#ulog 17: Baking Cookies With Cuties

in #ulog6 years ago


Kitteh Wantz Cookiez


How could I say no to this face?


Those two are just dreaming of that oatmeal raisin goodness...

Okay, Kittens Don't Eat Cookies!

I just wanted an excuse to show these adorable babies off today :) Onwards to the making of the sweets...it was a cool day out (20 degrees celsius) so we got to work. Nice to bake something in the oven, we've been using the barbecue for everything lately.


My greatest helpers, Kiedis and Stryder. They had to do a little math too, I got them to tell me how much of everything we needed, we were doubling the recipe. I actually couldn't believe how fast they both understood! The only thing they had a hard time with was doubling 1 1/2 cups up to 3. But we figured it out and I wonder next time we bake if they'll remember how to add halves.


Gotta always take turns adding everything, especially the sugar.


Mmmm...2 cups of butter, 3 cups of sugar...what could possibly go wrong?
*Eyes up the larger clothes in my closet...eyes rest on the Moo-Moo...


The most fun part for them, the most stressful for me. They're like a couple of jack rusell terriers with the beaters, just jacked the fuck up!


No one lost a finger fighting over the beating, this is good!


You only live once, lick the beater!


Onwards Ambrosius!



Rolling 100 cookies, this should keep them busy for a while :)


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The End


I put a bunch of them in the freezer, and eyeing that beautiful Moo-Moo in my closet...

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Who Will Wear it Better?

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Oh my goodness, Lyndsay! Gotta be a favourite post because of all my favourite things are in there...the kittens, oatmeal cookies, cute helpers, photo from a favourite movie, Labrinth starring a favourite singer (David Bowie), and a photo of a good friend in a moo-moo. What more could a person ask for? Oh, yes! Send me a cookie please!

I'm so happy that I could make you smile Ceci, and I'm smiling knowing that someone laughed with me and 'got' the little extras in the post :) :) :) I hope you are staying safe and taking care, looking for the latest from you always.

Soon, Lyndsay. A rather vague post...

Amen 🙏 Lots love and clarity to you sweet sister ❤❤❤❤

Thank you, my friend, @yogajill! Live each day with love and peace in our hearts and the world will be a better place.

Lyndsay, I like your sense of humour;))

I adore cooking with my son too!
it's more interesting than any games, and useful at the same time!
And they have a chance to leak some beater;))

and homemade cookies are healthy and much tastier than any others in the world, especially when they were cooked together with Mommy;)

and kittens are just Mimimi!
in Russia we say so when we see something extremely cute!;)

I'm so glad that your children get to bake with you, it truly does teach them so much, and creates everlasting memories <3 Much love Natalia!! Thank you for visiting us!

Hey @lyndsaybowes I'm back from my wild camping :) Although I wish I could have taken some of your tasty treats with me as I admit my food choices were a little on the shall we say bland side lol

Your kittens are simply adorable and your boys really remind me of myself and my brother licking my Mum's (who is also an amazing cook) cooking spoon .. happy days! :) Thank you for sharing my friend.

Oooh welcome back !! I can't wait to hear/see about your adventure!! By bland what do you mean, like pork and beans or something? I'm curious <3 <3 Heading over to your page now to see what's new!

No, I was eating pasta .. but there is only so much that you can eat lol My camp has helped me plan my next five posts, but they're going to be pretty in depth so will take a little longer to put into words .. hope you've enjoyed a lovely weekend :)

Damn I can't wait to see what you've been working on....!!

Yes, we had a great weekend together, thanks for asking my friend <3

Those kittens are so Damn cute!!!! I have three daughters and I love cooking with them. Great job on the cookies!

Thanks so much Beth, the kittens send tiny hugs to you and your daughters <3 <3 Bless you!

These kittens are cutteness overloaded. Cookies looks delicious

Baking cookies with cuties at its best!! Looks like you had lots of fun! Your boys are just adorable! :)

Aw, thank you so much for visiting us today @delishtreats, my Carb-Solidarity-SiSTAR!!

My pleasure! Hahaha, exactly! Hope you're having a great day!

So, the activity of the day involves the adventure of the cookies. Look at those eyes Oh My Gosh <3

@lyndsaybowes, Those kittens so cute and adorable. Your kid better for cooking skills. It seems through above images. Prefer to see before my sleeping.

Do your children help cook?

Cookies with cuties was the right title for this post.
Even I love cookies and I think I am also cute.
Give me some too. Hehe.
Keep steeming

Come on over, we always love company! :) Thanks for visiting @anishag!

Look at that adorable kitten face! That is how they steal your heart. Next thing you know, you have a grumpy old man who is just ridiculously spoiled but you still remember the face of him as a cute little kitten. :)

I will have to teach my kiddos the love for cooking when they are a bit older. That way mommy can sit back, relax, and have them make some yummy cookies! You have a lovely family.

Aw, yea you are so right, and we forgive all of their "accidents" hahaha, every cat has quirks, but then we remember their loving little kitten days...

Definitely get the children in the kitchen young, you have an awesome plan!

Those "accidents" occur more and more as they age. I can't be like others I know that give their furry family friend away when they are old and "accident-prone". They are family, and only another pet owner would understand.

Yes, I plan on starting them with the kitchen as soon as they understand how to mix and roll. Ka-ching! :)

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