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RE: Ulog No. 34: "Decisions"

in #ulog6 years ago

Yes, @bananamemos. I have always wanted to become a teacher. Thank God that I was blessed with loving and generous relatives that put me through school that's why I was able to finish university and earned my degree.

But yes, sometimes I wonder what would have happened had I pursued Accountancy or Banking. Usually, I feel this weariness when I'm going through rough times at work or just life in general, and so I think about changing careers, thinking that I am not achieving that job satisfaction, but in reality, I am more than satisfied. My job is very fulfilling and rewarding, and there's really nothing to complain about. I just have to open my eyes and appreciate the GOOD in every situation and not let myself be stressed about anything.

I like your analogy. My sister @dynamicshine advised me to finish what I have already started, at least I've got that if one day I decide to make such a major decision in life, such as changing careers. And just like you said, if one day, I decide to "take that step forward" to see a new or different perspective and then realise that I was happier before, then at least I know I can always have something to fall back on. But then again, it's always a matter of finding a sense of fulfillment in whatever I do or whatever I decide to do in my life.

Thank you for your words of wisdom. I appreciate it a lot!

P.S. Wow! A serious talk for a change. :) We didn't talk about bananas this time. :-)


yeah... we slipped off the banana bandwagon for a moment. (irl, I'm a life coach.)
Not to worry, it never lasts for long! :-D
Here's a snack to keep your energy up:
a Steemnana 180x120.png

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