
very sorry to hear about this @creativesoul. If I was around I would haul it out for you! I bet there is someone near by who would be happy to lend you a hand in your time of need. Never be ashamed to ask for help. There's many good people out there :-) I hope things get better for you!

Thank you for the kind words! I do not really know my neighbors yet...the closest one is an elderly man also disabled that seems to prefer keeping to himself...the next seems harmless enough but is drunk at least half the time. Many of the houses around here are empty too. I have social anxiety so starting up conversations with strangers is not my forte. I am also very independent and any situation asking for help is difficult for me. I am trying to change that...but so far it has been practically hardwired never to show weakness to so called friends and family because this only invites disdain and excuses as to why they refuse to help. Trying to do things for myself is one way to prevent these interactions...but as you can see there are limits.

Anyway appreciate your comment very much! <3

I can feel your frustration. Sometimes life seems like it doesn't want us to have it easy at all. We just ordered a mattress online because we don't have a car and the delivery man came and instead of ringing the buzzer left a pick up note saying too heavy. He didn't want to bring it up. (it's a small one that is just foam and sort of inflates once you open the box but still!) to add insult instead of allowing us to pick up at the post office 1 block from us they sent it to one that is an hours walk away so now we have to figure it out.

I wish I was there to help you fix this thing. Maybe you can find some piece of wood or metal, even by checking out garbage on the side of the road to replace the peg? I'm not very handy but am pretty good and working with what I've got. You might feel hopeless right now but I know you will find a way to fix that futon, or they will exchange it for you. ❤️❤️❤️

I am sorry to hear that you are also having problems! Although online companies are making it easier for people to purchase new furniture and mattresses online...the second half of the process leaves too much room for improvement. Most delivery men never seem to fulfill their actual job description. I know what kind of mattress you are talking about and not taking it the rest of the way was beyond rude and rather lazy.

I checked the broken peg and the metal bolt underneath the plastic is still firmly drilled into the frame. The only way that it can be removed is with some sort of heavy duty tool. Once the broken bolt is removed from the hole something else like wood or metal could be used to replace the entire peg. I just don't have access to the kind of tool it would take and I have no idea how to get one.

Keeping the broken bolt and attaching something onto it...basically extending it out far enough to fit inside the channel also occurred to me. This feels unpredictable though and in danger of breaking again. I just feel too nervous to trust something makeshift that sits on the outside and is attached with glue or tape. Those are basically the only things that my hands can handle.

Most of all...I don't want to deal with the whole idea of keeping the futon anymore. Even after being repaired in some way or another my mind would always wonder about the part breaking again through normal use...or with my current luck through being defective. I had always wanted one...but had no idea these wooden futons were designed in such a way that all that weight from the wood and mattress and also the people sitting on it...literally depends on two little pegs! That seems rather insane to me...and I want nothing more to do with this disaster.

I called the store and they said they will see what can be done in another week. I am pretty sure their policy is all sales final. In the meantime ill need to figure out something else to sleep on for when someone comes to take away both the mattress and the frame. If they want it...they can take it apart to get it through the porch. I will probably lose all of the money...but that is life. It's the basic and essential things that are hard to accept when they go wrong. They drain me of all the energy needed to fight for the stuff more deserving of that energy. This is what makes me so hopeless about the future. When basic needs are not on earth are we supposed to thrive and reach our true potential?

Yikes, Im sorry to hear that it seems unfixable, is it possible to prop it up with boxes underneath or another makeshift way of supporting it? I am just spitballing here. I wish I could offer more than hugs, perhaps there is some organization in your town that could help, especially if you have a disability, dont be afraid to ask for help if its available!

Ack, glad the cat wasn't under there at the time! And um well at least you still have the mattress to sleep on? :S Sorry to hear that the thing collapsed, that's the trouble with refurbished items if you don't know what you need to check for. The rest of it looks reasonably solid, is it just the one thing that broke and can be repaired? Did you find out if the store you got it from has any kind of warranties on it that could get it fixed or refunded for you?

The only good thing about this that my cat was not underneath at the time! I will have the mattress alone to sleep on for as long as it takes for the store...or someone else who has the ability to fix it comes to take it away. I have purchased many refurbished items over the years and usually have the best of luck. At the store...I tested the futon and asked a lot of questions. I really don't know what else could have been done to prevent this from happening. It's just the one thing that is broken and can be repaired...but my faith in the design of the futon as been broken. I don't know how often the pegs break...but trusting plastic to the task feels rather stupid and I don't want to risk a second collapse. Still waiting to hear back from the manager about a refund or exchange. Technically the restore is very much like a thrift store and all sales are final and they are under no obligation to make amends for a faulty product that was just donated to them anyway. It remains to be seen how this situation will develop. Anyway...I appreciate your comment very much and that adorable little goat always brings a smile to my face! <3

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