Stewards of Terra Mater - update

in #ungrip7 years ago

For those who are new to my blog, I decided to delegate the vast majority of my steem to individuals who are new to Steemit, who are taking ACTION to be stewards of Mother Earth and do so with spiritual intent.  What drew me to these individuals was their life style, interests and willingness to share their journey.


My intent is to help them get established here on Steemit so that their stories are heard and that we can influence others to look at our relationships with our selves, each other, Creator and Mother Earth.  I would love to see their influence here reach 1 mvest and hundreds of followers so that they can then continue their work and help others achieve the same, and so on, and so on, and so on.  :)

I welcomed @carol-anne to the team a few days ago as she joins @cheneats, @earthmother, @mountainjewel, @yagoub and @skycae.

I've also made a few people honorary members of the team as @fulltimegeek has been a generous supporter of mine since I first came here and he has invited me into his team #StewardsOfGondor, along with @lyndsaybowes a dear friend of mine.  There are others as well, too many to mention.  Just take a look at all the people that vote on my blog posts, whether the vote is worth zero or 20 make no difference to me!  They are all there.

My wife @carey-page is also joining us here on steemit and I welcome her involvement as she has much to share and is the inspiration for the work that I share on my blog.  

As I accumulate steem, I will be inviting others to join the team.  My intent is to help people get started so that we can build a strong community here.  

In my view, steemit is proving to be a powerful tool to help demonstrate the effectiveness of paying it forward.  Whether it is here or in the real world, the principle is the same and I've witnessed it many times in the past.  

In the spirit of Christmas, I am blessed to be here and excited that a strong sense of community is being built.  It is an honour to be a part of that community as we share ideas to bring prosperity to everyone's lives!  May Creator bless you all with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love as we all sit down with friends and family to break bread together as we are reminded of what Christ level consciousness really MEANS!  

May the ideas spread through our hearts and manifest in our actions in life so that we can build experiences and memories that we can then take with us when we are finished here.


Merry Christmas and a happy prosperous new year to you and your family! 2017 has been in interesting year of change and challenge for me and I think 2018 will hold even more surprises for us all! :) I am excited for the year ahead!

Merry Christmas to you @steemcurator. I am looking forward to the new year as I see and feel lots of changes unfolding. Peace to you and your family.

Merry Christmas and bless you and yours White Walking Feather❤

Merry Christmas to you Karen! May 2018 bring peace, prosperity, joy and love far beyond 2017! <3

Thank you for your precious gift again, my spiritual brother! This Christmas is definitely much better for me than before. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

By the way, thank you for sharing the photo of a newborn goat kid and the mom. It reminds me of no matter what happens in the world, life goes on! It's time to celebrate life. :-)

Merry Christmas brother. May Creator bless you and your family as life does indeed go on! <3

Again, thank you! The boost you gave me had caused my blog to start flourishing and it has been very encouraging to continue sharing my story and cool information! Merry Yule! I am excited that our community on here is growing!

Your message warms my heart knowing that you are flourishing. That is what life is all about! Merry Yule to you as well. May you be blessed with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

you as well!

I love your idea! Its great that you are able to give to support your vision!

It is not my idea, but passed on to me by @fulltimegeek paying it forward, who in turn got the idea from somebody else paying it forward. The power of ideas being put into action and paying it forward. :)

May Creator Bless you White Walking Feather!!

thank you Lyndsay. May Creator bless you all as well. Please give the family a hug from me to all of them. Let them know that I think of your family often. Have a wonderful Christmas! <3

I will let them know :) Christmas is sure to be a hit, we got so much food, that's all I ever want, just stuffing, turkey, gravy and cheesesauce smothering all those veggies :) They boys are just chomping at the bit for it to be Christmas morning, I just love their excitement...even though we don't do the 'santa' thing, they still have the magic of all the surprises awaiting them tomorrow :) :)

I hope you all enjoy your day tomorrow with family, and the return of the LIGHT <3 <3 <3 Cheers to brighter days ahead!

We had our clan party last night and we missed you and your family. One day you will be able to attend. In the mean time, I look forward to seeing the pictures of the family giving their most precious gifts to one another ... their time! <3 Enjoy the feast as you all have worked so very hard to be stewards towards the plants and animals that will now nourish your vessels and feed your spirit with gratitude and appreciation for their sacrifice and commitment to prosperity on this planet.

Merry Christmas to you all White Walking Feather! I hope you enjoy lots of quality family time over the festive period!

Merry Christmas @beautifulbullies. May Creator bless you and your family with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love. It has been an honour and pleasure to get to know you over the past few months and I look forward to many more years of interacting, sharing, learning and growing! <3

Hi @wwf,

So generous of you and I know what it is to get a delegation and help others by rewarding the contents through our votes as I myself is also part of StewardsOfGandor team thanks to @fulltimegeek.

I have to admit, the delegation of SP made me so busy that whenever I have time, I will be on Steemit looking for quality content, write some good comments and that makes me so busy and responsible.

Wishing you and your team members Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

By the way, the picture you have included in this blog is so nice.

Thank you @coolguy123. It is great to hear from you and I appreciate the generous words and sentiment. It sounds like the delegation has brought prosperity and lots of work for everyone on the team. <3 I tried curating for a while, but I think for now I will stick to writing high quality content instead.

I will add that it is generous of you as well to do so much work to find good content. I can appreciate how difficult curating is. We had a partly last night with some of our clan members and the discussions about curating came up. With the internet, everyone has a voice, but due to the overwhelming volume, it is hard to pull the gems out of the pile of hay. Curating takes a lot of work to find the gems and it adds value to those searching and looking for high quality content. Keep up the great work. Curators are a new breed!

May Creator Bless you along your journey and I wish you, your family and all the curators and authors of the world a Merry Christmas and may you all be blessed with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Thanks for your appreciation about curating.

Yes, it's a time consuming activity, but thanks to some nice curation trails, I could devote some extra time for my posts as well along with curation.

Thank you for the wishes, appreciate your time for writing such a nice comment.

Have a great day :)

May the Creator bless you and your family during this season and into the new year, WhiteWalkingFeather. I am taking a few days to enjoy my family visiting so I may be a little slower to comment.

Thank you @cecicastor. May Creator bless you and your family as well. Enjoy your days off with your family. the most precious gift we can give somebody else is our time. Your family and you deserve it the most! <3

Christ level consciousness would be a nice thing to achieve. I'm not personally a believer in the story of Jesus as our only savior, but i do think that maybe he was another one of gods sons who did in fact possess tremendous insight and consciousness. Who knows. We can barely determine who said what even today. But the hope that we can open our eyes and hearts and find a way towards a more enlightened society that leads to a Free and Equal Peace on Earth, is a big one. There is a We the People, and though i'm not as centered on crypto as some, i do think it's in the top three tools that our species needs to fix our civilization, and to pull it out of the mainstream rivers of history, which have enriched too few far too much, and seen far too many children suffer and die, despite the abundance on the face of our mother nature. Alx

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