Something I Have To Get Off Of My Chest...

in #life7 years ago

Dear Steemians. In this story, I will disclose some strange events that happened to me late last year in 2017.

I haven't told many people because they would think I'm full of bollocks...But here goes.

I moved to Cambodia in early 2016 to pursue sunshine and to teach the guitar.
I finally had enough of the British climate, and the ever increasing prices of services and goods, and booked a one-way ticket to Cambodia with just a backpack and my guitar.

( all good btw, I'm still here getting by with a strong heart and friendly smile :)


We all know that travel broadens the mind etc..and I have met a fair few characters since moving away and one night I was re-introduced to the Roswell Crash events of 1947.

The apparent alien spaceship that crash-landed in the desert in Roswell New Mexico.

I heard about this when I was a child but shrugged it off as it was always on these fact or fiction type of programs which I really didn't have any interest in.

roswell.jpg ro.jpg images.jpg jj.jpg

Fast forward to early 2017... I was hooked!!

After spending months of research, looking at all the videos and researching names, I had found a whole new world!!


Area 51, Dulce Base, Lockheed Martin, Bob Lazar, David Adair, Jessy Marcell, TR3B's, Sports model alien craft, Element 1.15, symbiotic engines, Man the list goes on.

All incredible pieces of information which I think is true. and must be reviewed again by every living soul.

One of my favourites is an interview with David Adair.
David built a small homemade rocket which hit speeds of

40,000mph in 3 seconds!!

Selected government officials watched the rocket complete its flight and quickly rushed the 12yr old deep underground to a storage facility containing an engine from an alien craft.
Something they could not figure out how to work... and wanted David to find out how.
Amazing description of what he saw! Brilliant character too

Hope ya watched it

Now, fast forward to mid-2017, still fascinated by all the events I have come across since starting this interest, I stumbled on a YouTube channel called Mr Anomolous.

The channel is owned English chap who can call these anomalies down from the sky.
They say anomalies because nobody knows what they are as proffesional scientists seem to turn a blind eye to them, but they appear out of nowhere after he mentally calls them and they mimmick objects that we know and are aware of. Particularly balloons!

Check it out below. Also, he teaches you how to do it yourself!

Again, after months of scrutinizing and disbelief and as mad as I sound... I can confirm they are not balloons from this planet!!!

If you take the time to study his channel you will evidently see that the flight patterns of these things are drone-like, and most have a tether or string attached like a party balloon would have, but it is rigid, almost like an antenna.
Also, they burst flash some kind of energy pulse "telling you they are here"

They also transform shape.

Anybody can call these entities down apparently.
As long as you have an open mind and have time to explore it, it should work for you.

I did and had put it to practice straight away.


Nothing much happened for the first few months but I persisted to look up to the sky for 15/20 minute intervals when I could, staring into one spot like you would do looking at a magic eye picture..remember

And one evening after Praying and remote viewing
(sending my imaginary signal deep into space)
I got a super solid result!!!!

It was the first clear night sky I had seen in a week and the full moon was at its brightest and I remote viewed and meditated on my rooftop balcony an hour beforehand and I looked up and could see this cloud floating away in the distance.
There were barely any clouds that evening and this was the only one that was moving. It also had an orange glow radiating from the middle.

Very strange I thought, slightly excited as I was and proceeded to feed the cat. After laying his bowl down I immediately looked up above me, and overhead maybe 50ft high was another cloud floating along like it was being controlled.
The density was different, the shape was odd and again.. The only cloud moving in the sky...

It just felt strange.

I quickly ran to grab my binoculars to get a better view.

I remember my hands shaking trying to get the lens caps off, and ran back to the spot where I was.

What I saw was jaw-dropping.

I managed to get a good 5 seconds focus on this thing as the moonlight was shimmering off of it, and inside I clearly saw maybe 12 Orbs/balls rotating around each other inside the cloud.
They weren't touching one another and were rotating so neatly with zero sound. !!!!??!!

After I lost focus with the binos I continued to watch this cloud float away at speed, in the same direction as the first one.

Still gazumped I quickly grabbed a pen and drew what I saw and shortly after that I made an Instagram Post to log the memory.


Now you're all thinking I'm crackers probably, but It doesn't stop there...
Maybe a week after that I did the process again and Had a result of these small orbs fly overhead in different formations.
It reminded me of the Red Arrows Aerobatic flight team.

But the best result was a few weeks ago in 2018.

After some meditating and remote viewing I had a set of Balloons fly right past my balcony and fly off into the distance,, Something I have never seen in the 2 years of being at this apartment.
zoom ball.jpg

I truly believe they are the "alien Balloons" like the ones in Mr Anomolous's videos.
I can just tell.

So that is my story. Feel free to comment below, upvote it, laugh at it, or take it seriously.
I am glad to write about it and get it off of my chest and would love to hear anybody else's stories relating to this or any other UFO stuff.

Cheers for reading.


Now it is confirmed you are crackers auhauahuahauh

Investigate Sandrina. You will be surprised it isn't :)

Spectacular sights; Orbs dance through the night. Sharing insights before dawns early light. Friends we become, connected as One. Eternal blessings beloveds, we all become Suns. Namasté

I feel you Jeff, this is my only picture "proof" for others however I have had many encounters with similar orbs. Rotating, hovering and moving at incredible speeds. Meditation has helped me greatly as has a open heart and mind.

There has never been any negative experiences for me, no fear, no doubt or worry. Only guidance in a nonverbal and loving presence. Again, very difficult to explain or even word. I simply had to post and share that I feel you and appreciate you for having the courage to seek and share with others.

Ahh kenny! Fantastic buddy! Look at that!
How long did it stick around for? Such magnificent light! Was it hovering, observing you?

I totally understand you man. Since having these encounters I can kind of feel when they are around me if that makes sense. After researching , I know I am not the only one.
Super splendid photo and descriptions of your sightings :)
I hope they continue to greet you. You are super lucky
Let's continue to spread the knowledge Kenny. What's more important!

Absolutely, sharing our truths is a joy.

This was actually a "family" of 9 lights/orbs, they were present right before sunrise individually and then by the time I got my phone out to snap a pic they formed this shape. Spinning around each other then as one mass zipped around like I said at incredible speed before going directly up until I couldn't see them any more.

The whole interaction lasted for about 2-3 minutes however it seemed much longer. like day dream or lucid dreaming when you just nod off for a few moments in measured time however the feeling is that there were hours of interaction.

It makes absolute sense that you "feel when they are around", as that's all I can share to people when I speak of this. It's a non verbal communication that just "feels" like a "real conversation" and yet nothing to prove or say in support or otherwise. Not that anyone should feel to prove a point, it is what it is and I see it as a gift for you to know so.

What I can say is that by the time I had this experience in Arizona, I had already felt comfortable and familiar with "unidentified flying objects" being around before, during and after my meditations. We had also been very involved with grid work around this time and in my experience we're certainly not the only "lucky" ones, lots of people come forward once we actually initiate the conversation.

My feeling is it's about slowing down enough and paying attention to our vibration/volume, as we open up to wider bandwidths and become more aware of others of like vibration. The important tip I have for others is also to be aware of their alignment/frequency and re-member the 3D experience is one of choice and sovereignty.

It is our birth right to invite or exclude depending on ones free will 🙏🏻

Wow they seem super close! Amazing! They look like soccer field lights. Such energy!
I think Robert Bingham has a picture he took of one of his contacts and he could see a being sitting inside the orb. I tried to find it just then but couldn't.

Arizona must be a sweet place for it and I see you get plenty of action over there.
Soon I will take the time to call them again. I see it is a skill. Just like guitar! Ha.
Practice makes perfect :)
Will update soon man. Thanks for sharing your story.

Yes, approx 100m and glowing as bright as flood lights. Incredible energy, felt absolutely loving and benevolent. Also while yes there are a lot of contact reports from AZ, I don't feel it's as location specific as people might imagine. To me it's more about paying attention to our surroundings and being open to real eyes how we share this space. Then it isn't such a rare occurrence after all. 🙏🏻

Great word Keni.
Have a splendid day :)

Also just found a post by my buddy @samstonehill that may interest you too!

Cheers keni :)
Was a lovely read.

Strange, but not so much. There are places where I lived where I saw relatively strange phenomena, lights that are not stars, since in the middle of the day. One day, during a dark night I looked out the window and saw a very bright light in the sky, I did not leave her eyes when suddenly she started to leave very quickly. I like to look out at night, sometimes there are interesting things to look at in the sky.

As you say, you have to keep an open mind and someone had saying that things are not always what you think they are. Good story !

Thanks Marie :) I hear only the chosen ones are able to do it.
It sounds like you have the ability to call them from the sky.
Robert Bingham is highly good at it. Worth researching :)

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