#ULOG - Friday Morning 9:46 AM

in #ulog6 years ago

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I had a silly little misconception going on, that ULOGS are only to be written at night. After your day is done. Silly rule maker. You write when you want.

I woke up early today again, I have been working on going to bed earlier and waking up at the same time as my husband. Its difficult as he sleeps late, wakes up early and catches up on sleep on the weekends. Its getting easier.

I rinsed and wiped my car down, thinking about my friend @opeyemioguns who wipes his car down often. I let my mind wander and think about how much easier it would be if I did this task more often, then I let myself wander to Tijuana and how much dirtier my car gets when I'm there, and the people who are ready at every long red light and parking lot, to give your car I good shine. I thought about my great-grandma and the dirt roads to get to her house, the tires for steps, the little living room, her water container. Then I watched the wet cloth make instant little clouds as the water quickly evaporated from my hot car.

My Grandma...

Then I was done.

I also washed last nights dinner dishes. I got dinner done real late and by the time we were done eating it was time to pick my sister up at the airport. Who wants to wash dishes instead of hang out with their sister? Me, cause that's exactly what I did this morning. Wash dishes while chatting with my sister.

Even dishes are a pleasant task when my sister is around.

The laundry is almost dry which means its almost time for me to hang it and then shower. Im dropping one kid off at the movies with her friend, they finally get to see "Solo." "Im the only kid who hasn't watched it!"

Well, now you get to join the ranks of Solo-Watchers.

I got my produce box delivered today so my mind is full of recipes.

The apples are extra delicious today.

The oranges are heavy, always a good sign.

1/2 the cucumber was sliced and is infusing along with some frozen mango. I've been sipping on it all morning.

Should I roast the cabbage today? Or cook the greens? Maybe make some avocado tacos?

Good thing my beans are in order, ready to be eaten, and my rice is nice and clean, ready for the cooker.

I was pleasantly surprised myself while writing this ulog. I took my summer clothes out last week and found that my shorts were more snug than I like to wear them.

My solution was to give myself lots of walking chores, eat more veggies, avoid snacking and late night desserts. I expected that next month, when I NEED my summer clothes for an upcoming trip the changes would be enough to have everything fit well. This morning I forgot my shorts were too snug and put them on while washing my car.

They already fit again.

Maybe they could fit better. I don't really remember how comfortable they were last year... But still, if its as easy as eating more veggies and walking more - Im keeping on doing it.

Thanks for stopping by my ULOG. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Oh, and I forgot to share. I went on discord, hung out with the mamas, and left a wonderful playlist. I read a few posts by some steemit friends, and then my phone ran out of batteries. If you're a mama and on steemit and want to hang out on discord, come join us. We are growing fast and want you there ❤️.


Its still Friday 10:14 AM. All is well.


Congrats on having your shorts fit again already!! (as I sit here having m&m's and coffee hahahahaha). I vote for the avocado tacos for dinner :)

MMMMMMM. We had avocado tacos for lunch.

I slow roasted cabbage today, and it caramelized and crisped at the edges and was nice and gooey in the middle.

Wow sounds yummy! How do you roast cabbage? Do you do anything special to it?

Nothing special. I cut it up in thin slices, but it looked shredded, I topped it with olive oil and salt and put it in the oven at 375 for a long time. 40 mins?

Cool I’ll try that next time. We usually just boil or stirfry ours

Ahh! You lost weight! Good for you! I am so struggling with mine and am determined to lose some too. I am heavier than I was post pregnancy!! !😭 Yeah, what you eat is soo important!

I’m sure you can do it!

By now I hope you have found the rhythm of daily life again! I think it is good to allow yourself time wallow in your emotion to ease off the tension...

I do! It’s easier on my mind that way.

You are right ulog isn't fixed for a time, it's just to know about you and what you do but I prefer writing mine when I'm done with daily activities

I like your ulog, makes me know more about you, I just know you have a grandma and a sister and neither do I

If you would mind, I would like to chat with you just like you chat with your sister. I wanna have a friend in America maybe I would visit soon (just request)

Are you on discord?

I’m @metzli#4942

Frozen mangos sound yummy...it’s making me think of making fruit smoothies. Nice morning journey you took us through. Good for you on sticking to a healthier lifestyle and watching what you eat! I just might have to give ulogging a try ;)

Mmmmm smoothies. My favorite is frozen mangoes, and frozen blueberries mixed with pineapple juice. Mmmmmmmmm. It’s very sweet though...

Mmmmmmm that sounds sooo good!!! Really nice for this hot weather too!!! Lol you and your 🍍🍍🍍!!


Yep! This is where I first became interested and wanted to write my own ;)

Do some stretching exercise.. it helps to burn fat and you can do it while doing housework.

Heya, thanks for the tip.

I love taking the time to get a good stretch.

That was a nice journey in your morning routine and thoughts! You were very productive! I’m not a morning person so I don’t like doing things in the morning.. it’s normally really slow for me and I try to sleep in when I can

I can be a morning person if I go to bed early enough. As long as I get sleep.

Thanks for stopping by :)

You were sweet. There is an un(dis)talented paradigm in it. There have been some 18k ulogs already and its been only a month and https://ulogs.org in works. Relegate reservations, flaws allowed means. Simply shine or re-tap into lost shine, while we reshape the internet with pieces of you. It's a grand picture and legacies involved plus it becomes as difficult as 1, 2, 3 and we gather "true fans" along the way. Look at the recent verified ulogger here
You can see how many paradigms went into it here

Your ulog can also be a vlog, sound blog etc, just fleshly created so that we gift the internet and reshape it, than resource from it. We don't have to change our normal steemit routine. It simply using some space on the blockchain for us.

Here are some videos too:

Join us on the discord server voice every weekend, we will have you singing. It usually sunday 12 am manila time (GMT +8). Here is the link to it: https://discord.gg/CPh63qq

Sir I hope to chat with you about the steemgigs because I haven't get to know how it really works,check your steem chat dm sir,I even try to connect with you on voice in the channel,but all went avail

Thanks for stopping by here! I appreciate the mutual support, especially when its as easy as writing about yourself and reading about other people.

I still don’t know what a ulog is....

Its a log about YOU. Hence Ulog.

You write about whatever you want that day. Thoughts, walks, meals, etc. Its like digital journaling.

May I ask you a little?
What is ULOG?
I see a lot of steemit users using that tag, I want to join but I do not really understand the rules applied in ULOG tags. I hope you have time to give a little explanation.

Its a form of blogging.

You blog about whatever YOU want to blog about. Your day, what you're reading, your thoughts, etc. The U stands for you and its a log.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for asking.

Okay, I understand,
Thanks for the answer

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