How God Wanted It (The Scariest Story Ever Told)...

in #twentyfourhourshortstory6 years ago (edited)

He had black holes for eyes, and deep empty hollows for nostrils. As he moved, his skin, or what used to be his skin fell off.. dry piece by dry piece. I closed my eyes for a moment, and then reopened them. I couldn't recognize him anymore than I could an alien. But at this point, I was already beyond terrified. I felt nothing at all...

Then he sat, and positioned himself as if about to speak. As his mouth opened, dried out chunks of human tissue fell to the floor..

And continuously...

"Let me tell you a story" he began...


How God Wanted It...


The Scariest Story Ever Told...

I once was a Blessed, a special amongst my kind. I had hopes and dreams, and the universe was all there for me.. waiting to be explored, taken. But then tragedy struck..

It had been brewing for decades, or so the elders had said. But when something stays with you too long, you begin to take it for granted. You assume it had always been there. Even an impending disaster. And this was our one painful mistake.

Our world was destroyed, and how. But that is a much longer story...

Among the blessed, I was the sole survivor of that disaster. Of my kind, I cannot say. I only know I was supposed to die, like all the others. But then I didn't. And that was when I met her...

I know not how I got there, or where exactly there was. But I knew I was alive when she poked those greasy hands at me. Instinctively I withdrew, trying to let her know I was unwilling. Though in truth, I was mostly afraid.

But she didn't seem to understand, or she didn't want to. Either way, I found myself in her arms, all warm and snuggly. And somehow, I liked being there.

She must have liked it too, for she kept me there as long as she could. The feel of her greasy palms on the small of my back was more than any pleasure a Blessed ever did enjoy.

That night she hid me in a small box, and I didn't understand. I wanted that snuggly feeling, I wanted it. I craved it...


"It was Dad. He..."

The words failed to leave my mouth. I wanted to just have a burst of release, anything to free up this pent up nothingness choking my insides...

He stared at me, silent. His expression seemed to betray his thoughts. He seemed surprised I was still there, listening. As if he was telling the story to no one...

"Your dad..."

He seemed to spit the words out.

"Your dad brought it all into perspective..."


I eventually knew why I had to sleep in a box. I knew it when he found me. I have never met so hateful a creature. And she had called him father. How he had sired my Snuggly from his loins I couldn't comprehend.

She begged, she pleaded, she cried a tear or two. And he said okay. I was relieved, but I knew she didn't deserve him. No one did...

So I bid my time, I waited, I was patient. Until I was certain the time was right. Then I ate...


"But I'm only a little girl..."

I was no longer capable of having any more fear. But I still somehow found my voice. I didn't want to die.. or be eaten..

"Your dad and mum..." His holed eyes seemed to grow deeper with each word he spoke.

"They made that perspective much more clearer."

My eyes screamed all the unspoken pleas I wanted to say at him. But my voice was lost again.

"But your sister..." He continued. "Your sister tasted divine."

One single drop of tear found it's way out of my eyes. It was probably the last piece of moisture my eyes could muster.

I closed my eyes as it slid down. My only offence was thinking this horrible thing was a strange, but lovely animal. I opened my eyes again. I had a feeling it was all about to end...

It.. he.. whatever this thing was, all its hollows stared straight at me.

Then suddenly it transformed... And it was half me, half it...

Then it.. she.. they spoke...

"So I'll eat you too Snuggly..."

And I knew the words even before I heard them...

"Because it's exactly how God would have wanted this story to end..."



Written for @mctiller's Twenty Four Hour Short Story Contest

and @calluna's Tell A Story To Me Contest

In the dark...

Okay, no more story here... Bye bye...



Ok. You really need to tell me your secrets...

Or I wrestle it out of you. Lol

Oh... You're on... Bring it

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This opens so strong, setting a clear, vivid sense of horror filled intrigue. The way the strong slowly unravels is just beautiful, the slow unwrapping of possibility, at one point, i found myself wondering if this was the last wild cat, or something to that effect, the point of view is truly fascinating to read. The way the story progresses, the slow insidious drip of information, and context, as the wider picture comes into view, really adds to the sense of horror. It then just leads so well into the ending, where a god of determinism, with a destiny they wish to see played out, comes in. 'Why you shouldn't have trusted me' is a brilliant approach to the scariest story ever told!

The winners of round 11 have been announced and round 12 is out - hope I can count on you to pack another great punch in the next round <3


Thanks a bunch for your lovely comments 😘

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