What would Dan Larimer & Ned Scott be type-casted as in a Hollywood Movie?

in #type-casting8 years ago

You are a casting-director and have to find rolls for @dan (to the left) and @ned (to the right). You are swamped with work, but these two guys stand out and you just have to put them in a movie - question is: What type of Characters would they be? And in what kind of movie or tv-series genre would you place them in?

oh, and don´t forget to vote for my witness: "fyrst-witness" on https://steemit.com/~witnesses :)


Something has stuck with me for a long time. My 6th grade science teacher, of all people, told the class it's fine to laugh at something someone can change. She said something like, "You can laugh about me being fat, because it's something I can control through my choices." This is social pressure. We could have a wonderful discussion about the merits and problems with this attitude. But more importantly, she said, don't make fun of something someone can't change. And, never forget Wheaton's Law:

We love you Dan. 💖

"We love you Dan. 💖"

Ned's absence there is deafening.

Dan would be the mad scientist creating a matrix that eventually sucked the life out of the users. Sort of a virtual reality device you pay to play using your lifetime as currency.

Ned would be playing the role of a quirky college student fighting this monster from the inside of this virtual hell-hole.

The genre would be a fantasy/comedy with some sci-fi elements.

@fyrstikken, im laughing here. @ned is like a rambo in the first blood movie where the sheriff "King Shit Cop" kind of character played by @dan.

A true genius, having this vision, I would like a quarter of its vision congratulations genius ......

Steampunk, of course. They would be trying to build a railway in the Wild-west, like Hell On Wheels, except with technology and code. The 'good guy' railway, instead of killing the local natives, they give them cryptocurrency to create their own economies so they can modernize along with the railway development. Together they fight a robotic version of the Monopoly Man who wants to centralize the railway into his Fiat Moneybags.

I sense a new version of Batman and Robin, minus the tights, but genuine superheros none the less.

Maybe minus the capes too.

I guess just the masks, and the superhero status.

Cartoon. Ned is Roger and Dan - Snorre. Guest star - Fyrstikken as Nug

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