Ugly Ducklings or Cute Goslings: Childhood photos

Hello Steemians!

We hope everyone is having a great weekend!

We did set out with a promise to have the weekends to ourselves and not to post anything on our blog, but we wanted to do a post about Children's Day in Thailand yesterday to make the Steemit world aware of that. Now, we have been nominated by @wanderwithtwo for this little show and tell. We want to compile and be 'a good sport', so therefore we are posting today too!

Were we the ugly ducklings or the cute little goslings (baby goose) when we were little? We have a slight problem. We are based in Bangkok and Becca grew up in Portugal, where all her childhood photos are. It is a bit difficult to get. Therefore, we can only give you half of @travelling-two's childhood memories. Lastly, before we go to the photos, no baby photos from Sam as his mother has stored it somewhere safe and she is currently out of town for a few days. Sam did not want to disappoint @wanderwithtwo with a late response to their nomination, so these photos below are what he could find.

The cheeky monkey (if I can say so myself) - 2-3 years old

Someone has 'The Beatles' style haircut - "it's trendy, ok!" - 2-3 years old

My brother (right) and I before going trick or treating for Halloween - "why wasn't I dressed as Robin?" - 3-4 years old

Just like the other day, it was my birthday and I'm opening my presents - "not sure what the girl at the back thinks of it" - 5-6 years old

Mum: "Sam, what are you doing?"... Me: "Just sitting here, fishing with a bamboo stick and a piece of you do"...Got no fish that day. I wonder why? - around 9-10 years old

Finally, last photo. Before we left Hanoi, Vietnam (lived there from when I was 5 to 10 years old), my father got some pencil drawings of all of us children done. You can see how well the artist replicated the original photo. - 9-10 years old

What does everyone think? Ugly, cute or meh?


Thank you @wanderwithtwo for your nomination as it took Sam down memory lane and now we nominate @gringalicious, @raelynnbianca and if we can go for one more @henyamania (who recently did a DTube video about herself here) to show us your baby/childhood photos!

We also encourage you to look at 'When we were young: were we cute or ugly ducklings?' by @wanderwithtwo and 'Ugly Or Cute? + Know @Travelgirl A Bit More' by @travelgirl:

When we were young: were we Cute or Ugly Ducklings? 👶 | 小时候的我们: 可爱还是丑小鸭的宝宝? 👶

Ugly Or Cute? + Know @Travelgirl A Bit More | 醜小鴨還是可愛 B? + 認識 @travelgirl 多一點

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Stay Classy Steemians!

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Cute. With two young boys, it's hard to see any little guy as ugly.

Aww thanks! Sam knows he is cute (still). His mum told him everyday growing up until...well, it hasn't stopped. She still tells him, just not as frequent. Hahaha, Mummy's boy.

Awww! Sam, you’re such a cute gosling!! I bet Becca is as well! I’ll have to find some baby photos now!

Thanks @raelynnbianca! Cute gosling it is - that's two votes. We hope to see your baby pics soon, no rush in posting it.

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