My first attempt at writing a fiction story - Sally and Arpito


Hello Guys,

This is my first ever attempt at writing a story. And I am starting off with a Fiction. Woot !! Its such a difficult job.
I am writing this story as a part of a contest . Here is the link to the contest if that interests you.

Without any further adieu, here we go.

Sally is playing around in her backyard and suddenly she hears someone sobbing. She looks around and to her surprise she finds light coming from a pit in her dark backyard. As she approaches the pit she discovers that there is a cute little creature trapped in the pit. Fascinated Sally observes the creature carefully. She has never seen such a creature before. A pink little animal with a Star fish shaped human like face, and body like a mermaid. Its body was glowing like a jellyfish. The pit was illuminated with pink light. Though small like a soft toy, its light was powerful enough.

The cute little creature looked helpless. With its eyes full of tears it looks at Sally with hopeful eyes. It jumped again and again but could not jump high enough to get out of the pit. The red bruises all over the body covered with mud made Sally sad. The bruises did not emit the light which made it look so pretty.

Sally extended her hand to pull it out. 3 feet high Sally was trying to pull out a 1 feet high creature from a 4 feet deep pit. Needless to say, both of them were disappointed. Poor Sally sat for a moment and came up with a brilliant idea. She hurriedly removed her coat and extended it towards the creature. Holding the tiny sleeve the creature pulled itself out of the pit and hugged Sally tightly. Sally hugged it back. Sally could feel the body was cold due to chilled winter. Without thinking much Sally wrapped it in her coat and carried it straight to her living room near the fireplace.

Watching a weird creature walk out of Sally's coat made her mom Kiara startle. She quickly pulled Sally away from the creature and hugged her tightly in a protective stance. This sudden action scared the little creature away and it hid itself behind the pillar. Sally then explained the whole incidence to her mother and assured her that it won't harm them. Sally carefully dragged the creature from back of the pillar for Kiara to take a closer look. Its innocent face assured Kiara that it was equally afraid. Kiara then made both of them sleep in a warm bedding near the fireplace.

As soon as she woke up, Sally ran to the kitchen picking up the creature and pleaded her mom to pet it. She called it Arpito. Considering that they lived in a forest and Sally had never had anyone to play with, Kiara thought for a moment and then agreed to keep it.
Jumping with joy Sally kissed Arpito and hugged Kiara.
Soon after getting fresh Kiara served breakfast for both Sally and Arpito. But Arpito nodded his head refusing to eat. Kiara figured out that Arpito was not a normal human and can't eat fruits like humans. She offered him meat and he nodded reluctantly. She tried offering him different things to finally know that Arpito wanted fresh green plants. His face freshened up after touching the trees. He did not even eat them. He just touched the green leaves and closed his eyes with content. His pink light started glowing more brightly.

Sally started playing with Arpito since then. She enjoyed playing with him and developed a great level of affection towards him. Arpito too loved her company. She treated him as his younger brother. She created a nice little bed for him to sleep. Arpito used to get lost in their big house and due to its small size Sally used to find it difficult to find him back. So Sally had given him a whistle which Arpito would blow when he needed Sally. Sally taught him the human habits of living and learned his inhuman habits too. She made him sleep during nights like they did and she observed him feel the plants and trees. They seemed to be very happy together.

In a month or so, Kiara discovered something weird. She realized that Sally had started knowing the future. Whatever she spoke about at night used to happen the very next day. She first noticed this when once Sally just before going to bed asked her mom about the tree which fell in their backyard. Her mom confirmed that the tree was perfectly fine. Considering she was a playful kid her mom ignored her and made her sleep. But to her surprise the very next day when her mom woke up, she found the huge tree which was there for years providing them shade had fallen. It had taken down many other small plants in their backyard.

At first she still ignored it considering it to be a mere coincidence. But this did not stop. Sally started asking questions about something which was going to happen the very next day. So Kiara once decided to confront with Sally. After a long round of question and answers with Sally, Kiara finally figured out that it was Arpito who told Sally the future. She could not figure out when or how did Arpito tell her the future but Sally always mentioned that Arpito told her that. Kiara got scared like she was when she first saw Arpito. She started fearing Arpito. Anxiety hit her badly. But Sally's father Brandon decided to use this to his benefit. Brandon has to go deep in the jungle to cut some trees and get wood and food for his family. Sometimes the future facts were not very significant but they helped him in his day to day life. Like it is going to rain tomorrow, or a troop of monkeys will party in their backyard tomorrow etc. He decided to keep things going and Sally continued to announce future hearing it from Arpito.

All this was a regular routine when one fine day scared Sally asked Kiara if monsters are for real. Why do they kill us ? Are they evil ? She was scared and had many questions. But Kiara knew Sally well. She was afraid due to the lightning and the thunderstorm that night. She caressed her and made her sleep. Cute little Sally slept obeying her mothers orders.

Early morning next day Brandon walked into the home from the forest to see blood spread all over. He had to spend his night in the jungle due to the thunderstorm. He could see Sally and Kiara drenched in blood. He gasped with the sight of blood of his dear ones. His only family which he loved so much was no more.

What had happened ? Where is Arpito ? Who did this ? All questions were unanswered. With weeping eyes he returned back to the jungle to find his other human friends.

Forgive me for the sad ending guys but if you want to know what happened, please give me good up-votes so as to keep me encouraged in writing the story further. There is still a lot happening around in the jungle which we don't know.

My witness votes


awesome start... very skillful. upvoted

Thanks much @rrezoyanmishu. Glad you found it good. Stay tuned for next one. It will be slightly improved one.

For a first attempt your story was interesting. But you need to work more on that. In some parts your words miss "poetry", "feelings", you need to work on your vocabulary, because your ideas are very beautiful. I bet you can write so much better in your first language :)

Sorry, it is near payout time so it doesn't let me vote on that :(

This is what I was looking for. I agree my vocabulary isn't that great. At times you even have to develop a different vocab considering fiction writing. I'm working on that. Stay tuned for the next one. Hope it improves over the time.

I am sure you will get better! I was not that good in the beginning, but practice makes perfect and I always try to improve (I don't think I will ever become perfect in writing. I just want to keep it decent and be able to pass my emotions through my words). And if you start reading more fiction in english and work with a dictionary to find synonyms and translate words from your language in english, I am sure you will see the difference very very soon (this is what helped me at least)

upvoted your comment, because I could not upvote your post :)

Hey @ruth-girl. I have written the next part of my story. Would love to have your inputs.

Keep writing, this is a good first story. The key is just to have fun with it.

Thanks to you @mctiller for hosting this amazing contest. Gave me a good starting point. I will continue to write. Hope to learn a lot in this domain.

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All I can say is that you have broken a contract with the reader.

Thanks for your feedback @henry-gant.
May I ask what went wrong ? Just so that I can improve myself and learn from my mistakes.

Hi and congratulations, you have been resteemed as part of my Free Resteem Round 2 giveaway!

This is a good story!
I've thought Arpito to be evil from the onset. Well, let's see what happened?

Oh ! Was it obvious. I need to improve my skills then. Was my first one.

I would be honored to have your comments @everittdmickey
This is just my first attempt at writing a story.

Great one to start with, but sad ending is a disappointing after all those beautiful incidents and the knowing the future things because of an unknown creature.

I guess Kiara would have taken care when Sally asked about monsters the night before as everything before that had been true as per future prediction by Sally through Arpito.

Great man, if you would agree, reveal the reason behind sad ending.

Thanks @coolguy123. I am overwhelmed that you could connect so much with the story. This is just my first attempt in writing and looks like it leaves some impact at least.
I know sad ending is disappointing but stay tuned to know what had happened and what happens further.
Thanks for your comment.

Great man, looking forward to the next version of this one.

I hope you continue the story, I'm intrigued.

Sure I will write. Thanks for your comments

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