Waiting for dawn..

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Reality is kicking me in the gut right now, things have not been working out and they have not been working out for a while. How did I get here? How was it that I made that hard turn?

All day I've been looking at numbers trying to figure out what's the right move. You see I have a plan, but my plan does not rely solely on me, so do I really have something at all? Will my proposed idea be rejected? Will I end up with nothing after all these years?

If you would ask me right now, what I want out of life, I would not hesitate to answer. I want quiet, I want peace... It's really that simple. I have no dreams of lambos, first class flights or private jets. Why would that matter? Who am I trying to impress? I don't particularly enjoy flying and I certainly care little for cars.

But how do I find peace? How do I quiet my mind? When I'm struggling to see what will happen a week from now, two weeks from now.

The hunt for some income continues, the grind is never ending and as much as I can quiet my head long enough to catch some sleep, the worries are waiting for me as soon as I'm concious.

And here I am ranting at a virtual wall, waiting for a dawn that seems to avoid me as if testing my resolve...

Posted using Partiko Android


So, Meno, I don't talk about it often anymore, but I have constant anxiety. I weaned myself off of RX meds last year using CBD.

When my mind runs, which it often does, especially during times like this... I fight it, by not fighting it. I literally become the observer and I watch it run. I laugh at it's drama and fear and then when it gets tired. I tell myself a more postive story. :)

Glad to see that CBD worked for ya. It’s pretty amazing what that stuff can do.

@meno, I get it. It’s a super frustrating position to be in. I’m kinda in a similar spot and I have to do a ton of thinking and figure things out. Super stressful though. Wishing you the strength and patience to get through it man.

thank whatsup! I appreciate your kindness

You’re not alone. It sucks when you’re low on crypto and fiat at the same time! That wasn’t the plan!! 😬

Most important thing is to get out of the funk - the negative emotions/beliefs and fear. That’s really what we’re suffering from and what gives us sleepless nights. I had my first one this week. And I also realized I’m actually safe - it’s just my mind going crazy.

Luckily we have so many tools these days to free ourselves from these emotions. Whether it’s mediation or running or simply talking with someone. I have just discovered fastereft.com which works wonders for me. Even though EFT used to bore me out of my mind in the past - guess I’m ready for it now :)

You’ll find something that works for you. Once you’re rid of the anxiety, new creativity and surprises can flow in again.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I wrote a post about investing that could have prevented some of your current circumstances @meno it is also helpful that you are experiencing this downturn now rather than later in life.

Your current experience will give you perspective and the ability to make better investments in the future.

Part of the reason why I have a low buy-in average and will continue to lower it signifantly if prices fall was due to my experience trading penny stocks in my late teens.

I wish you much success and hope that you and others will refrain from 'putting all your eggs in one basket'

Posted using Steeve

To help overcome anxiety, I create comics or improvise on the organ or write a blog post.

I always remember a quote from my favourite film Star Wars: hope is like the sun, if you only believe in it when you see it, you will never spend the night. Rest so we can have a better sunrise no matter how much you think it will come sooner. Greetings

Keep it up, it's going to get better! What's happening at Steem Inc. is a drawback in the short term, but I think it's a good thing that the community has to find solutions to take more responsability towards making the blockchain sustainable.




I can definitely understand and relate but you may need to find something to do when feeling that way... reading a book or a workout could potentially help. Wish you the best and hope it works out!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Use your Steem Power to promote your businesses or open one up, exchange engagement, etc.

Best thing you can do right now is calm your mind. Empty it of all thoughts, and just listen to the things around you. It's actually really relaxing, too!

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