ULOG #1: Happiness Is Just Around The Corner

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

I had to get out and clear my head. Our adventure took us... to a nearby village.


Summer Holidays

These last couple of years, we always took some time off during the summer. Visiting psytrance festivals in Portugal, Hungary or Germany, or road tripping through France, Luxembourg or The Netherlands, ... every year we left our home to create some new, wonderful memories.

But not this year...



These last 10 months have been hard, to say the least. Sickness, depression, deaths, surgeries, recovery processes that never end.... I've had more than my share.

During all this time, I barely left the house. My home was my prison.

I was on my way to sink back into a depression after my favorite cat died last week, but fortunately I realized that before it was too late.

I had to get out. I needed a break from everything. I couldn't allow myself to keep running the same, destructive circles in my head, going nowhere but downwards.
I couldn't bear to keep staring at the same four walls I had been staring at for months.


The Next Village

Without overthinking it too much, we decided to take that break I needed so badly. It was a small one: I wasn't prepared to leave my other 3 cats behind for too long, and because of the last surgery, I still can't handle car rides that take longer than 20 minutes.

That really limited our options.

Our fully-equipped campervan, however, makes it possible to go camping with all the luxury my back needs. There's no need to sleep on an uncomfortable air matress when you have a full-sized, real bed, lol.

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So we found ourselves a simple campsite, with a swimming pool and a pond, in the next village. The swimming opportunities were a must, because floating in water is one of the only things that relaxes me completely - and of course it is still extremely hot in our little country.

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11 kilometers or a 16 minute drive and 24 hours was all it took for me to reload the batteries... I feel reborn again.


Our Day

I'm sorry, I actually started this post to show you the pics, but the intro got a little out of hand, lol.

It's about time I get to it and show you how this one-day-holiday in the village next to our own has made such a huge difference.

I guess it is no secret that a combination of nature, wonderful company and a simple Belgian beer can do wonders. Well, they did.

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It was a bit of a bummer that the swimming pond had closed for the public a couple of days earlier - because of the heat, unhealthy algae had started growing. I would have loved to sit on the white sand, drying up after taking a dip in the water. But it was a no-go. All I could do was take a quick picture from behind the closed fence.

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Fortunately, the swimming pool wasn't too crowded, so we did have a great opportunity to cool off.

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We went out for dinner in the campsite's restaurant, and although the food wasn't all that great, the cocktail were. Well, cocktails are always great, right?

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For old times sake, we didn't take any electronical devices, except for our phones.

But we didn't ask for WiFi access, which gave me the opportunity to finally start reading in the newest addition to my Stephen King-collection. I love to read, but these last couple of months, I found it very hard to concentrate.

Stephen King is my favorite author and I've read - and own - almost everything he has written, from the classics like 'It' (which was my first), 'Cujo', 'Carrie', 'Pet Sematary' and 'Christine', to everything he has written under the pseudonym Richard Bachman, all the way down to his newer books like 'Mr. Mercedes' and 'Sleeping Beauties'.

I really miss the horror he used to write - I guess you can call me a real horror-freak - and I always end up a little disappointed after reading his newer work, but I keep hoping he will return to the genre one day. So I keep reading everything I can get my hands on, hoping that The Master Of Horror will return to his roots at one point...

And although I already suspect another disappointment will follow, I did enjoy the reading after all these months.

A perfect closing of a perfect day. :0)

After a delicious bacon-and-eggs breakfast, and a last plunge in the pool, we headed home again.

We didn't party on a beautiful festival, we didn't drive across a beautiful country, but for the first time in months, I was able to put all of my worries aside for a short while. I don't have the words to express how that made me feel.

Sometimes, happiness is just one village away...


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Images sources:
All images are my own.

This post was made from https://ulogs.org



Oh wow, I would dearly love a campervan! We were considering renting a little caravan to take around next year for our vacation. Just getting out and about is vacation enough, a change of scenery!

I love all the food and drink photos, but you live in a country of great beers and just north of a place with great cidres... and you drink Jupiler??!?!?!?

I will forgive you for making the Jupiler remark. After all you live in the country where Heiniken rules (was elected as being the best urine in the world, lol)
With all the meds I still have to take, it's not really a good idea to get a stronger beer - although i start drooling when I think about a McChouffe... hahaha

Haha, yes... but I don't post evidence to the blockchain of me anywhere near a Heineken!

Lol, so true. You win :0)

Haha! Will you post me a Jupiler?

I will, I'll open one later today especially for you

"Respite and Recharge" - A beautiful thing, no?

Namaste, Jaichai

Sometimes the unexpected things will make people tired, sick and unhappy. But overcoming ones ill situation with relaxation is a good means to escape the boredom of unwanted situations. I am glad you overcame the boring situation of staying at home.

Me too.
And if I would have known sooner, I wouldn't have waited so long. But things cross your path when you need itmost, I guess :0)

Absolutely right, no matter what the situation may be, everyone tend to achieve what he feel like achieving when he need it.

you always need to take a minute to reset. life just gets to busy and overwelms you sometimes. i am glad you are feeling better.

Me too. I simply had forgotten how it was like to stop that ever ongoing stream of negative thought. I'll be remembering this for sure!

Thanks. Me too.
And 'reset' is zctually the perfect word to describe how it felt :0

yay how awesome!! i love your van and the food looks great. so sorry about your last months but hope this is the start of a great relief. do you have a stove and bathroom in there too? wow! the lake looks great and my moms fav author is SK too ... he creeps me out 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but glad you are relaxing!!

We have a cooking element with two pits, and a toilet. And a heater, which is necessary when we take it in snowboarding trips.
I dôn't think I could ever go back and camp in a plain tent anymore.
Gosh, I'm so spoiled 🙄

That's is awesome I keep scrolling back up to the campervan I want one now to convince @insideoutlet.


What a great idea! I've been really needing a break recently and have been getting the guide book out and looking at places that are a long drive away. But why not somewhere a little closer? We haven't explored much since moving to this region of Spain and there's a swimming lake just one hour away. And a campsite too! Thanks for the inspiration. It's so lovely to read your story and I'm glad to hear you restored your batteries. Xx

It surprised me too.
And even more : in the evening, we were lying on the bed in the van, all doors open, and then we realized we could just as well have stayed in our own backyard. (Although our inflatable swimming pool is a lot smaller than the pool on the campsite). It is not the distance, it is the state of mind that is important.... :0)

"It is not the distance, it is the state of mind that is important" - TRUE DAT!

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Sometimes all you need to do is to get out of the house for a change in environment to recharge yourself. Good to know that has worked for you.

It's indeed more a psychological thing. Distance is not important - it's the fact that you break the every day cycle by doing something completely different

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