39 #Ulog: Ouchy Fingertips & Other Jazz

in #ulog6 years ago

The Pain is Real

And no, despite my face, it's not constipation.

Photo on 2018-11-12 at 11.06 AM.jpg

It's blisters on my fingertips...I have done it to myself yet again...don't play my guitar for months, lose all of my calluses, and then get the aching need to learn a certain song, play it for way too fucking long, know I'm playing it for way too long cause my fingers are damn killing me, but can't stop because I need to keep playing/singing, addicted to feeling those sweet times where I get it right.

Omg...was that not my longest run on sentence ever?


Some more pity photos, don't feel bad for me though, I brought this shit upon myself.

I've done it so many times, and I have the sinking feeling I'll do it again and again and again.

The guitar is not really my calling folks.

I sing all day long, random pieces of this and that, I have a radio station in my head flipping around all over the place constantly. I hum original melodies, I have original lyrics pop into my head, I love to write especially if I'm feeling down.

Actually, when I feel down I HAVE to write. To get it out and release the sadness/rage/fear.

The guitar however, I'm ashamed to say it, but I only use it. It's a means for me to be able to sing my songs without needing another person.


I abuse my guitar by neglecting it, and it abuses me right back.

Other Jazz

I question whether music is even my calling anymore, or if it ever was at all.

I used to think 'Oooh how great would it be to play my own songs, and have a band and tour'.

Now...I'm shocked to be realizing...I don't want that anymore.

I'm not visualizing that as my future anymore.

I don't think I ever really did want it, judging by how hard I haven't work at my art.

So now I'm here, and I'm wondering what the fuck my calling even is.

I think I'm seeing it though.

I'm one of those people who's decent at most things, yet a master in none.

And it's all about the effort.

I feel I have a lot of different talents I could pursue, yet none give me energy for long periods of time.

The only thing I've ever done consistently, and regularly, with unlimited energy for the task, is spreading information, and sharing freeing/liberating thoughts on social media.

But until just recently (Tsu was the first) I couldn't get paid for that. I jumped on Tsu immediately because it resonated with me. We are doing something on social media folks. Our thoughts, stories, photos, our lives, have VALUE.

Facebook, twitter, youtube and instagram aren't billion dollar corporations for nothing.

We are something.

Something VERY Valuable.

I used to feel ridiculous justifying spending my whole days sharing (non mainstream) information. It was hard to relate to others how very important I felt my job was.

It was like my other favourite job I don't get paid for (Stay at home Mother).

Well, now, thanks to the #STEEM blockchain...we know how this story ends folks:

I have the opportunity to create some financial ease in my life, through social media. Through sharing.

I share stories about my favourite (unpaid) jobs...Mother, Gardener, Nurturer, Activist and that is my job now!

Am I dependent on it as income? No. Am I grateful for every sweet cent I earn? HELL YEAH!

Do I think this is a temporary thing? OMG NO!! Are you kidding me? Every website will have it's own coin one day. We are pioneers. There will be no more facebooks and youtubes in 10 years. Probably a whole lot less. We will be getting paid all that ad revenue. They will be begging us to come to their platforms, each promising better rewards than the other.

It's time to realize your true value if you haven't already. Oh wait, you're reading this on the #STEEM blockchain, if you have an account here, you already KNOW YOUR VALUE.

How fucking sweet is this?

Am I dreaming?


I'm #Steeming!


Yes I used to like to share obscure news stories on FB and TSU but it is harder on #steemit because there is no direct share button. Not even on the partiko app. But it does have a built in Messenger now which is cool. Oh sorry about your pinkies, but dont "fret" practice makes perfect 😄

Posted using Partiko Android

By sharing do you mean like grabbing a link and just posting that? Or do you mean sharing the STEEM posts of others, by "resteeming" though I know you know what resteeming is, because you have resteemed my post before I think...

No not like that. I meant when you read a news story then you hit the share button. Which gives you options to share to different places like FB or email or messenger etc. There is no direct share to steemit. You can only copy yhe link and that isnt very interesting lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

I responded below, to Marion, but it answers your question, we may have a solution for you now that I understand!

the only way to share is by downloading what you want others to read or see and then putting it in quotes and making sure you say the source. But it is not like facebook so no one cares when you do stuff like that. I am sure someone will get you and point a finger..like Cheetah or his cousins or the Ulog police ..I think there are others. The only way to get your voice heard and a point across is write your own story and use examples or quotes from other sources. ...so there ya go. None of them are perfect, since perfection never exists, you just have to pick which house you want to live in.

@marionbowes & @andyjem: Try out #DLike, it's an app on our blockchain (like how steemit, dtube, busy, steempeak, steemmonsters etc are apps) where you can share just like on facebook. You sign in through steemconnect, it's perfectly safe:


Let me know how you like it! Lots of folks are using it!

It seems to work well. I have just used it for a post About Julian Assange. Thanks Lyndsay 😄😄😘

Posted using Partiko Android

Iv had a quick look. I need to study it and see if it will work. Thanks as usual Lyndsay you are a good friend x

Posted using Partiko Android

What you do here (and in your ops, and in raising your kids!) matters, a lot! Ntm, I think a lot of our societal problems would get better if more people saw raising kids as the important work that it is. But that's a rant for another day...
I feel you though, on the questioning purpose. I question mine all the time. 💙

Owie! Sorry about your fingies! These are some profound insights you're learning about yourself. I wonder if it will help you feel clearer and more content with your focus/ purpose moving ahead. It's nice to not have the longing of a dream. In a big way you've lived your musician dream!! For example Your success in that arena inspired my interest and in Steem. Your nurturing suport kept me here. I'd say you've been hella successful in music! The pro videos, songs you've created and collaborated on and even financially you've been rewarded without any hoopla of conventional success (selling your soul to signing agency away, touring that would take you away from home etc) and really you have a great fan base that will enjoy whatever music you share as time goes on but it's likely going to be a sweet hobby treat (that will blister your fingers in agonizing pain) your whole life!! Great ulog tonight! Peace, harmony, love & gratitude Lynds ❤🎶🌙

I actually had a guitar in high school... I did zero with it... And I think I had nylon strings because I wasn't even committed enough to get blisters...

Gave it away...

You got way further than I ever did :D ♥

"Not even committed enough to get blisters." 😂
I'm in between you and Lyndsay, then. I have metal strings, and tried two different classes with two different teachers in college (I got my guitar as a HS graduation present). But it just doesn't compute. Presuming my hands are big enough to play the chords needed (they're often not), I can memorize a song (and get blisters), but even after two classes, I don't understand how guitars work, like, note-wise. Regular notation, tab, it doesn't matter, really, tho tab is easier. Music makes sense on a piano to me, but not a guitar, or a flute (have one of those, too).

Piano was my first instrument, and it makes a WHOLE lot more sense to my brain than the guitar does, everything being spread out all flat and easy like, yet I find it WAYYYYY harder to sing and play piano at the same time, so ... guitar it was. Though it took a damn long time to figure out what the deal was with the notes/chords. It still doesn't make sense to my brain, it's just that I've memorized where the fingers have to go. Muscle memory.

I play the flute as you just would not want to hear me sing, I'd rather manipulate my flutes to do my singing for me... the only hurt I've gained from my flute... is a broken tooth cutting my gums and like you I still could not stop under the impression that, that part of my gum would harden and the sharp of my tooth would eventually round off and be less painful... WRONG but it still didn't stop me... it was ma!! gum that had to harden... tooth has now rounded of a little although still quite sharp, but hey!!! whats a little discomfort when weighed up against the pleasure of Music... No contest. Love to ya!! Kidda!! and all your Loved ones... I will try to get Tears for Kientepoos by Mary
Youngblood on my Big Boy Flute recorded as soon as I get somebody to do the tech part but until then here is her link... give it a listen and you will see why I battled against the discomfort.. I have it pegged and you'll see why when you give it a listen that I kept at it...

Oooh wow, ouch indeed, I definitely cannot top a broken tooth from an instrument! <3 <3 Way to keep at er @blackholebridger.

I cannot wait to see you perform this, much respect!!

Yeah, muscle memory is how I type. At least on a real keyboard. 😁

@phoenixwren I took up the Flute in the hope that it would help my sequences memory that was a residue symptom affect from my head Injury, but alas NO it's muscle memory after having to drive myself into the ground in first instance to hard wire it into my two brain-cells and they're too busy arguing with each other to be of much assisstance , Ha!! Ha!! HHHhhhaaa!!! thank goodness for good 0'l Muscle Memory :)

I feel the same way about the cramps I get in my hands when I neglect the piano my friend
I hope you heal up and get back into the groove of making life changing music that impacts the world with social deep messages and storytelling

I just posted a new song and thought you wanted to be updated of course :)


Join the open mic again when you make time, you are missed and always welcome with us

This is so very different to what I'm used to read from you and I love it :) I don't feel sorry for your finger tips as you said I shouldn't :D

I love all your jobs. They are all super important to you and your family. And you spreading the information is important to us too. I agree with you about the future and I'm sure that some social media sites with end very soon and I'm looking forward to that moment :D

Great post, Lyndsay!

Thank you so much for reading my words @delishtreats! xoxo

Hey @lyndsaybowes always loved your music my friend and you have brightened many lives with the music and the message :D On that note you've also found your calling on here .. and the work that you do and the message and energy that you put out is incredibly important. And yeah I'm in this for the long term as well! :D

It's so awesome knowing I can always count on you! Thank you for being here so consistently and always bringing your absolute best, honestly, I don't know if we even deserve you hehehe, you could write best sellers my friend.

Thank you so much @lyndsaybowes .. its really frustrating that I can't write as much as I want at the moment (I have so much I want to say) .. but when I've finished this work I'll have my own office and then I'm really going to step it up a gear. Its been a hard year .. but I'm really excited about some of the things I'm working towards at the moment! Thanks again for the kind words my friend .. you are the best and the platform is so lucky to have someone like you on board.

When I first got into Steemit and realized what it was about I just knew this was going to be big. It just has to catch on with the peoples. :-)

This model (being paid to be 'social') is inevitable.

I feel like my guitar armor never goes away and I never play anymore.

I put in some years on the thing though.

Years of playing with no breaks? Yeah that may be why...

I’d say for the last 3 years or so I may get like 5 hours a year on it.

Ahhh, well if I only played for like 20 mins I wouldn't have had blisters. I went 'try hard'.

Speaking of inner jukebox, thanks a lot for getting Helter Skelter lodged in my brain. I JUST got it out of there last week after an entire month of it on nonstop repeat.

Nooooooooooooooooooooo hahaha I am so sorry Ewe!!

Coo-coo clock? lol :) It hurts, oh it so hurts...

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