
hahaha! yay! I love to make you smile must be one long-ass selfie stick! lol.

Indeed it is. and it's still quite awkward using it but heck it's getting fun LOL

hey reikigirl do people stare at you when they see you using that thing? I mean stare more than normal? lol.

LMAO Yes, and Yesssssss LOL

hahaha! I wouldn't stare I'd just challenge you to a walking contest, since you don't like running right?

Right on Cowboy! I would accept the challenge. You are correct, I do not like running the impact on my knees is less than desireable LOL Are you a runner, Cowboy?

you might accept the challenge until Ieft you in the dust! lol.
no but I've been a runner most of my life starting in HS track and cross country, middle distance the mile and 2 mile.

but haven't run since last winter, well except running around in the yard with Jack but will start again when it gets cool. I take Jack out on our gravel, county road and run up and down.

I appreciate good inspiration for self improvement :) <333 Dang Cowboy you should definitely be actifitting!!! wtheck heheh

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