Cindy's pet


Once upon a time a little girl named Cindy. Cindy was a very curious girl, who liked to capture many vermin, bug, insect, spiders among others. She did not fear the strange animals she collected. One afternoon, she heard a strange sound from the backyard of her house. Cindy, as usual, ran out to see what was the source of the strange sound she had heard. To her surprise, there was a kind of winged lizard, entangled in the bushes of the house.

— Hello! — The little girl greeted.

The strange creature gave a small grunt. Cindy was astonished again, and immediately laughed and took the little animal between her two little hands. But it was still stuck, so she had to pull harder, falling flat on the ground with the creature over her chest.

The strange creature, again, gave another grunt.

— Quiet! I will take care of you

— I'll call you Juliet! Come on, let's go to my room — Cindy added.

Cindy got up and took the creature and put it under her jacket. She entered through the back door of the house, ran up the stairs, straight to her room.

—Cindy! Your mom always tells you not to run in the house — yelled Mary, the old nanny from the kitchen.

Cindy ignored the words, locked herself in her room and deposited the creature on the floor.

— You're probably hungry.

She looked at her small table next to her bed, a plate with cookies that her mother had left. She took a cookie and offered it to the creature

—Try this!

The little creature came closer jumping. It nibbled the biscuit and made another grunt.

— Cindy! The tub is ready. You must bathe before your mom comes! — Mary shouted from below.

— I'll be back! But so you're not alone I'll leave you with my other friends

She took the creature and put it in a large container where she had the vermin she collected. Cindy again heard Mary call her name again, so she ran out of the room and down the stairs.

— Very good little Cindy, get in the tub and start rubbing. Hurry up before your mom arrives.

Juliet began to swallow all the Cindy’s vermin it found inside the container. Satisfied, it got out of the container and went under Cindy's bed.

— Hello everyone! — Cindy's mother shouted from the entrance.

— Oh my God! — Mary exclaimed — Your mom is here, Don't delay! — she hurried Cindy

— Good afternoon, Mrs. Johnson. I'm about to pick up the clothes of the girl in the room.

— Cindy is taking a bath — Mary added as she climbed the stairs, on the way to Cindy's room

— Take your time — said Ms. Johnson

Cindy played with the foam of the tub and splashed water everywhere.

— Where is the little girl of the house? — Mrs. Johnson asked when entering the bathroom

— Here, mom! Swimming in the depths of an unknown ocean! — Cindy replied

—I'm an Explorer — added

Mrs. Johnson seeing the trail of water on the floor was going to reprimand Cindy when suddenly they heard a terrifying scream from above floor.

Both looked surprised.

—Juliet! — Cindy shouted, remembering her new pet.

— Juliet? — Mrs. Johnson was ready to ask when she was interrupted with new Mary's screams all down the stairs.

Mrs. Johnson ran to the stairs

—What's going on?? — Mrs. Johnson asked, as she saw Mary's face full of soot

— The —the… There’s... There is... — Mary stuttered

— What’s happened? — Mrs. Johnson asked again

— There's a DRAGON! CINDY’S ROOM! — Mary responded screaming and fell unconscious on the floor.

Mrs. Johnson was astonished, while Cindy ran up the stairs.

— It's my friend Juliet! – Cindy yelled

— Stop there! Young lady! You better explain me — shouted Ms. Johnson

However, the girl paid no attention and kept running to her room.

Mrs. Johnson, went up the stairs angry and peeked through the door of Cindy’s room, being pale with what she saw

— She's Juliet, my new pet, can I keep it? Can I? Pleease!

Cindy exclaimed, kneeling on the ground, with the little dragon in her arms.

The little dragon let out a growl and made a puff of fire that made Mrs. Johnson's hair prickle.

— Wow! You really are a dragon! — Cindy exclaimed in wonder

Juliet again took another puff of fire and had set fire to the curtains in the room.

Mrs. Johnson, contained the scream that was about to yell and went to find a fire extinguisher.

— Cindy, get away from fire! — She shouted again while bringing the fire extinguisher

She powered the fire extinguisher and extinguished the fire of the curtains, however, Juliet surprised by the sound of the fire extinguisher, let go of Cindy's arms and fluttered her small wings around the room.

Mrs. Johnson, frantic, sprayed the extinguishing liquid everywhere, trying to catch the little dragon. It went out the door of the room and plummeted down the stairs, where poor Mary was recovering from her fainting, giving another loud scream again as she saw the dragon coming towards her.

And again, she fell unconscious.

— Mom! Do not hurt her! — Cindy shouted behind Mrs. Johnson.

— Stay where you are young lady! — shouted Ms. Johnson

Cindy stopped and Mrs. Johnson ran down the stairs with the extinguisher in her hands, but she tripped over Mary's body on the floor, causing her to fall forward and drop the fire extinguisher that rolled a few meters away from her.

In that moment, Mr. Johnson came home

— Why so much fuss? You can hear all the screaming from outside — He shouted confused

But he was speechless when he saw the little animal fluttering around the room.

Mr. Johnson took a broom and tried to hit it, thinking it was a bat, but to his surprise, the little dragon cast a mouthful of fire at the bristles of the broom. Panicked, he let go of the broom and it set fire to the couch in the living room.

—Take the fire extinguisher! — Mrs. Johnson shouted pointing to fire extinguisher

Cindy scared in her room and with tears in her eyes; she steeled herself to defend her pet and headed towards the stairs. But a strange scream stopped her.

Arresto Momentum!

Everything was silent.

Cindy came down the stairs cautiously, without being seen. She saw two gentlemen with a stick in their hands.

— Ron, take the dragon — said the one wearing glasses.

— Why me? — answered the other

— You are the expert — finally said the first.

Then he made a movement with the stick and uttered a word


And she saw how all things began to recover as if by magic. He approached Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and said quietly


Then he did the same with Mary.

The redhead caught the dragon, enclosing it in what looked like a small suitcase. Cindy did not understand how Juliet could fit in there. Then the other man uttered a few words

Wingardium Leviosa

Her parents and Mary floated to the couch and were placed there gently.

The redhead saw her and said

— Harry, we have company. — pointing with his stick towards the stairs.

Cindy went pale. The man in glasses put his stick away and approached her slowly.

— Do not panic. We won’t hurt you. — he replied.

— What is your name? — he asked

— Cindy — she said softly

— My name is Harry. We are tamers of dragons. – he lied — Did Norbert Jr do some mischief up there? — he asked again

— Norbert? — Cindy asked — Is it a boy? — Expressed confused — That's right – he answered

— May I take a look at the second floor? — Harry asked

Cindy nodded and the man in glasses went up and she listened again the previous word


The redhead smiled at her, while he waited. Finally, the man in glasses came down.

— All done. We will take Norbert Jr with his mother. Don’t worry about him. — added

— Your parents nor the other lady will remember what happened.

— Do you promise not to reveal our secret? — The man in glasses asked.

Cindy nodded.

— You're a good girl. — He said while adjusting his glasses. Cindy could notice a strange scar on his forehead. The man in glasses looked at his partner and they nodded.

— Be good — It was the last thing she heard, in a blink the gentlemen disappeared.

Suddenly she heard her mother say

— Cindy! What are you doing standing there on the stairs, come and say hello to your father.

And their lives continued as usual. However, Cindy would never forget Juliet/Norbert and those two strange gentlemen.

I hope you enjoyed it as I did!

Thanks for reading!

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