Ulog #13 August 7th | I need to re-innovate my Steemit Journey every single daysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ulog6 years ago

Today is 7th August.
Price of STEEM is $1.11

let me re-introduce myself and my steem journey and I’ll do this everyday and I’ll response to every single comment on this Busy blog and it’ll eventually turn into my Steemit email. No commenting restriction applies.


I move Forward so fast and my creative mind never sleeps, it’s always thinking about how to improve my Steemit Journey and most importantly thinking abut how to impact other’s life through steem DApps.


So what happened today ? I think the best questions to ask are

  1. what’s DNomad’s trying to do here with Steemit?
  2. Why DNomad doesn’t have a clue ?
  3. Why DNomad is changing his plans so much ?
  4. Why DNomad is crazy?

So please allow me to reintroduce my Steemit Journey via this busy blog.

  1. I’m creating 3 DTube vlogs per day

Why ????
I want to make steem great, I know that steem DApps have the power to take Steem forward, I want to promote DTube and all the Steem DApps in London before I leave London on the 20th. I enjoying my Dtube Process. I want to connect with less bot accounts and more real accounts. I want to others to do something that can bring new people to steemit. I want to others to know that I didn’t get rich instantly and there so many years of hard work, dedication and patience and all the other ingredients went into the process of me becoming financially independent. It’s not about me but it’s about you and I’m sharing most things that I learned in 34 years of living in this planet and hoping you can learn something from me. I don’t need to go out and promote DTube and Steemit like this crazy because I’ve enough money to live my rest of life. I like sharing and I like to show you what work is and there is no formula for happy life or financial independent. Everyone is different and if you want something you must work for it and you’ve earn it. I can give you my hard earn money but you wouldn’t appreciate it because you don’t know how hard to make money.


  1. I’m trying to create Travel vlogs with DLive

Why ?
Traveling is my real education and nothing can come closer and some people never leave from thier home town. Most people who are travelling they’ve wrong reasons. Like most of the steemit users are here for the wrong reasons. They’re missing the point to learn from Steemit contents and improve thier life, they’re missing to connect with another human being. They want to get rich instantly. Good luck with that. Going back to travel, Everyone should f**king travel and I’ll be travelling to every place on the earth before I die and it was my teenage dream and I’m 20% there.


  1. I’m writing ulog every day to inform you about what I’m doing with my Steemit Journey and updating with you. To be honest I’m kind of lost and I need to keep track of my journey and I want to document my process. I always start with a mess and try to do many things and I learn my trial and error. I’m not a researcher and I’m more like experimentor. I studied chemistry in my A-Level and get lowest grade for it. But I love the idea of experimenting and trying to mix things and make new things.


  1. I decided to buy STEEM every day for next three years and power up every day. I want to become a STEEM maximalist.

Why ?

With more power I can touch more people’s life and my I want to be a billionaire


  1. I also decide to incentivise people who commenting on my posts and all my vlogs will have some kind of commenting requirement. You’ll find out more details tomorrow
  1. I’m deciding to do Telegram day on this Sunday and I’ll only allow 11 people to contact me and I’ll write a post on Saturday to announce those Steemians

  2. Planning to create 5-7 post per day until I really figure out what is working and what’s not working. And find out what I’m enjoying doing most and what kind of work will impacts our Steemit community at large.


These words are my own. I’m not good with my writing and I don’t simply care because I only have good intention “ImakeSTEEMgreat”


It's a great deal! Your post really tells you a lot of brilliant and the one million you say is very good to see its idea in the last video I believe that you are helping us in many ways, maybe nobody else will.

Another thing that you would like to direct from your followers on Sunday, it is very good to hear that thanks to them, if you have any problems, then you can do that. That is what I said thank you very much for your post.

DNomad's name indicates which direction it has been named. Explain it a little...

i am not selling my steem power for less than $100

Greay brothet. I am watching your journey from your 1st day when you explain your aim to join steemit journey. I was impressed from you on 1st day when you said you want to make steem greater. You start #SAL10KHUNT.
it was awesome idea to motovate steemians to acheive something greater. I appreciate your eork to make steem greater

i am not selling my steem power for less than $100

very good work the layout the images interesting the subject a lot of love in this post I congratulate you @nathanmars

Like steemian 10k hunt you can reach the end of the success of Dnomad. Because I have a sense of your creativity.

Hello Dnomad, Absolutely brilliant explain by you early morning to me what you thinking for develop steem based platforms through your own words, It;s very simply to understand without harder pronunciation. You given some reasons really deeply touched to me. Well said every reasons.

I can give you my hard earn money but you wouldn’t appreciate it because you don’t know how hard to make money.

Look at above. What a grateful thinking by you. Yep it's true. Many peoples try to earn money & wealth instantly without trying harder. Also they will wait money come to their foot steps like as won lottery. It's not best attitude for being rich. In fact I give biggest salute you for encourage and show better harder way to find money.
I think if every peoples think will be billionaire within some fixed period with going planning they will be success. Problems and mistakes showing where we want to go across correct way.

One of the advantages of ulog that I personally find is that it helps me keep track of my own journey in Steemit.
I will admit that my ulogs are much different than from normal ulogs. I basically write poetry as the sum of what I had been thinking that day. I grant that poetry and journal may not go hand in hand but they it does helps me keep track of my own thought process.

I’m kind of lost and I need to keep track of my journey and I want to document my process.

All that I have written above in this comment is basically the reason why your point resonated so deeply with me. For last couple of days I have tried to write a poetry ulog. It had helped me keep track of my creative thought process.

That's great initiative to increase steem sir @nathanmars. I Prefer join with you recently with contents. You've good concepts future developing. Better to enough follow above new ways. Thanks to everything.

Yes, really your thinking is great

  1. what’s DNomad’s trying to do here with Steemit?
  2. Why DNomad doesn’t have a clue ?
  3. Why DNomad is changing his plans so much ?
  4. Why DNomad is crazy?

And we knowing the following question with a great explanation, awesome nothing to say more about that.

You are such a great traveller with experience and also great investor, and continuously inspired us how to do something better, how to buildup ourself, how to invest the best way.

I decided to buy STEEM every day for next three years and power up every day. I want to become a STEEM maximalist.

We already know that some people always thinking not only themself they also thinking about others as like you. And we are really lucky by following you.

my creative mind never sleeps

Today, I am again buy 3 steem and i will try to continue.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64407.71
ETH 3414.50
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62