My french UFO experience: captured on camerasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ufo7 years ago (edited)

Twice in my life I have been able to capture UFOs on camera and being back in this region reminds me of the second such time, just 100m from where I am living now. Naturally my eyes have been upturned since arriving here a few weeks ago, but nothing to report yet...

The story of that day

It was spring 3 years ago and I was out with Sabrina shooting time-lapse shots amongst the fruit blossom which were particularly beautiful that day. She was heavily pregnant with Esteban and there was a feeling of expectancy in the air.


I left Sabrina to her mobile creation and went in search of views amongst the trees.

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At this time of year there are white fields and there are pink fields stretching as far as the eye can see. Quite spectacular.

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Stopping next to this peach blossom I stood for a while and watched the setting sun for a moment. If felt like a good spot to set up my camera for a time-lapse shot so that I could enjoy the full benefit of the sunset with my bare feet in the earth.

I set the camera upon its tripod to shoot for one hour and turned my attention to the sun. I do not recommend you try sungazing unless you have done your research first.

Towards the end of longer sungazing sessions things can get a little trippy visually speaking and as such I didn't think much of the while dots flashing across my field of view at the time. It was so brief I wouldn't have seen it if I had blinked and it was only when I was back home looking at my pictures that I noticed something out of place.

Three white dots of light flying over the nearest hill.


What can I learn from this picture?

  • I know they were moving fast because my camera was shooting one picture every 3 seconds and they were not in the photograph before or after this one.

  • They are flying in formation with even spaces between them.

  • The angle of their formation tells me they are in descent and not flying horizontally as would a plane.

  • When we zoom into the image we can clearly see a glowing nucleus within two of the three objects, meaning they are very unlikely to be man made.


I believe!

I have a film maker friend who has worked on a number of UFO documentaries. He agreed to take a look at the shot for me and wrote back straight away confirming these dots looked very similar to other photographs he had seen which had been verified as real. Or at the very least, untampered photography.

Personally I feel sure that I photographed three UFOs that day as I can find no other logical explanation for what they might be.

I have long been a believer in the reality of such things and for years have enjoyed this image of crop circles and the infinite possibilities it opens my mind to.

Of course we are not alone.


Next time

Now that I have shown you my second experience with UFOs I should probably show you my first!

See you next time for a collection of shots from the UK, this time showing something very unexpected.

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling the world with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over nine months.

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All non original photo sources can be found by clicking on the image


ETs exist for sure out there. The Universe is so expansive, we can't be the only ones here. I remember back in 2010, last semester of college, seeing an glowing orange orb in the night sky in Upstate NY, just zig zagging irregularly in the sky. That was in Feb 2010. Then in May 2010, saw the same thing again. Can't be commericial plane or any kind of plane know that can move that fast.

Great stuff! Not too many of us are blessed enough to notice. Too busy looking down...getting on with life!

Fantastic Sam. Beautiful shots as well.
Definately a living thing!! Which must have been made somewhere!!

@kenistyles gave me a link to your page, as I posted a story of my experience. Keni replied and we got chatting right away.
Lovely bloke with an unreal picture of a pack of light orbs he uploaded in the comments!

Just wanted to say you are not alone man.
It's about time everyone knew ;)

Here is my story if you have time to review.


Wow! I absolutely loved your post my friend. What a perfect share that was for me. With two baby kids pulling at my leg all day I don't usually permit myself the pleasure of watching the films. Especially when they are 30mins long! But I did with yours and I enjoyed them very much.

Looking forward now to putting the technique into practice.

Many thanks again.

And keep doing what you are doing!

Ahh Thanks Sam. Big hugs bro :)
Thanks for giving it the time! The story and the videos!
David's description of the engine gave me tingles!! I must have watched that interview over 50 times.
The metal being described as the underbelly of a frog was a classic!
And the tornadoes coming off of his fingers when he touched it! Haha.

I hope you do and I hope you get results.

Cheers Steve. Big love from Cambodia.

There are planet-sized living creatures around the Sun! Life is very common in the Universe, or, rather, everything is living! Even an elemental particle. And the Universe is holographic, where everything is connected with everything. I knew it even i was a child, then i read books that justified my assumptions. Now i'm reading Holographic Universe (Michael Talbot) and The Biology of Belief (Dr. Bruce Lipton).

Splendid Kalemandra. I believe it!! I follow a few channels on youtube regarding sky watchers.
A channel named UFO Lou catches unreal footage with his cool tech set up and has documented as you say 'Planet sized living creatures, bumbling around up there. Spaceships bigger than Jupiter!!
That leads on to other channels too.
I would love to hear some stories of any experiences you have had with them.
I'm all ears :)
Peace love and Steemit :)

Ha! Talk about synchronicity, I'm literally laughing with love at how you posted this and then I posted today. Of course my bot got to you before I did, now I'm reading however it's just another one of those times we can sit back and smile. Love you bruv 👍

Indeed it is brilliant. Have particularly enjoyed the rabbit hole your response here has led me on! Loved @jeffandhisguitar's post beneath, ended up watching the vids there and so much of it makes sense.

Super loved your UFO post too bro. I had no idea you have been blessed with such an experience. Chosen indeed :)

Am opening myself now for another experience... and this time I will be watching!

Yeah he's a cool guy, checked some of his other posts too. You both being musicians I knew you'd vibe.

From my perspective and as we truly sit to slow down our processes.. we indeed "choose" ourselves. In my experiences it is more so (as with all things) a matter of vibration (volume) combined with how one raises or lowers ones thought frequency (intention).

Focused allowing of ones dominant intent (meditation), we resonate and invite the opportunity (art of allowing) to attract that which we are genuinely asking for (LOA). In this context, we remember we create our reality and no interactions are by accident.

Of course, this is my current innerstanding and humble opinion.

Steem Om brother 🙏🏻 🌟

Cheers keni :)
Have a splendid week bra :)

You as well brother 💗

nicely documented! ive seen them too!.. also three dots.. when i saw them they were not in formation but instead were dancing ALL over the sky and would form a triangle also.. many people saw it at the same time..

Amazing! What a perfect thing to experience. Thanks for sharing.

Perhaps my dots were dancing in this way. Next time I will see them with own eyes and not in a photograph...

yes! Also.. i saw them at night so it was real easy to see them.. hopefully you will get lucky again! if not maybe head to Mexico for a holiday ;-)

Mexico is on the cards for sure!

Never see it so don't 100% know. But I would find very strange that in this whole universe we are alone.

On the crop circles! I have done a circle literal a circle and it took ages and was extremely had with about six people ! There is no way these could be done in a night 💯🐒

Excellent to hear about your crop circle experiment. Brilliant! And good to know.

Haha was fun but very hard work 💯🐒

Very gorgeous pictures! Not to ruin the fun, but to me that looks to be a "rod" (a bug flying) ;) As a photographer, I've inspected a lot of photographs of paranormal and ufos, and many times can be explained (like orbs, rods, and other camera artifacts) :)

I appreciate any chance to explain this logically but can't see how this can be a bug. After a lifetime of photography I have never seen a bug look like this in a picture before. Perhaps you could expand on your thoughts for me?

The camera captures a few flaps of the wings, so you see the blog of its body and faint shadow of its wings while it flies past the camera ;) YOu can see a ton more examples of rods here: But you never know, there are a lot of unexplained things in the world :)

Absolutely gorgeous photography and wow... what a spectacular and mysterious capture! I have yet to capture anything myself but it's always been difficult for me to convince myself that nothing exists out there besides us.

My good friend Whit visited me in Austin this weekend and was telling me a story about how she woke up in her hotel room one night and saw an 8 foot tall being walking away through her bedroom. She saw it for about 5 seconds and then it vanished but she said it felt like nothing she had ever sensed before... "it felt like steel and it seemed as if there was some sort of psychic block that kept me from sensing if the entity had good or bad intentions... I couldn't tell."

Wow! Cool story. I have heard of these taller beings in other stories and if memory serves I believe these guys are on our side, so to speak. There are smaller 'greys' who don't have any interest in helping us, and from what I understand you are unlikely to remember seeing one (without hypnotism).

I feel a little let down by my own story as I didn't recognise the moment the objects flew over me. But now that I am back here again I feel l open to the idea of saying hello again.

I am personal friends with a man by the name of Peter Paget who claims to have been inside a UFO and has written a number of books since then. He tells me that holding a clear intention has a lot to do with it.

So, am I ready to meet them? My heart would be beating through my chest, but yes I am ready.

Just curious, why do people make the mental leap of thinking that UFO's are extraterrestrial? You observe them in the earth's atmosphere, not in outer space.

Good point! I imagine it is the influence of Hollywood. And the human way of thinking that if there is a space vehicle there must be someone driving it.

I do agree that there is very little logic behind the assumption.

@samstonehill you are so lucky to have experienced this and captured them on film, but that only because you are so open to the idea. I too have seen one many many years ago and since then my eyes are always on the sky! One day.....!

Then we are both lucky and we are both waiting patiently for our next experience. I believe a lot of it is about intent :)

Wow, Thank you for sharing your amazing UFO experience! I always see them now and then. But I wouldn't call it 'UFO', coz, I know they are spacecrafts and light-crafts, from my star-family, and then sometimes arcturians, and pleiadians too come to visit to check on me and my sister. There is so much going on behind the scenes. ☺

There certainly is a lot going on behind the scenes. I agree with you there 100%.

And yes, to call them UFO is a bit misleading.

They are that which we are not, yet they are so intimately connected to us...

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