ULOG #14: Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #5 - Father and Son, Meat Suit, Feeling Low

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Planet Earth Date - Tuesday, July 3, 2018

After Steemit's down time yesterday, I still intended to spend much of my work time away from my favorite addiction.

But you know... the plans of mice and men. ;)


Hi Steem Fam,

One more day of intentions to work on my website thwarted.

I PROMISED myself yesterday, after it also got away from me, that I would NOT even CHECK Steemit first thing this morning.

I would not give Steemit a chance to tempt me, all over again, today.

I reasoned yesterday that there was NO reason to check Steemit first thing each morning as I've been doing since my birth here on February 10th.

Check for what, I asked myself?

  • Replies to yesterday's comments?

  • Rewards to claim?

  • Great posts that had not received even $0.00 in upvotes?

  • Posts that had no comment, especially those with a title that either intrigued or described a problem being experienced?

  • Post drafts I could polish and publish?

What about my too-often broken intention to work on my site?

Was Steemit my baby or something?


There was absolutely NO need to check anything on Steemit until I finished enough of my work.

So I'd be strong. I'd resist the temptation.

And I would NOT click in to Steemit UNTIL I got at the VERY least TWO hours of real work DONE.

Then Steemit went down.

Eventually I visited several Discord channels. I found out about @Ned's explanation of why Steemit was offline via a message @zipporah had shared that was then passed on to many discord channels.

Turns out that the automatic system freeze on Steemit had been triggered and it would take consensus between all top 20 Wistnesses to take corrective action. Some were offline because of the time zone difference.

Someone came in to the #SteemGigs channel to ask what was wrong and @PurpleDaisy57 pasted the above message from @zipporah.

Thanks for getting the information to so many people, @zipporah!!!

Thanks for reposting in @SurpassingGoogle's #SteemGigs discord channel, @PurpleDaisy57!!!

After clicking around a bit more in discord, I thankfully settled down to sleep deeply and well.

In the morning, of course I HAD to check that it was back up.

And THAT was what started today's fast roll down the 'not dealing with main priority' hill ... make that mountain.

I basically spent the rest of the day meeting and greeting.

Upvoting and commenting.

Constantly saying 'after this last one'.

So I thought I'd at least get a post out of all my enjoyable activity today.

Here are just three of the posts I not only upvoted but much more importantly to me, commented on.


Earlier today in the late morning, I read our own #Ulogger #SteemGig's community member, ***@uche-nna's #Ulog about his father...

I felt the spirit of @uche-nna's father watching the very short video introduced by his son with...

It's the 55th day of the gratitude challenge organized by a great soul @tojukaka.

And today am more thsn greatful because am happy.
Am greatful for my dad's health.
Been diagnosed with partial stroke, it has been easy, from talking, to walking and the rest.
He was able to do them. But today,

Here's the rest of the story about @uche-nna's Dad, Gratitude Challenge Day55: Dad's Health.


Next up, we have @bethwheatcraft who has been super busy over the past few days working on a special project that is the subject of her video.

Well, part of the subject.. the project gives the context for the very important life tip she shares...

So why did I do this?
Well, I have been moping around thinking about all the things I won't be able to do in 10 years.
I likely won't be renovating bathrooms at 40 years old in my condition.
But, I feel good right now. I am strong right now. I have come off of a year's worth of training for the police and even though I can't pursue that, I am still in good shape.
Why waste the here and now by....

Read the rest of Make the Most of Your Meat Suit by @bethwheatcraft


The last post I commented on was Ulog:02 Feeling Down by @rosebell. She shared in her ulog how she's been feeling down for a few days.

Lots of people have been feeling down, off, over the past couple of weeks. Have you?

Here's how she starts off her ulog:

I haven't check my steemit for almost 3 days, my facebook and other things I usually do. I don't know, its like I feel sad for no reason. Last weekend I was able to sleep almost 16 hours a day. I feel lazy, I feel like I don't want to eat and I don't have any idea what's...

Read the rest of @rosebell's short story HERE.


So.... did you see any of these posts on your Steemit travels today?

If you didn't, give them a visit and share some of your love with them.

Each of the authors are different.

Both in content, layout and the experiences they chose to share.

But they are all great Steemians, sharing their days, their lives, with us.

Enjoy and talk soon,


PS JUST as I hit post and clicked around for a bit, I found our community #Ulogger and one of three #SteemGigs members who regularly record Sir Terry aka @SurpassingGoogle's Saturday Talk and After Party every week.

If you have not yet had a chance to listen to the recording, here's @IshanVirtue's video recording, THE 10TH STEEMGIGS TALKSHOW with SURPASSINGGOOGLE - Even Geckos Love Steemgigs!!!.

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui.
All Worldwide rights reserved.

Main graphic source, unless specifically stated otherwise, via my Stencil account. #Ulogger footer via @phantum04, page dividers via @SurpassingGoogle, @kristyglas.

Thanks to all my followers and regular visitors for your time, energy, kind encouragement and support via your comments and upvotes.

For individualized "Inner Power Hour" Cosmic Healing Guided Meditations and Fear Busting Sound Healing Galactic Toning Q&As, email me directly via my ”Soul Self Help Insights”) newsletter.

1-off sessions and subscriptions available, Paypal and Steem accepted:

Thank you and Bless you!


This post was made from https://ulogs.org


Not exactly what we would be looking for on the format, but understand it wasn't planned as an entry. So I'm going to count it. A few things to add in next week is for you need to mention the contest and link to it.

Hope to see an entry from you next week! All bloggers were upvoted this week.

Thank you. I appreciate. Thank you on behalf of the bloggers too and I look forward to participating with a planned entry. ;)

Thanks so much for recommending these authors to us. I have visited, commented and upvoted each of them. Thanks for participating in the #payitforward contest. All the best to you.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit, comment and upvote them all, #energyaddict22. I appreciate.

funny how i am going through your post with a shit load of work to do AAANNNNNDDDD, deadliest deadline in a few hours. lol, its already past midnight here and i guess there will not be much sleep for me this night.
i for sure will concentrate after this comment. hahahaha

a little TLC on steemit wnt hurt, its very time wasting though.
hope you are doing well and managed to get some real work done.

ok , back to my work now.(hopefully) have a lovely day.

LOL!!! Thank you for stopping in despite sooooooooo much work to do all night, @purpletanzanite!

I hope you were able to get it all done PLUS tuck in for a little sleep. If that worked, you should still be sleeping now... it's 2:46pm here so approximately 3:46am. Be sleeping please. ;)

Talk soon and Thanks for your love and support, girl chile.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank you @angelacs.. i enjoyed reading the featured bloggers but.. I like your post the most😉 feels like talking to you face to face.. it's fun. Already done my part to appreciate all featured bloggers.. have a good day🌻

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and to share love with the three featured bloggers, @cicisaja. And Thank you for the smile for your lovely compliments. Bless you. xxx

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 5 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 20 SBD worth and should receive 184 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Wayyyy kewl, @trufflepig!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Yayyy!!! Wonderful and Thank you! ;

UGH @angelacs! I missed your post somehow in thedarkhorse's contest. I'm too late to upvote, but not too late to say thank you for entering! Love your choices :)

Dearest @lynncoyle1,

UGH @angelacs! I missed your post somehow in thedarkhorse's contest.

I am shocked. I am sad. I am sooo... I forgive you, Lynn! ;) I have NO clue how you do what you do on Steemit with such a busy offline life. So don't you worry if I fell through the cracks, in to the nothingness beneath, alone, forgotten... ;)

Hugzzz and Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my blogger recommendations, Lynn. So happy you loved them! xxx

I knew you of all people would understand @angelacs! Not only did you forgive, but you made me feel special all at the same time! That's awesomeness!!❤️

Very easy to do, dearest @lynncoyle1. You are very special.

Love and Hugzzz to you and Brian.

How is he doing?

He's doing about the same I think @angelacs, thank you for asking. Pretty pooped most of the time, but hanging in there. He's a stubborn old goat. A cute one though 😎❤️

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