Ulog No. 21: "My Study Room"

in #ulog6 years ago
Tuesday, 10 July

I spent the whole day cleaning the house. I vacuumed and mopped the floorboards, folded the laundry, and put another load in the washing machine. I finished everything at 9:30 PM. I did not want to go away leaving a messy house behind, plus the house really needed a good cleaning and tidying up. For ten to eleven weeks, I was not able to clean the house as I had been busy with work and my studies, too.

I also spent a reasonable time rearranging my study room. It is my most favourite room in the house because it is where I spend most of my time at home for prayer, work, studies, recreational reading and writing, and social media.


I finally organised some of my books. They are not alphabetically arranged according to author's last name, but they are categorised according to genres: Christian fiction; Christian non-fiction; languages: Greek, English and Spanish; Early Childhood textbooks and reference materials; Aged Care and geriatric nursing (because I took up Aged Care course in 2013); children's literature; and, contemporary literature.


I also organised all my reading materials, modules and assessments from University and TAFE studies. Because the folders are massive, they could not fit in the bookshelves, so I placed them on top of the dresser. I don't use the mirror or the dresser anyway for vanity.


I still have a basket of laundry left to be folded. They need to be ironed so I am just putting it off. I will get to it when I come back from our Port Lincoln trip. I don't have a nice view from the window because all I could see is the fence that divides our house and the next-door neighbour's. I use this table for crafts and other mini-projects for school.



The sun's rays make the room so bright during the day, and my cats love to stay with me when I'm working on the computer.


I have also organised boarding/accommodation for our cats at the Vet clinic. Oh, I'm going to miss my babies, Kimmy and Miki. That's the thing. When we plan for a trip, we also have to think of our pets, such as where we are going to leave them and how long we will be away. We don't want to be away for too long because animals can also experience depression when they are separated from their owners.


And this is my work area. My computer desk. Next to it is this tall bookshelf. I used to have all my books there, but I have to organise all the craft materials that I use for work. They are in individual shoe boxes or any basket or container and I put them on this bookshelf temporarily, until I sort out all my other books. On the top shelf are all Greek Orthodox books. My husband reads them so I put them on the top shelf since he's tall enough to reach them.

Those two bookshelves were birthday presents to me from my husband, John. He knew that I loved books and I wanted my books organised and not just piled up in some corner.

Thank you for reading! If you have any feedback, please leave a reply on the comment section below. God bless you! Bye for now!


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I would like to acknowledge @surpassinggoogle for his Ulog inititative because it helps us (Steemit users) write something about ourselves even on a daily basis.

The "U" in Ulogs means "You."

The following are some of my Ulog posts since I started #ulogging on 1st June 2018:

Ulog No.
I'm Thankful to God for my Mother-in-law
Judge Not, that You be not Judged
Sports Day, Sick, Steemit and Saturday Flat Tire
Course Assignments and Volleyball

My other recent posts:

Introducing my "John of all Trades"
Weekend FreeWrite: The Sacrifice


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All photos are my own, except for the Discord banners (provided by @baa.steemit, @steembulls, @terminallyill, @flaminghelpers, and @itestify), #ulogger GIF file by @phantum04 and footer image by @bearone of @teamaustralia.



Kimmy and Miki know your leaving and they are not impressed!

Nope, they weren't impressed at all. They went hiding when it was time for me to put them in their carrier.

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