Mental journey and pondering of the derogatory term TRUTHER

in #truther8 years ago (edited)

I often like to write about words I refer to as being hijacked. In those articles I usually refer to words that have been re-purposed to be something they did not originally mean. An example I like to use is the term Piracy as it most likely was used as a metaphor at some point when it was used on copying VHS, Cassette, MP3s, etc. It is actually vastly different from what Piracy meant prior to that. Yet the metaphor had good emotional imagery. Over time the fact it is simply a metaphor was erased from the minds of the masses and it became the official term used. When I say hijacking a word, this is an example of what I wish to use. When it comes to the word TRUTHER though I started thinking about that word today and it is kind of an interesting example in our contemporary environment.


If we look at that word without any of the baggage that has attached to it as someone simply learning the language what would that mean?

It seems to me that it would mean someone who seeks the truth. Perhaps some might say someone who tells the truth.

So if that is derogatory then what must be the antithesis of that?

Someone who conceals the truth. Someone who lies?

How did TRUTHER become a negative word?

It does fit right in with what I am starting to refer to as...

Backwards World

In this world to be a whistleblower and report a crime, makes you the criminal. Criminals can go on to run for our highest offices, and people believe that is okay.

There are many cases where what is actually happening in the world seems very backwards from the way it should be. There are many bills in governments that have flowery titles that people vote upon, yet the body of the bill often does just the opposite of what the title is.

We are becoming a society more focused on clickbait titles than actual substance. This seems to apply to those passing our bills/laws as well.

So if you are inclined feel free to comment and talk to me about the word TRUTHER as I find it to be a rather interesting example of how a GOOD TRAIT is now used as a derogatory term. The implications of not being a truther are interesting as well.

Steem On!


Outstanding observation, Thank you. I'm reminded of what the prophet Isaiah had to say on this topic:

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20

I think in the future if I remember if I am called a Truther I'll try to say something like "would you rather I be a LIAR?"

I am not familiar with the term, I looked it up and Google indicated that a Truther is someone who subscribes to conspiracy theories. I really like this topic, I think you could have a wealth of words to post about concerning this topic. This could be a very nice re-occurring piece for you. However, you did not seem to give any indications of what you think a Truther is. I would have liked to seen what you think a Truther is without going to Google.

Lastly, the Dwinblood steemit Train is BAD ASS! You could make that your logo!

I've used the train at the end of all my posts since I made it a week or two ago. :)

I only encountered the word TRUTHER the first time as someone attacking anyone that didn't agree with the official 9-11 story. It was being used as a bludgeoning word in a derogatory manner.

I consider myself a truther, yet I do not let it stop with 9-11. I just want to keep seeking the truth. I welcome information, and I know often the truth is VERY uncomfortable. Me denying it does not make it cease to be the truth. So for me truther is simply someone who wants to know about the truth and is open to have their view of the truth constantly change based upon information... even when that is uncomfortable.

Also the OFFICIAL report on the 9-11 incident also qualifies as a CONSPIRACY THEORY. It is a Theory about a group and how they conspired. It will remain a theory without a time machine or something to let us actually look inside those planes, and what lead up to it.

Conspiracy Theory is not a bad thing. THEORY does not mean without question the truth. It is actually quite a nice phrase, as it leaves room in its title for the idea it might be wrong...

So what does that say about people who use TRUTHER as a derogatory word, and seem to believe they are not wrong?

It is a lot to think about...

You said it all. Awesome. Those that denigrate the word truth or people that value truth have forked tongues.

ProhETeers Got More Fun!

Another interesting definition that has changed over time is that of the word human. It used to mean slave, and now it apparently means person. We are all slaves to money, whether we wish to be or not, so perhaps it is merely a covert indication of our proverbial shackles.

Great read-- and unfortunately, you are far too correct about our world being backwards.

+1 upvote and follow

I clicked follow on you a few minutes ago as well. I did not know that about the word "human". :)

I have a number of WORD HIJACKING blogs I wrote but most of them are about three or more months ago at this point. :)

I am pretty well versed in the etymology of words anyway, but perhaps I will take a look when I'm a little less tired, as I'm about to go to sleep. My eyes cannot keep looking at this bright screen any longer.
Enjoy the rest of your night.

You too. Just give me a reply sometime if you need me to dig them up...

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