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RE: Healing the Narcissist

in #ungrip6 years ago

I'm sorry to hear of the attacks and violence against you. Yes, this platform brings out the 'best' in people eh. :(

The behaviours you describe is one of the reasons why I started The Virtue Circle. Boundaries are so critical and I take a zero tolerance to covert or overt violence. I've already confronted one individual who posted on my blog a few days ago. I've not heard from them yet and don't expect to either.

Jealousy is a big one as all these metrics used on the Steem blockchain feeds into their sense of self and they will use it to prove that they are better than others. It is their way of elevating themselves over everyone else. Your large delegation is, as you pointed out, could very well send them over the deep end.

The old me would most likely be caught up in that as well. However, the new me empathizes with the violence that you have endured and I offer my assistance should you have abusive people harassing you.

Despite the offer, it sounds like you are getting a grasp of how to deal with them. I mute them, do not engage them and on here, ignoring them works really well. As a reformed narcissist, I am open to answering questions you may have to help you with your research.

Please know that my life style, philosophy of life and all the work that I do to share my story is directly related to my recovery and healing in my life. That is why I am so passionate and dedicated to non-violence in all my relationships. My recovery kicked me in the teeth and I now work hard to ensure that I don't resort to that shit ever again.

That is also why I'm so vocal about it too. Now that I realized just how violent and abusive that I was, I will stand up against those who do the same. No matter where they are. I am hyper sensitive to covert violence because of my own history of it. I see it like a neon flashing sign in the dark. So obvious to me, so I confront and rebuke it in the hopes that the seeds that I plant grow into another changed spiritual being.

Thank you so much for the support and for your comments. I pray that this helps you and I am open to sharing more. All you need to do is ask. <3

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