It is becoming increasingly dangerous to depend on the state and it's institutions

in #ungrip6 years ago

I wrote a post last year about battered citizen syndrome, one of my most popular posts that I wrote in the first few months of blogging on this blockchain.  The faith in government that people have is almost as unshakable as my faith in Creator.  The challenge that most people are going to run into is that their institutions will fail them, it is only a matter of time.

As the state and corporate empires tighten their grip on the hearts, minds, bodies and wallets of their citizens, a perfect storm brews.  What few people realize is that their beloved institutions are being setup to fail.  The state itself is under attack by the global elite, not just the people.  Their plan:  bring down the governments of the world so that people are dependent upon their one world government, supported by their already established corporate network.  Corporations not a part of that network will also be gone.  The 10 kings will be the CEO's of the ten key corporations they will use to govern the world 

The one institution that people depend on the most, their federal government, is under attack and slowly being eroded.  When the elite flip the switch, even the government continuity plans will not save the institutions and the people will be completely destitute.  Their plans are evil, wicked and global.


While the people have no food, water, shelter or heat to take care of the basic necessities of life, the global elite will swoop in like saviours!  They want to be gods, worshiped by many and they will achieve that by saving the flock of sheep. They will provide a stable currency, food, water, shelter, etc and everyone will be grateful.  They will flock to them out of desperation, willingly giving themselves to their new saviours.  People will have to swear allegiance to their new masters and accept the mark of the beast to get those benefits and privileges.  They will be grateful doing it.  

But at what cost?  Even their empire will crumble and fall.  Empires have fallen throughout history and the empires that exist today and in the near future will fall.  It has always happened and there is no sign that says this trend will not continue.  Empires fall because they don't follow natural law.  They create their own laws and think that they can overpower natural law.  

However, natural law always asserts itself and brings down those empires.  It is insane to think that the very institutions that we all depend on will continue.  The more dependent people are on these man made institutions, the more dangerous it becomes.  What most fail to recognize or acknowledge is that all empires still depend on Mother Earth and Creator.  Mother Earth sets the rules for live on this planet.  It is her body, mind and spirit that dictates how live progresses.  With a simple shake of her body, she can ride herself of parasites.  

It seems like life is not without a sense of irony.  People created these institutions to provide peace, safety and security.  However, in the end these institutions did not provide any of those outcomes.  Instead, greed, power, lust and control took over.  The problem is not the system but rather the sick and corrupt humans within it.  Those humans will be the downfall of any institution and there is no way to prevent it from happening.  

So what is a guy or gal to do about it?  

If you've been following my blog since October 2017, you will know the answer to that question already.  But for all those new to my work, let me lay out the solution.

Work hard to return to Mother Earth and Creator by working hard to rebuild our relationship with them both.  We move back to the land and become as independent as possible while building a small tribe of like minded individuals to help us along the way.  We learn how to live in harmony with Mother Earth and walking gently upon her bosom.  We recognize and acknowledge that everything here is governed by natural law and lives in harmony with it, except us.  So we surrender man made rules and return to our spiritual mission:  peaceful stewardship of Mother Earth, grounded in love, compassion, empathy, peace and freedom.  

To accomplish such a transition requires a tremendous amount of healing, decolonization and deprogramming of the mind.  Only the meek shall inherit the earth and it is becoming more clear to me now why that is the case.  It takes a tremendous amount of humbleness to walk away from the programmed promises of the state to make the type of leap that I write about.  The government and corporate empires promise wealth, peace, prosperity, safety and social programs for all.  

There is no promise of that when living off grid.  So why would anybody want to do that?  Because the government and corporate empires LIE TO YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!  It is my experience that living off grid is much more peaceful, filled with riches beyond my wildest dreams and way more peaceful than any experience I've had with the state in my entire life.  Yes, it is hard work, lots to learn and many heart aches and challenges.  I'm not going to lie to you.  It is a tough life getting established and requires constant vigilance to maintain it all.

However, when I put my trust and faith in Creator and Mother Earth instead of the corporate empires created by man, I found the love and support to encourage that growth.  My spirit woke up and started to see the Heaven that is already upon this Earth.  I see and hear more than I've ever done in the past.  My own personal growth has taken a monumental leap forward as a result.  I know without a doubt that I am more healthy, peaceful, mature, wise and powerful than I've ever been in my life.  

Feel the Fear and do it anyway! - Susan Jeffers
If you are waiting for a safe and comfortable time to make changes in our life, you will find yourself in your deathbed regretting life.  - White Walking Feather

Life is not safe, secure or peaceful, but we make it so through our own actions, beliefs, thoughts and behaviours.  We create that which we have spent our entire lives seeking.  We create that which we expected our governments to provide, but always failed to do.  It is up to each and every single one of us to reach out and provide the relationships we need to make this world a better place.  It starts within!

If we fail to see the abusive, violent and highly unhealthy relationship we have with the state, our fate will be forever tied to the ship and it is sinking faster than the Titanic.  The ship has been scuttled by forces out of our control or influence.  Creator has a hand in all of this to teach us an important lesson.  I chose to walk the path the best way I know how.  Your choice will always remain yours to make.  

However, I will not remain silent while others continue along this path.  The lives of children, our future and billions of people are on the line.  The lives of plants, animals and all of our spiritual brothers and sisters are on the line too!  Don't complain that people were not warned about it!  Prophecies within scripture and most other indigenous groups foretold of events like this unfolding.  The signs are all around.  No excuses.  


I will not remain silent while others continue along this path.

Thank you for offering to be a guide away from central authority towards harmony with The Mother. ✌💛

I am contemplating my next post as we have dedicated the last 13+ years of our lives to the decolonization process. We cover all aspects, not just off grid living, but unplugging from ALL the grids. Thank you for your support. Peace to you.

However, I will not remain silent while others continue along this path. The lives of children..

The one who does not show or does not speak about the truth is a silent devil ...

Thank you brother for helping to get the word out to the masses!!! Perhaps a better quote: What will happen when the many act despite their fear of the few!!!

Thank YOU!

The Word is out but many others need to #UNGRIP and pursue their own solutions. The Blockchain world is quickly providing The MANY with plausible alternatives. I for one am very pleased to be connected with you good sir, and writing Freely on this NON-State-Sponsored Platform... it helps me clear my head in the morning ; )

~Kindest regards my Bruv!


Indeed and well said. I lance boils for a living now. lol It is an honour to be friends my dear brother.

However, I will not remain silent while others continue along this path. The lives of children..

The one who does not show or does not speak about the truth is a silent devil ...

My own personal growth has taken a monumental leap forward as a result. I know without a doubt that I am more healthy, peaceful, mature, wise and powerful than I've ever been in my life.

When I deleveraged, and began a much more simple life... everything just became 'better'....
'Peaceful', sums it up...
(which is paradoxical, also - I now spend more time 'fighting' in speaking truth , than ever before..)

You and I sound like we are on similar paths.

What you write, I believe is the truth. And I love you for it. Most people can't handle the truth.

I do what can and I have the will to do it. I love you too! Thank you for supporting my work.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

You are a great example for us; staying present, remembering what is important in spite of the distractions and temptations.

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