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RE: Ulog No. 34: "Decisions"

in #ulog6 years ago

It sounds like, for a long time, you had a goal of becoming a teacher.
Then you accomplished that goal. That's wonderful!

Then, sometimes, with a goal already met, our spirit yearns to set another goal or go in a different direction... something that excites us or is very different or gives us a chance to think more creatively.

Often, big change happens in 2 steps... First we have to disengage from what we're currently doing; THEN we can re-group and listen for our Inner Guidance to tell us what to do next.
The analogy is this: As you walk down a hall and step past a corner, you suddenly can see whole other areas that before, while in the hall, you couldn't see. Sometimes we need to take that step forward in order to see the new vista.


Yes, @bananamemos. I have always wanted to become a teacher. Thank God that I was blessed with loving and generous relatives that put me through school that's why I was able to finish university and earned my degree.

But yes, sometimes I wonder what would have happened had I pursued Accountancy or Banking. Usually, I feel this weariness when I'm going through rough times at work or just life in general, and so I think about changing careers, thinking that I am not achieving that job satisfaction, but in reality, I am more than satisfied. My job is very fulfilling and rewarding, and there's really nothing to complain about. I just have to open my eyes and appreciate the GOOD in every situation and not let myself be stressed about anything.

I like your analogy. My sister @dynamicshine advised me to finish what I have already started, at least I've got that if one day I decide to make such a major decision in life, such as changing careers. And just like you said, if one day, I decide to "take that step forward" to see a new or different perspective and then realise that I was happier before, then at least I know I can always have something to fall back on. But then again, it's always a matter of finding a sense of fulfillment in whatever I do or whatever I decide to do in my life.

Thank you for your words of wisdom. I appreciate it a lot!

P.S. Wow! A serious talk for a change. :) We didn't talk about bananas this time. :-)

yeah... we slipped off the banana bandwagon for a moment. (irl, I'm a life coach.)
Not to worry, it never lasts for long! :-D
Here's a snack to keep your energy up:
a Steemnana 180x120.png

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