How to increase A post's payout Organically: Are you making use of User Authority?

in #ua6 years ago (edited)


Finding ways to see your post's payout increase without contributing to "bid-bots" can be a hard task, but not impossible. This series is to target those who still wish to go the good old organic way and get payouts through other means than bidding on bots. I will research any means possible through these episodes to optimize a posts payout without having to gamble your precious steem on bidding.

Why do I embrace the idea of fully organically posts?

It gets harder and harder to differentiate what the community thinks is a good post and what the authors thinks is a good post. Everyone can look at their work and say "Yeah, that should at least be 100 dollars". By promoting other opportunities for people to take different paths it is my hope to move people away from this market and start growing their account and posts in an organic and healthy way for the platform. While I do believe promotions has its uses for special scenarios, it is far from necessary for the average steemian

Without further a due let's proceed to the real part of the article, In each article, I will go into depth about 1 new opportunity to find extra payouts as an organic author!


This episode: User Authority

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, there's a good chance you have seen this name been thrown around a few times, that is because this new concept is exactly doing what also I intend to do with this post, drag people away from the bid-bots.

User Authority consists basically on a "rank" system where it will be ranking the people who participate based on various factors such as a persons follower base and engagement on Steemit. For example, if you have a 100 "engaging followers" aka good steemians you will be rated much higher than a person with a 1000 spam accounts.

In other words, User Authority doesn't care about your Steem Power, they care about your success that is healthy for our platform.

Screenshot 20180919 at 12.01.20.png

  • Every time @steem-ua votes it will give you a short update on your current rank*

How do I participate in the UA ranking system?

This is the coolest part of UA, you only need 25 SP to participate and it will NOT influence the weight of the vote you are given but instead the number of times you will receive a vote from them in a week.

This means if you delegate the following:
25 SP = 1 vote/week
50 SP = 2 votes/week
100 SP = 4 votes/week
250 SP = 5 votes/week

This basically means you will get the most "value" from 100 SP given you are an active user on Steemit and believe you will be posting 4 times/week. How significant is the vote you might ask, while for my case being almost 3200 on the rank I get a vote about equal to 7000 SP(maybe a little more).

IMPORTANT: If you are new on Steemit chance are you don't have the criteria yet to fulfill being part of the UA ranking system. Sadly this is the current "Achilles heel" of UA but maybe in the future, they will somehow be able to support even the newest people. This system is not perfect, but @scipio seems to never stop his passion to improve it. My advice to you if you are new is to start working on your networking and in that way gain followers so you can get the ball rolling.
The beginning is always the hardest for a blogger, but everyone who wishes can overcome it! Also, read this guide that @steem-ua published recently for further tips on how to increase your rank.

User Authority is a great initiative and despite I only delegated 100 SP myself, it is cool to see the votes rolling in quite frequently. For many people who have worked and build a follower base for a while here on Steemit will find this opportunity a great help to their posts.

Nonetheless, a great way to boost your posts Organically

Other great ways to increase yours post's payout organically

Posting on for extra reward!

Steemmonsters MONSTER vote

SBI - for you and your friends

Partiko - Redeem your points for votes


Hey man, i learn a lot from this post, but as a newbie it doesn't going to help me now. I found you a right person to bulid a guide for newbies, what you think about it ???

Yeah as a newbie it is more important to focus on other matters! My suggestion? Write solid articles and use tags for certain groups. Such as if you writ about travel, use the #travelfeed tag and if you are writing about science or engineering(witch I can see you are) using #steemstem might be a good choice.

I will make a post about this also in the near future :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks man for responding...

So I just up-voted your post, but I eat a lot of crap so my votes might not be completely organic. Full disclosure, bro.

Nice post! I am going to look into delegating a bit to UA.

Dude, how dare you bringing your filthy non-organic votes to my post?!

lol, jokes aside, yeah you should delegate just 100 SP or so, it is really worth it man. At least for me it is.

Cool, I went ahead and delegated 100! I feel like a better person already.

Many have jumped on the @steem-ua bandwagon and its been an outstanding success, so far. Long may it live, they already have my 250 delegated SP. I guess you are the same?

I am at 100 SP delegated. Although I intend to go 250 soon! Yeah they seem to do great and it can only get better!

Posted using Partiko Android

I started at 100 and went to 250 later. Its a strange upgrade 'cost'. 100 = 4 votes, but if you want 3 more its another 150. Oh well, its the best ROI I have found yet and if your seasoned even better.

Ohh it's 3 more? I have to edit that! I thought it was only only 1 more but my memory might have deceived me

i am looking to delegate them as they makes things really healthy for the steemit community :) a healthy competition to top up the charts in an organic way :D

A mi particularmente me gustaría aumentar el numero de visualización de mis publicaciones o el numero de seguidores y bueno ir aprendiendo mas de la plataforma social steemit

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