What's your Patronus? Ulog Silliness + 2 Steem hehe

in #ulog6 years ago

Random thoughts!

I was just reading @victorholyo's post on how he names each year after a bird - and coming up is the Year of the Penguin (according to his bird-naming-year-thingies) hehehe 😄 Which got me thinking about how my daughter loves Penguins and says they're her Patronus! LOL (from Harry Potter)

and since I'm awake catching up on commenting for all my @welcomewagon graduates, and don't want to go to sleep because I've had nightmares for the past two nights... (yes, I know @shadowspub... i should be sleeping, but commenting is going to have to count as "rest" for now. lol) .... I'M AWAKE!!! SO....I decided to take a little break from commenting and ask you

So for me? I'm a Leo - born in the Year of the Dragon. And my nickname is Tiger. So I'm partial to big cats! But like @eveningart and @enginewitty, I do love me some dragons. hahahaha

but.... if i had to choose one???? and only one???? Gosh. you know what it has to be, right @saffisara????

and thanks to @jimramones - my amazing profile actually LOOKS like a Patronus :) (look at all that lovely glow @whack.science!!!! you know what that glow does for me LOLOLOL I NEED IT, TEDDY BEAR!!!! hahahhaha)

ok - so - for fun... what Patronus are you??? I'll give 2 steem for most creative hahaha. cuz... why not? LOL


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Love this! It's interesting that at first I couldn't think of anything, but by the time I was half way down the comments I realised, I have two spirit animals and one resonates right now more strongly than the other.

The first of the two is the butterfly - a symbol of change, joy and colour. The other, and my preference right now, is the otter. The otter is symbolic of the divine feminine, playful and creative, she goes with the flow of life and doesn't sweat the small stuff.

So the otter would be my patronus and she would heal people of their everyday stresses by bringing fun, play and creativity into their lives.

ohhhhhhhh i missed your comment somehow!!!! Reading now :) hehehe

I love the butterfly too! and the otter! that's the same Patronus as Hermione's but I never knew why! :) very cool! hehehehe definitely one of my faves!!!

I’m loving the pictures you’ve been adding to everyone’s comments. My Otter Patronus is beautiful x

thank you hehehehe i found them online - added them in the comments so i could get away with just pasting there.

if i pasted in the post - i'm sure i'd be in trouble since i get paid for it hehehehehe

hopefully no one will..

you can remove your vote HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I’ll keep your secret 😉😂😂😂

Lol of course you'd go with fireflies, was totally my guess before reading the rest😋

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hahahhaha - and you, my witty? was I correct for you? Dragon?

I do have an affinity for the scaly beasts so a full on patronus would most likely be a pretty brutal dragon, yes.

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Well there you go!

Ooooo I like this, but it is so hard to choose but all in all my Patronus has to be a dog, faithful dependable and my friend to the end, who will always forgive me, stand by me and protect me.

nice hehehe i wonder if they have pictures of dog patronuses! hehehe

The dog patronus! :)


Mine would have to be the rubber duck. I fear everything so yellow is my color. I get down but always seem to bounce right back up. Everyone tells me I'm quackers. Plus, I waddle. Therefore, since I walk like a duck...

hahahahaha I don't see a rubber duck patronus... but here is a duck one I found hehehe

Oh, that works out nicely... qavack!

Birdie, of course!


ahhhhh a peaceful Patronus!! :) how soothing and calming :)

I love it!!!

hehehehe a hummingbird patronus! :)

I'll most likely be one of your weirder responses. ;-)
I'm a Scorpio, born in the year of the dog, so wolf, yes, always one of my spirit animals.
Then again, cougar, yes; bear, yes; eagle, yes; shark, yes; and whale, double yes.
And butterfly. And dragonfly, And firefly. And hummingbird. Yes, yes, yes.
I remember sitting down with a Native American elder many years back and he said that I was the first person he had ever seen being accompanied by four spirit animals. And what he saw was wolf, eagle, cougar and whale. Which fits completely with what was going on in my life at the time.
Great post, thanks. ;-)

You're a whale!?!?!

Make.me.a whale too!!!!!! Lololol

So do you have a drawing of this multi-animal patronus!?! Hehhee

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I fell in love with whales as a kid, and they were a huge part of why I went into marine biology in college.

Which is why I find it more than ironic that bigwigs on Steemit and elsewhere are referred to as whales, particularly those who only help themselves, as that is nothing like most true whales, which cooperate not only as a pod, but between pods as well.

I also have a great love for sharks, which are far from the "eating machines" they've been made out to be in film and book. They are highly intelligent, it is simply an intelligence entirely unlike our own.

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Nope, no drawings of my multi-animal patronus, although I think of it more as a shapeshifter, taking whatever form is most useful in the moment. ;-)

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ok i couldn't find a shapeshifter patronus hehehehe

just a bunch here! so choose whichever you like each day LOL

Cool - thanks! My very own thestral patronus!
At least until he gets escorted back to the netherworld by the dolphin. ;-)

I absolutely loved this My Firefly 😍 and YES of course my guess would be just that.. FIREFLY!
It's just soo you 🤗 shining glowing firefly!
I love you sis ❤️🤗❤️


and you??? what would yours be? a puppy like Bobby?? hahahahaha
I love you right back Sis!!!

I'm born in October 7th... I have no idea what I am.. What animal... Bittbug mabye.. Lol

kinda like a Bobby Patronus? hehehehe

Oooohh... I Love that one 😍 Yupp.. I would probably go with that 😂😂hahaha
But I never be as cool as you.. Shiny glowing firefly with a big heart and naughty mind 😂😂😂 hahaha...

me??? naughty???? never! LOL

i think you have me confused with @bluefinstudios. hehehehe

I struggle with my Patronus:

I am a Leo, with a nickname at one time of Pooh Bear, once Turtle, and Woodstock, and mostly now, Pooh Bear.

so is it a bear then? :)

URSA Major?
early latin for Greater-she bear

there you go! :) your bear!

I would definitely be a cute robot!

... But if we aren't allowed to have artificial lifeforms, then I think I would be a horse... Dependable, and not flashy! Or a cat, I'm pretty partial to cats (not for eating), I like that they just do what strikes their fancy, no need to go with the crowd!

ok! how cute is this one!?!?!?!

Definitely cute! Did you do this yourself?

oh my goodness no -

that's why i put them in the comments. LOL because I just found them online. I didn't want to take a payment for them and infringe some copyrights or something hahahaha

so - I just sent them in comments!


So we shouldn't upvote your comments or you will be in trouble!

don't you dare LOLOL

I am a Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon. My nickname is Abriel and my Patronus is Black Stallion. Tending to be extremely passionate, mysterious and often dominating personality this patronus is completing and flattering my nature.

I love it! It looks gorgeous! <3

no no no!!!!! do you know what kind of horse this is???? it is my FAVORITE horse!!!! A Friesian!!!! the most majestic creatures of all :) GREAT choice Ravi!!! <3

ahhhhh and we are both in the Year of the Dragon???? are you 1976 then too??? :)

Yes, love! Tomorrow is my birthday, as a matter of fact.
Hah! So many dragons and dragon admirers...now, if, @PENderis appear to be a dragon too, we may reestablish the Pendragon house quite easily ;-)

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