Ulog # 9/06/18 Lets just talk a minute- and of course reaching 1000 SP

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


I like this photo. I saw this event live once. Must have been a 1000 ballons

My wife been hollowering at me to get back in bed. I will but I have to get a couple things done here first. So this is going to be brief and to the point. I can't take to much more of the nagging. LOL of course the sweet pouring of me and being slumped over the keyboard has nothing to do with it.

I did get through all my comments received. That is the most important thing. I feel so bad about not being able to do more with @pifc and the discord. @asapers and @deangedvisions along with my vet buddies. @thedarkhorse is a saint and one I consider a partner. I am going to have to make it up later,raincheck. There are more people I should mention but my wife just made another comment.

I finally got the transfer in from coinbase. the total cost of steem to include all fees was $1.08 per steem. If it would went through 72 hours ago the cost per steem would have been $0.99. Not going to complain about it because I was able to hit the 1000 SP mark in 8 months. I am very happy about that.

My goal is to get to a point where I can give the same amount of votes out but above the dust. I am working very hard to reach this point. One day it will happen.
According to my outlined plan that leaves 7 months to hit 1500. If I don't do it faster than that something is wrong.

Oh yea before I lose and give into my wife's demand one last thing

Liver test came out bad. possibility of bacteria infection. LST, AST over 600, So thats it in a nutshell. Last week my sons friend from high school who lives in london. He talks to her daily died of a bacteria infection. My wife is overly cautioned and worried. I keep telling her if we buy a sailboat and sail the Med It all goes away. I don't think she believes me . Can you believe that.

Have to get back to bed. I will answer all comments. ALL, It make me smile.



Hope you get well soon.

I'm very interested of your picture, the balloon is very beautiful. I never saw it,I hope can get the same luck as you Lol..

I don't know where I got that picture at. Had it a long time. It reminded me of the time I saw the balloon festival.

Sorry about the liver test, you will recover fully I pray.

1000SP in 8 months is mighty impressive. I'll keep rooting and hope you meet that 1500SP target.

I will meet it. lol It is just the amount of time it will take. The lower steem is the better off. but it will raise and will slow things down

Hey I heard the same thing about sailboats

There it is. that makes it true.
Its true, its true. :-)

Those LFTs aren't pretty.

Milk Thistle. I've seen it work wonders...

Namaste, JaiChai

Funny you mentioned that. Doctor brought that up yesterday. I had no idea what she was talking about. hummm have to look into it. thanks buddy

Milk Thistle helps the liver! I found that the liquid form was more beneficial than the capsules.

liquid, Thanks for the info on that.

Hey @wolfhart. Sorry to hear about the liver stuff. rest and medicine is shitty but you must listen to the ones with the degrees I am afraid. 1000 SP is great and 1500 should be reachable by Christmas.

but you must listen to the ones with the degrees I am afraid.

I have some good ones. and we have great communication. I pay attention and have input. We talk almost every day.

Xmas is a good time table.

Hope that all the bacterias found that it is useless to infect the great and kind "liver" you have in there @wolfhart, scared away by your joke and you'll be back on your seat and reach 1500 sp. I'm missing your comments on the pifc entries 😔

that sucker has been pooping up over the last 2 1/2 years. Its a bad strain.

It has worn me out but it will take a lot more than that. I am very disappointed in not being able to be on here as much as I need to. I will do what I can and keep pushing forward.

that sucker has been pooping up over the last 2 1/2 years. Its a bad strain.

Aaarghh.. now I agree that a sail boat on the med sea will washed them away 😉 take your time, at least you still have time to create a daily posts like this is allright. Safety first... fun then👍

It's one way that I can see that I am still moving forward and not stagnant.
One day at a time. one foot in front of the other. 👍

Nothing can beat your spirit @wolfhart, thank you for the one step at a time 😉 I harvested my effort by following your wise and encouraging words

Yea I am a peach. LOL

Always check what you hear. That includes me.

I'm so sorry about the test, but listen to your wife or else you'll have pain in your liver and your head where she will try to knock some sense into you :)

Congrats on the 1000 SP; that's pretty awesome! And I don't think you ever need to worry about a raincheck to anyone here :)

I have been with that woman for 41 years. She is a very strong minded brooklyn girl LOL. She knows me well.

I do feel bad for her. That's another reason I understand Brain so well. We walk the same road. Maybe at different times but never the less the same road.

I went down for a couple hours and will go back shortly. As you know its a hard job for her.

That says it all right there @wolfhart. Not many understand it all, unfortunately you and your wife and Brian and I do; I'm sorry for others who do too.

Give her a big hug from me whenever you read this <3

she is in time out right now. ROFL
I will , don't worry about that.

There are many special woman in this world. The greatest creation ever done, the woman. !!!!!!!

I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. Let your wife take care of you and listen to her :) It must be hard for her to see you in pain. I hope you'll get better soon..

Thank you

My wife does a great job. She is the boss in that area. She has been doing it for a long time. I am blessed to have her.

One day i hope ro see a air show too. And u better rest up and do what ever the dr. Says dont worry about us we only want you to get well💛

This is how I get well. I refuse to lay down. you see
A dead man can't be standing up. so as long as your on your feet your alive.

You don't have dust sweeper and my VP is low . I think that vote will get you above the dust.

Lol your too much 😂 thanks. And dont worry about upvoting my comments i really dont expect it, but do appreciate it💛

rules are everyone who makes a comment gets a vote . I made yours above the dust
Get dustsweepers, its worth it
I appreciate the comments that much

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