Ulog #9: A Swallowed Tooth, A Friend In Danger, And Some Other Randoms

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians! Hope you all are well!

If I did ulogs everyday, some of them would be kind of dumb.

Like this for example: Today I woke up and sat on Steemit for several hours while my children slept, then I cleaned the kitchen or at least loaded the dishwasher because I was too lazy to clean up after supper last night. One of the kids broke a glass and after cleaning it up there still seems to be a piece missing, so I hope no one ends up stepping on it later, having to get stitches! We had frozen pizza for lunch. I spent some more time on Steemit in the afternoon, then took a few moments to acutely feel guilt and self loathing because of all my failures, but I don't have the willpower at this point to really change who I am. Oh, and I didn't take a shower today, saving it for tomorrow's ulog...

Who would want to read that???

Every few days works better for me, and I'll tell you what's been going on! Hopefully it will be a little better than the one above. First off, Chloe, my 6 year old, lost her front tooth in her sleep. We couldn't find it anywhere after she woke up, so we think she swallowed it! Such a cutie, she wanted to wear this fedora all day!

The horrible medication that my psychiatrist put me on is finally starting to leave my system, and I'm not feeling as insane as before. It seriously messed me up bad, as you will know if you read my last post.

My son spends a lot of time on his tablet. Jared's dad and step-mom got it for him two Christmases ago. It is an obsession, and I fear the tablet has fused with his consciousness. They have become one and I blame myself for being too lenient about it. Yesterday I fantasized about breaking it with a hammer and laughing maniacally, saying, "Welcome to the real world buddy! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" That would probably be the most traumatic experience of his childhood though, so I'm just letting it remain a fantasy.

So, you may be wondering about the job.

I don't know if it's good news or bad news yet. Time will tell. I have mixed feelings about my decision here, but I quit the job. Here are the pros and cons of it. On one hand we really need the money, It's in a house a block away, only two men to look after, I want to feel the accomplishment of working and supporting my family, and maybe I'd get used to it.

On the other hand, I didn't realize how mentally disturbed one of the residents is until I was there doing the online training Tuesday. He supposedly has the mentality of a ten year old, but is a grown man who weighs in around 275 pounds I'd say. He wears snap-back hats and smokes cigarettes, and he absolutely terrifies me. He hits people, yells at people, stomps around and often threatens suicide when he doesn't get his way. While I was doing my training upstairs, his room was next to mine. He was mad that he wasn't taken out on his outing that day, and he crashed around and yelled out obscenities at his caregiver, then he purposefully gagged himself, and loudly retching, he made himself vomit all over his room as retribution, which of course he didn't clean up. Upon reading his chart I saw that he is also sexually inappropriate, and was kicked out of one place for going after the employees with a butcher knife.

After coming home, I told my husband about it. I was so stressed out about having to start on the floor, and having to deal with him one on one Wednesday morning. I cried and paced and nearly had a panic attack, and I doubt I would have had such an extreme reaction if it weren't for the med I was put on. I was a total mess over going back there, and Wednesday morning I kept going back and forth about it. My husband told me not to go, and he would intensify his job search. Ultimately, I sent the manager a text explaining that I wasn't going to work there anymore. I don't know if this was the right decision, and am double minded about it. Jared spent hours looking for work yesterday after I quit too, so we will see...

Last but not least, have you ever met cecicastor here on Steemit? She is a dear friend of many here, and she needs our support. She and her family are stuck in Nicaragua and conditions are deteriorating. It is too late for her to leave and return to Canada, because it is now unsafe. That's why I didn't tag her either. They are being watched. I've been following her for a long time, she has always supported mine and many other's posts. I'm ashamed to say that she's been posting about what's been happening there for some time now, and I just found out about it yesterday. How did we Steemians not pull together for her and raise the funds to get her and her family out of there somehow while there was still time? Read this post please, and maybe some of her older ones if you are not up to date on what is happening. Maybe #informationwar can resteem her post as well. The least we can do is spread the word and show our support. Honestly I don't know what else can be done at this point...I fear for her safety.

Seems abrupt, but that pretty much wraps it up! Have a wonderful day everyone!

Thanks for reading!

Love, snowpea ❤



OMG I loved this so much! I love your "internal thought process" approach to writing!!!! - oh... and at least you have a bloody dishwasher haha!!! Re. the tooth, well... once I forgot to remove the tooth from Jude's shoe and replace it with money and I woke up in an absolute panic in the early hours of the morning.... grabbed a note from my wallet thinking it was a 20... Jude was happy when he woke up.... it was a R200 note HAHAHA!!! And from that day forward, anything less was an anticlimax for him ;) lol

Awesome Ulog hon and glad to hear you are feeling less "loco" hehe :)

It means so much to me that you liked my Ulog @jaynie! Too funny, your son got rich overnight! I can understand why he'd be a little disappointed from that point on lol. :)

He sure bloody did! haha... little shite! ;) Always love your writing sweets!

I'm sorry to hear what happened at your job! But I think you made the right decision. Safety first! I hope Jared will find a new job soon and your situation will be better.

I know things will get better, they have to! :)

Thank you, @snowpea for helping get the news out. There is now a little coming out of the mainstream but not much.

When you close one door another one will open up. I think you were wise to quit. A 275-pound man with the mentality of a kid having a tantrum would be difficult for anyone to handle. In my previous life, I have more than 30 years of experience dealing with difficult situations as I was a public mental health nurse working in a community setting, on call 24/7 with self-defence training and I wouldn't take this job! Don't beat yourself over it!

Absolutely! A door just opened this evening!! One of the job prospects called this evening and my husband now starts Monday! :D You telling me that even with your experience in the field, you wouldn't take the job also made me feel a lot better about it. Take care and stay safe! ❤

That is such fantastic news, @snowpea!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!

Absolutely it is! Thank you @lturner! :)

So happy for you guys! Soon life will turn around and you will be able to put all this awful stuff behind you! Big hugs!

hey @snowpea! I totally feel you about the ipad/tablet thing, we've been having trouble with it as of late because my toddler screams and cries when its taken away and his language and developmental skills have regressed! So we unfortunately had to reduce much of the time and also delete some programs that made him like that..
Hopefully your kid is a little better at it!

I too also am experimenting with this daily ulog thing.. who knows if I will also do once every few days or not! haha I've been trying to do it daily but it didn't manage to last two days even.

The problems with our children being so attached to screens are unfortunately very common @vincy. At least you are doing the right thing in addressing the problem. My son is 10, and I am concerned about some things too, not so much with developmental skills but laziness and the lack of desire to be part of the family. I worry about that whole failure to launch thing with him.

Ulogs are flexible! Do whatever feels right! Thanks for your comment! :)

Thank you! And I want to know more about your funny ulogs too! (The one that @purpletanzanite mentioned, it certainly was funny!)

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I was reading one of your old posts about your son, how is he doing mentally? Has he got a better plan of treatment now?

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You mean my husband? He's doing better and just got a job! :)

Oh I thought you were talking about your son needing treatment for depression?

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Oh I went back to read the names haha I got confused cos this post talked about the name Jared and I thought it was your son!
Thank God he’s better now and got a job yay!

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That's okay! They both have J names. Yes it's very exciting that he is getting better. :)

I loved reading this, and noooo, a piece from your kind of dumb ulog wasnt dumb at all. Thats what YOUlogs are meant for. Keep at it.
I giggled at the part
"Oh, and I didn't take a shower today", maybe i shouldn't have, but i did because of how much i could relate.. Yeah, THOSE days happen to me too,sadly.
I am a first timer on your blog and loved it, i am subscribed. Looking forward to reading more.
Sending you hugs.

Totally okay to laugh at that! It was meant to be kind of funny. ;) Good to know I'm not the only one. Thanks for following me and I'm following you now too! <3

Who would want to read that???

Made me lol. I can't bring myself to do the Ulog thing. It reminds me of when my ex stepson got up one night, made a sandwich and then posted about it on Fakebook. That was an extreme level of narcissism, although maybe I am wrong and his circle was desperate to know his late night snacking habits.

Glad that the meds are finally working their way out of your system. Just curious, but in a perfect world, what would Snowpea do for work if she had a choice (I know you would blog, but other than that)?

I can see what you mean about Ulogs, people love talking about themselves and think everyone else is really going to care about their sandwich. Hope it's not too annoying to see on your feed. ;)

I don't know the answer to your question. Might sound melodramatic but sometimes I think I'm not meant for this world. :/ I don't fit in anywhere. Something alone. Hubby got a job today though, so I don't have to think about it too hard. :D

Anyway, enough about me! Are you feeling better?

Hope it's not too annoying to see on your feed. ;)

It isn't, so no worries there. I get worried now if you aren't posting, that something bad may have happened to you and your family. So keep on posting.

Hubby got a job today though, so I don't have to think about it too hard. :D

That's awesome. I hope he likes whatever it is doing. How is he doing? Has he started coming out of his depression at all, or is he forcing himself to do what he has to do as it continues plaguing him?

Are you feeling better?

I am, thank you for asking. Unfortunately, I gave it to my girlfriend. It lasted about two weeks for me. Now it has been a matter of finding work here. We live in a small area, and being self employed most of my life is an impediment in finding work. I am afraid I might have to resort to writing again.

I get worried now if you aren't posting, that something bad may have happened to you and your family. So keep on posting.

What do I do when I have writer's block? Are you suggesting I make shit posts so everyone knows we're okay? ;) Hmm...I'll think of something when that happens.

Has he started coming out of his depression at all, or is he forcing himself to do what he has to do as it continues plaguing him?

He's coming out of it. This is the same thing that happened last time. He's gone through two other depressions in his life. A couple of years ago when he was depressed and out of work for months, I got fed up with it and looked for a job. When I was in the process of being hired somewhere, something inside of him felt how wrong it was. Me working and him staying home started becoming a reality and he snapped out of it. Just like now.

I hope you can find work soon! Searching for a job can be such a pain. What are you looking to do? What did you used to write about?

What are you looking to do?

Not really sure. Been trying for warehousing, but not sure if I will do well there as it seems most have quotas now.

What did you used to write about?

I started off with how to books, but the money was in erotica. Probably in the next week I am going to write a short how to for Steem and publish it as a funnel.

I still get between 200-500 a month on royalties and haven't written in a good year and a half. I got burnt out on it as it felt I was writing the same story over and over.

Oh wow! Never would've guessed erotica lol!

Awwww what a shame you quit your job :/ I totally understand the rationale there but surely there was something else you could have done first. For example, insisted on having someone else there with you. With a 'client' like that you should never be alone one on one. In fact I think that might be illegal .. well at least where I am from that would be the case...
Had they refused you a second person in the room then definitely I would have quit too.. its not only unsafe, it's bad practice!

Well, some good news regarding this is that my husband gained employment and starts Monday. We just found yesterday! We are finally going to get out from under this mess! :)

hooray! That's wonderful! Congratulations on making some progress at last. What a relief that must be! :)

Absolutely it is! Thank you @fiftysixnorth! :)

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wow if you have a complicated day, from the loss of a tooth to washing the dishes, to the feeling that you are sitting on the computer just looking at the stemmit page.
but so ies life full of crazy moments and few fun at times, but I suppose that at some point you will give yourself a family time to calm your spirits.

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