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RE: Stewards of Terra Mater - update

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

Hi @wwf,

So generous of you and I know what it is to get a delegation and help others by rewarding the contents through our votes as I myself is also part of StewardsOfGandor team thanks to @fulltimegeek.

I have to admit, the delegation of SP made me so busy that whenever I have time, I will be on Steemit looking for quality content, write some good comments and that makes me so busy and responsible.

Wishing you and your team members Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

By the way, the picture you have included in this blog is so nice.


Thank you @coolguy123. It is great to hear from you and I appreciate the generous words and sentiment. It sounds like the delegation has brought prosperity and lots of work for everyone on the team. <3 I tried curating for a while, but I think for now I will stick to writing high quality content instead.

I will add that it is generous of you as well to do so much work to find good content. I can appreciate how difficult curating is. We had a partly last night with some of our clan members and the discussions about curating came up. With the internet, everyone has a voice, but due to the overwhelming volume, it is hard to pull the gems out of the pile of hay. Curating takes a lot of work to find the gems and it adds value to those searching and looking for high quality content. Keep up the great work. Curators are a new breed!

May Creator Bless you along your journey and I wish you, your family and all the curators and authors of the world a Merry Christmas and may you all be blessed with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Thanks for your appreciation about curating.

Yes, it's a time consuming activity, but thanks to some nice curation trails, I could devote some extra time for my posts as well along with curation.

Thank you for the wishes, appreciate your time for writing such a nice comment.

Have a great day :)

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