege of spending time with some indigenous leaders.  Sweetgrass Sitting Bear and I have formed a strong bond of friendship and brotherhood.  We have taught each other a lot and we still have a long way to go.  When we harvest from the forest, whether it is a mushroom, berry or leaf, their protocol is to leave some tobacco as equal exchange.  That way there is a give and take and consideration has been met.  But if we just take, then we have violated the spirit of the organism and engaged in violence.  

I will also point out that this extra burden is placed on us because of our desire for a higher level of consciousness.  Christ level consciousness requires that we find ways to live without engaging in violence.  Animals and plants that have not acquired self awareness are not under such a burden.  But we are not to be acting like animals, but rather highly evolved spiritual beings.  There are others on this planet that has acquired self awareness and are on the same journey as we are.  Those beings would be the great apes (gorillas, chimpanzees & orangutans), elephants, dolphins and orcas.  

It would be difficult to suggest that we are farther along our journey towards Christ level consciousness but it is safe to say that I do believe we are to help one another accomplish such levels of consciousness.  I consider the harvesting of self-aware beings murder.  For animals that have not acquired self-awareness, we must still provide them with the opportunity to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others.  It is the sacrifice that brings growth.  

It is our job then, to sit, learn and listen to how these plants and animals communicate so that we can speak the language that is older than words.  This requires that we get in touch with our feelings (not to be confused with emotions) so that we can feel what others are feeling.  This is how spirit communicates with spirit, through the heart and feelings that we experience as we interact with one anther.  

When we need food, clothing, shelter, water, etc for our own needs, it is up to us to do so honourably and with integrity.  The indigenous have taught me to use tobacco as one way of doing this work.  I've also learned that the animals will come to me.  I don't have to go and take.  When they are ready, they will approach me and that experience is very powerful and moving.  It does not matter if it is a chicken, goat or cow, they will all do it, as long as we are patient.  This must be done on their terms, not ours.  

Modern factory farms and slaughter houses violate every tenant of this principle and results in untold violence as a result.  It also removes the responsibility from us where each individual needs to work on this relationship.  As a result, the majority of the people are completely disconnected from the responsibilities of being a proper steward and have lots the skills to have any level of meaningful relationship with Mother Earth, the plants or animals that we all depend on for survival in this physical realm.  

To return to our path requires that we walk away from the grid and spend meaningful time with Mother Earth, plants, animals, water, stones, soil, bugs, etc so that we can re-connect and re-establish ourselves as stewards and learn the language that has been drowned out by all our own language, technology and bias.  It is a long journey, but very rewarding when we learn to sit and really listen to what others are saying.  So who do we listen to?  




Great topic and i respect your point of view. However man is a part of the food chain and shouldn't be removed from it or considered above it. Most animals only take what they need to survive. (except cats, cats kill for fun, i don't like cats) i spend a lot of my time in what some may call "out bush" and i find the environment in South Australia harsh and demanding. Unlike my homeland England, where all i need for survival is a good knife, here additional essentials are required if one is to survive. i believe if your not prepared to kill, gut and skin an animal, then you have no right in eating the meat from that animal. Most have lost their connection with the natural world and will never be able to return to nature or live in harmony with it. Most live in cities and will never understand a spiritual connection with the land. Lack of respect is not just a carnivore and omnivore issue, vegans - vegetarians while i respect their veiws, most of them have no clue in how to grow their own food and in so doing have no respect for it. My greatest fear at this moment is that the "Australian Government" are planning to release a virus into the waterways to kill the carp. this will result in millions of tons of dead fish floating and sinking to the bottom of the rivers to rot, which will in turn putrefy the rivers killing lots of aquatic life and also poisoning our own water supply. This is the same people that introduced the mosquito fish, that has devastated native fish numbers by eating fish eggs and not mosquitoes and cane toads and viruses such as myxy that horribly kill and disfigure rabbits and when that didn't work, calcivirus which also kills cats. if one is to be a good steward for nature, then stop screwing with it. Some may argue that they are invading species and need to be eradicated, i would reply so are white folks, cats, dogs, cows, sheep, horses etc etc. Start simple and pick up your rubbish and take it home. Take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints.

I agree with you. If you got the impression from my post that we are 'above' or 'better' than all other life, then please forgive me. I've written in my blog many times that we are the land and it is our responsibility to be proper stewards of the land and that we have to return to the land in order to fulfill that stewardship role.

I wrote about it in one of my first blog entries 3 months ago. If you are interested, it can be found here:


I also speak about it in my three books, which I posted just a few days ago. I applaud you on your efforts and I agree with everything you stated. <3

Thanks for the link to that great post - There is nothing to forgive bud - i admire your belief and wish more would share the same. And i respect your choice to exit the matrix. Which i believe is a great loss to those still trapped inside yet you are still influencing those that seek knowledge in a positive way - awsome. i believe the reason that the original tribal men of this land have lost their claim to the land is through the words used for their identity, for example Aborigine means from the original/not original the same as abnormal means not normal. And the term indigenous is also used, which would translate in court to - of-no-race. With regards owning land, when land is purchased, it is then signed over to the crown through "Registration" When your land is registered you are no longer the owner in law but custodian and get the right to live on the land. Spiritual enlightenment comes from self knowledge and the seeking of knowledge. Our place in this universe is fleeting and would probably be insignificant with no meaning without love.

Your response impressed me so much that I checked out your blog and I really like what I am seeing. To help you with your journey here on steemit, I have delegated 505 steem to you to increase your voting power. May this give you a boost as you share your knowledge, wisdom and experience with your relationship with the land and your research with the state as well. I think you will really enjoy my work too and I look forward to seeing you prosper on steemit. Welcome to the 'Stewards of Terra Mater'. If you have questions or need guidance through steemit, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can also private chat with me on steemit.chat. I have the same userid there as well. Peace to you.

I completely agree.
When working with relationships/spirit...completely connecting, off grid, WITH the land, listening without ego, to everything. It's hard for me sometimes, but growth is inevitable.

This resonates:
"Animals and plants that have not acquired self awareness are not under such a burden. But we are not to be acting like animals, but rather highly evolved spiritual beings. There are others on this planet that has acquired self awareness and are on the same journey as we are."

Respect and honour of self and "others".

I remember the first week we were here. My daughter...approached a witness tree. A beautiful grandmother black spruce. (Avia calls them tower tree record keepers). They had conversion and giggles for over 20 minutes. It was amazing to witness. That was the moment i knew i was home.

Thank you so much for sharing. Off to get a new book for winter reading!

Very true, too many people are all ego. They have only love for themselves and no respect for our home.

Thank you for this powerful post @wwf! Whever we take something - be it water from the spring, herbs from the forrest or field, fruit and veggies from the garden - we leave a hair ;-) and sometimes tobacco... growing into this ritual is such a wonderful experience, that I can only invite all of you to try it for yourselves!! Cheers from the Seven Mountains in Germany

This is a beautifully worded truth. I appreciate what the vegans THINK they are doing, but it is based on this sense that they are somehow outside the "circle of life and death." We jokingly call them "plant haters." It is all life, it is all sacred, and understanding our place in the sacredness is key. I will be getting that book, thanks for the recommendation!

the majority of the people are completely disconnected from the responsibilities of being a proper steward and have lost the skills to have any level of meaningful relationship with Mother Earth, the plants or animals that we all depend on for survival in this physical realm.

This is so true, @wwf. We have notice a big change in the way the animals behave towards us and the very way our garden is flourishing. It has taken us time to unlearn the terrible habits that we had developed. We have much more to learn on our journey.

That's a Jensen book I haven't read.

Should be a good winter read!

Here's an example of what you mean:

  • if we were to plant the food we eat, we wouldn't be throwing a third of it as we do today.
  • If we were make the chairs, we wouldn't be getting rid of it so fast. To change the interior decoration of our homes.
  • If we clean the water that we drank, we wouldn't polluted and wasted it.

This is what the Irish told us, Mark Boyle, who decided to live without money.

Thanks for the book reference. I have ordered and look forward to learning from it.

Great post, i am glad i found it !
And looks like a good book to read!
i am impressed.jpg

You always bring motivation among steemians through your kind words which effect many. Your efforts are really appreciable My Friend @wwf

Here is my question to you, how can we bring sense of tolerance among mass in terms of Religion specifically sectarianism?
It always create hatred among mass, suggest me some steps.

Sectarianism is usually rooted in dogma, meaning some authority is dictating a specific belief, behaviour or protocol. To break free of this requires the same strength and determination that it takes to break free from the state. It requires critical thinking and a connection to spirit to guide the way through the mine field. I hint at this within my book, but perhaps I will write a blog about dogma and sectarianism as well. That way I can honour your question better.

In short, if we allow ANY authority to get between us and the Creator, then we are at risk of falling pray to their bias and dogmatic principles they used to control their followers. We cannot allow that to happen, in all its forms. That means everything is under examination, even our own 'religious' beliefs. I don't follow a religion (system of worship). I am a spiritual being and as such it is my responsibility to worship Creator in my own way. That is what I do and share with others.

Well i get a bit of your ideas through this reply, i suggest you to put this issue in your debate contest issue so that i can learn different opinions through logical points @wwf.

Good idea. I will do that for next week!

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